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Chapter 1060 The Meeting of Top Famous Generals

Chapter 1060 The Meeting of Top Famous Generals

The imperial guards are all-round heavy infantry. In addition to a black dragon-pattern armor, they are also equipped with a tiger-headed halberd, a tortoise-shell long shield, and a three-headed flame bird heavy crossbow. It is comparable to the Wei soldiers in history. It's somewhat similar, but the imperial guards are far stronger than the Wei soldiers who appeared in the northwest at this time. This standard equipment is definitely the strongest in the world!
The Imperial Guards of the Hongyu Empire only numbered a hundred thousand, guarding the imperial city. Since the invasion of the Demon Realm, thousands of imperial guards have appeared on the battlefield from time to time, causing considerable losses.Therefore, the new emperor sent an order to the world not long ago to select the elite from all the legions above the fifth level and transfer them to the imperial guards, with no limit on the number.

Of course, after training these elite soldiers, not every one of them can successfully transform into a legendary Imperial Guard, and most of them can only reach the ninth-level heavenly rank. The real Janissaries are the same.To be honest, with that exaggerated equipment, even if it is worn on a heaven-level unit, it is enough to overwhelm the legendary unit!
The arrival of the reinforcements immediately boosted the morale in the military fort, but at this time there were not many soldiers available in the military fort, but the arrival of the reinforcements gave Meng Gong the qualification to drag on again.

The whole army sieges the city!

Wanyan Aguda, who became angry from embarrassment, suddenly lost the previous pleasant mood. He had already smelled an unusual smell in it. The reinforcements from the surrounding Hongyu Empire came too fast, seemingly disorganized, but added up, the number was quite a lot.

The drums of war were beating, and the rhythm of the siege changed from the previous tepid state. Regardless of losses, the whole army pressed in. The defenses of the No. 27 Military Fort were already crumbling.

Those who came to support the military fort from the teleportation formation at the first time were all imperial guards and magicians of the ninth-rank legion. The main force, the first to be breached must be Beicheng!
At this time, the empire's landscape has disappeared, and the kingdom of light has disappeared. In the current situation, the kingdom of light has no effect. The priest of light in the military castle took out the last resources and opened the gate of heaven. Ride on the eagle of the alien race!However, the previous consumption of the Kingdom of Light was too terrifying. Even if it had been prepared, the remaining resources could only support the Gate of Heaven for 10 minutes.

In a sound like broken glass, the barrier of the military fort was finally broken, and the enemy army began to attack the city defense with various siege equipment. The black wolves unique to the alien race threw themselves on the city wall, but now all the guards guarding the city are the imperial guards, and that sturdy combat power really gives people an aura that one man is in charge of the gate, and ten thousand men can't open it.

However, Wanyan Agu summoned more than ten holy-level masters, and immediately caused chaos in the city.Although there are also many saint-level powerhouses in the military fort, this is the same as the old master of the Temple of Light destroying the totem pole before. Being pinned in the sky!

At this moment, in the northeast, a large army entered the battlefield in a formation of sharp arrows, tearing apart the foreign army in an instant.

"Reinforcements are here, hold on! Victory will belong to the Empire!"

Seeing this large army and the golden Yulong flag in the army, the morale in the military fort suddenly rose again. At this critical moment, the first support army finally arrived.

The strength of this support army is not many, less than [-], and it is a pure cavalry. Although the mounts of all the knights are of mixed colors, everyone is wearing silver armor and a white cloak on their backs.Baima Yicong's requirement is that even the horses are all white, and it is impossible for Baima Yicong to come in like this, so the identity of the support army is ready to be revealed, Chen Qingzhi and his white-robed army!
Not only Chen Qingzhi, this time, Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong are also here!Zhao Yun's flying horse was in front, acting as the arrow of the army, while Huang Zhong was guarding Chen Qingzhi's side, and from time to time he opened his bow to kill the most powerful targets around him.

With two top holy generals and a top commander, the combat capability of such a large army cannot be underestimated, but it can't threaten Jurchen's main battle for the time being.Of course, Chen Qingzhi would not be so stupid as to attack Wanyan Aguda's handsome banner. Due to the deployment of troops, it is not surprising that he was able to arrive first. Army dragged on for more time.

Just as the white-robed army was fighting from the northeast to the south, another support army came from the west.This team of reinforcements was much larger than Chen Qingzhi's, with over [-] troops, and the types of troops were no longer single. The leader was a fierce general with a pair of hammers, unstoppable.In addition to the Imperial Dragon Banner, the banner of this army is "Pei"!
It was Pei Renji who brought his two sons, Pei Xingyan and Pei Xingjian!

At the first mention of these three people, many people may not be able to react, but if you talk about Pei Yuanqing, there should be no one who doesn't know it!The historical prototype of Pei Yuanqing in Romance is Pei Xingyan!However, among their family, Pei Xingjian is the real talent!
Two support troops arrived in succession, which greatly disrupted the siege rhythm of the foreign race. While strengthening the siege, Wanyan Aguda had to mobilize the main force to stop these two enemy troops descending like tigers. Among them was him. Wanyan Zongbi's fourth son, also known as Jin Wushu, and the first general Wanyan Jintanzi!
When Chen Qingzhi's three brothers arrived, Zhang Liang and Yao Guangxiao's plan had already entered the stage of collecting the net. In order to ensure that the plan did not go wrong, the distribution of each support army and the order of departure were carried out according to the marching speed of the troops under their command. Therefore, as long as the first reinforcements arrive, the reinforcements from other routes will not be too far away.

Sure enough, a moment after Pei's father and son arrived, another support army came from the northwest. This support army was the main force of this plan. It was led by the famous royal general of the empire, Jiang Chenwang Xiao Zhangjie, with a force of more than one hundred thousand. And they are all elite, the main force is the magicians of the Imperial Guard and the Royal Magician Corps.

Xiao Zhangjie led the army and went directly to the main formation where Wanyan Aguda was!

Afterwards, Meng Jiajun and Ran Min finally arrived, sounding the clarion call for a counterattack.It's not that no one stopped these reinforcements along the way, it's just that these reinforcements are too strong to be easily blocked.

Meng Ao, Meng Tian, ​​Ran Min, Pei Xingjian, Chen Qingzhi, Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, Meng Gong!These characters are all the top famous generals in history. These people gather together in "The Prosperous Age" today, which is the most morale booster for the God Chosen.

This is simply a meeting of top famous generals!
 Merry Christmas brothers, take care of your health.

(End of this chapter)

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