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Chapter 1061 Xu Shiji Appears

Chapter 1061 Xu Shiji Appears

It is true that Wanyan Aguda controls hundreds of thousands of troops, but more than half of these troops are sixth-level cannon fodder, and the real elites are only [-] to [-]%.Right now, the Hongyu Empire's reinforcements from all walks of life have faintly surrounded him, and he has just broken through the northern wall of the military fort at this time. As long as he continues to exert his strength, he will be able to take down the army in front of him within a quarter of an hour. After all, the defenders in the military fort have been dragged down by him for a long time. However, the disabled military fort has lost the ability to defend. After he took over, he could not immediately use it to target these enemy reinforcements. The next attack here is just to expand the road for the subsequent invasion.

Want to retreat for a while?
But with this withdrawal, the military fort will be repaired, and his previous losses will be in vain, and his prestige in the Wolf League will also be severely hit!Temujin led the alliance to successfully break through the Hongyu Empire's blockade for thousands of years, which made Temujin's prestige in the wolf alliance unparalleled for a while. If he can't catch up at this time, then in the future In the midst of this, there is no room for him to speak!
Moreover, what made Wanyan Aguda even more concerned was that within his tribe, there was also a fierce struggle for power. Once his side weakened, Huang Taiji would definitely take advantage of the situation to attack him.

But if he doesn't withdraw, he may suffer heavy losses in this battle, but he will not get much. After all, it is said that the strength of troops is the foundation of everything. If there is no army in hand, no matter how high Your reputation is useless!

Careless!This is simply a trap!At this moment, Wanyan Aguda was tangled up, extremely tangled up!

However, the war will not be suspended because of Wanyan Aguda's concerns.After the coalition forces of Meng Ao and Ran Min entered the field, they split up. Ran Min led his meager force to fight southward. The foreign races in the south were the strongest. Moreover, they could join Chen Qingzhi and others who came from the east in the south. people.Meng Ao led the Meng family to cooperate with Pei Renji and his son to clean up the aliens in the west. As for Jin Danzi, who was fierce in Shuo Yue, he was almost killed by Meng Tian.

Xiao Zhangjie didn't care about it, he saw Wanyan Aguda's handsome flag and killed him directly.In order to block this army of tigers and wolves, Wanyan Aguda has already called back the military God of War in front of the military castle. He has indeed exhausted the strength of the army defending the military castle, but at the same time, the combat effectiveness of his army has also been affected. No small impact.

Now that the role is reversed, he is forced into a difficult decision. Next, should he use the military power of God of War?If he doesn't move, it will be difficult for him to withstand the enemy army in the best condition for a while. If he uses it, he will be desperate. If he can't kill these enemies when the strength of the army is exhausted, then he will be wiped out. Here it is!
After receiving the military report that the teams sent to intercept the enemy's reinforcements retreated one after another, Wanyan Aguda finally made up his mind to retreat!

He needs to preserve his strength to ensure his status in the Wolf League and the tribe!
At that moment, after Wanyan Aguda decisively dropped the cannon fodder that he "pumped" to waste, he led his main force to retreat to the northeast, which was the direction Chen Qingzhi came from, but now that Chen Qingzhi had led his army to the south, this direction also appeared a gap.


After planning for such a long time, and investing a lot of resources and huge sacrifices, how could the imperial army tolerate the withdrawal of the main force of the alien race so easily.


At this time, Chen Qingzhi led the white-robed army to fight back from the south to the east. The Meng family army and Pei's father and son also fought all the way from the northwest to the northeast. Xiao Zhangjie even bit the back of Wanyan Aguda. Naturally, there will be no masters under his command, and the soldiers are all elites. No matter how hard he fights, Wanyan Aguda will not be able to fight him off in a short time.

The battlefield was in chaos for a while, and the four doors of the military castle were also opened wide at this time. Among them, the chosen ones who had already made a lot of money rushed out screaming. This is a rare opportunity to reap meritorious deeds. The cannon fodder and the others didn't have any pressure to kill them. Moreover, Meng Gong had already issued a mission. The meritorious service gained by catching the captives was higher than that of beheading them directly. , not far from collapse.

Among the reinforcements, Ran Min, who had the smallest number of troops, was also left behind to take care of the aftermath. However, his approach was different from that of the Chosen One. He was completely washing these alien races with blood. He would kill them no matter whether they had fighting strength or whether they were willing to surrender or not. !And following his slaughter all the way, the fighting power of his soldiers also rose all the way, reaching an extremely terrifying level.

Ran Min didn't gain much ground in Shenyu City, and was suspected by the Liu family. He had already made up his mind to go north this time, so he hugged Yue Fei's thigh!Yue Fei's employment principle is very simple, as long as he is capable, he can be reused. Ran Min thinks he is capable!

After all, the imperial guards are infantry, and they must not be able to outrun the cavalry. Therefore, Xiao Zhangjie directly summoned the Legion God of War, intending to use the method Wanyan Aguda used against Meng Gong in turn to deal with him, forcing him to consume the strength of the army. Force the main force to weaken the combat effectiveness of the soldiers.After all, after being drawn from the army, the decline in the combat effectiveness of the soldiers is only temporary, and it will recover after a while, but if they die, they will lose everything!
The battle between the two gods of war in the air made the sky tremble, and the distance between the two armies was getting farther and farther. Chen Qingzhi's army was extremely fast, but at this moment he was blocked by the discarded son Wanyan Aguda. Hold on, at this speed, it won't take a while for Wanyan Aguda to lead the main force out of the battle, but even so, the loss in this battle is enough to make his heart ache.

At this moment, another imperial army came from the northeast, that is to say, from the front of Wanyan Aguda. Its strength was still quite large, [-] people.But right now, even the most complete guards in his army have fallen to less than [-]% of what they were at their peak. It has to be said that Xiao Zhangjie's tactics are quite successful.

How could there be such an obvious gap in the grand plan jointly planned by the two wise men? The northeast is just left on purpose, just to extinguish Wanyan Aguda's heart of fighting to the death, and finally lay an ambush on this best retreat path. Gathered another strong army and gave him a fatal blow!
Parallel to the Imperial Dragon Flag is a large flag with the word "Xu", Xu Shiji!

In the early Tang Dynasty, the fierce man who was second only to the military god Li Jing in terms of military talent was also the historical prototype of Xu Maogong in the Romance.

In "The Prosperous Age", Li Shimin is not the emperor, and he has not been given a surname, so naturally he does not need to change his name, and is still called Xu Shiji.

The combat effectiveness of the army was seriously damaged, making it difficult for Wanyan Aguda to have the heart to fight again, and he just wanted to get out of this huge conspiracy circle as soon as possible.

In addition to Xu Shiji, there were two small groups of ambush soldiers after that, which directly killed the powerful aliens along the way. Nearly 20 people were killed and captured. Wanyan Aguda managed to escape in the end, but the troops accompanying him There are less than [-], and morale is completely gone.Even if he can gather a lot of rout soldiers in the future, he probably won't be able to gather a hundred thousand troops. If there are twenty to thirty thousand troops who can be the main force, it will be thankful.

Great victory!This battle can be said to be the real victory of the empire since the alien race went south!

(End of this chapter)

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