The best lord of online games

Chapter 1062 Tomb of the Eastern Sea King

Chapter 1062 Tomb of the Eastern Sea King
The news of the victory of the No. 27 military fort spread throughout the Hongyu Empire in the shortest possible time, and the long-standing haze that shrouded the empire has also been lifted.

Since the invasion of the Demon Realm, the turmoil in the Hongyu Empire has lasted for too long, and there have been more defeats than victories, causing the prestige of the new emperor to fall again and again. There are also power struggles within the royal family. Some people have thoughts that they shouldn't have.Fortunately, these people are fighting for power, and they didn't really think about the collapse of the empire. In this regard, they are fundamentally different from the three kings who jumped back.

The defeat of Wanyan Aguda changed the situation in the north in an instant!
The Wolf League outside the Great Wall seems to have great momentum, but there are not many who can really be called the main force. Now that the main force has been broken all the way, and there is no gain, this is undoubtedly a huge blow to the morale of the Wolf League's "invincible" .However, the most critical thing is the lack of this main force, and there is a huge gap in the invasion plan of the Wolf League!

The news of the great victory boosted the morale of the Imperial Army in the north, and Han Xin, who had been putting pressure on Ban Chao on the border of Meteor City, got the news, changed his previous procrastination, and immediately pulled out his camp, and his troops pointed directly at Meteor City.He has to put more pressure on the empire, otherwise, Yue Fei is very likely to take this big victory to turn the tide and sweep away the empire's previous decline.

If the morale and popular support of the Hongyu Empire are really reunited, then the next big battle will be difficult to fight!

However, Hongyu Empire really seemed to have lost its fortunes. As soon as it won a big victory here, the army defending Li Shimin in the east was completely defeated.The victorious Li Shimin did not pursue, but continued to vigorously occupy the newly occupied Iron Tooth City. The Hero City is just a joke, built on a lonely cliff, it is an isolated city with nothing, and Iron Tooth City is his real territory!

Li Shimin's follow-up is not a big move, but the deterrent is there!In this way, the existence of Li Shimin virtually threatened the rear of the Northern Imperial Army, and this hidden danger had to be guarded against.

In this way, a big victory in Fort No. 27 will have very little effect!

The moon sets and the sun rises, regardless of the follow-up in the war zones of all parties, Wu Yi followed the caravan and finally arrived at Undercurrent Town under construction again.After many days of rushing work, Anliu Town is finally about to be completed, and Shui Dongliu even sits here in person. This great god seems to have regarded this town as the first step in his rise to the divine lineage.

Wu Yi is happy to hear about this. Shui Dongliu and his Undercurrent Temple have almost no foundation, and they rely entirely on the support of Gourd City for development. As long as he does not grow enough to break away from Gourd City's control, the growth of Undercurrent Temple will depend on him. It is to strengthen the strength of Calabash City.

Now that he has promised to completely hand over the Undercurrent Town to the Undercurrent Temple, Wu Yi does not want to interfere too much with the affairs here. Recently, his affairs have been piled up. He originally wanted to take the map that Yuan Tiangang gave him and head straight to the tomb of the King of the East China Sea. , Chen Yufeng was also traveling with him this time. Since it was a mausoleum, it was natural to bring a professional to verify his conjecture.

King of the East China Sea!
Many people in Tianyan Studio are researching the history of the Hongyu Empire, but they have never seen such a king as the King of the East China Sea. This title is too great!Could it be the ancients before the founding of the Hongyu Empire?

The older the thing, the bigger the pit behind it, so he couldn't help being careless.The mystery of the Hongyu Empire before the founding of the country, there is no record in ordinary books at all, but he has an even older one here!Are there any gods older than this among the gods of the Age of Gods?
Not being on the safe side, he found Shui Dongliu, intending to inquire, to see if he could get some useful information.

"Eastern Sea King? Which Eastern Sea King are you talking about?" Shui Dongliu lowered his head, folded his chest with one hand, and propped his chin with the other, and asked after a moment of contemplation.

"Are there many kings of the East China Sea?" This question really overwhelmed Wu Yi. He didn't even know what period the King of the East China Sea was, so how could he know which one to refer to.

"Of course! When the God ruled the East China Sea, this was the territory of the East China Sea Kingdom, and every king of them was called the King of the East China Sea. Speaking of which, the East China Sea Kingdom had to pay tribute to the God every year!" Shui Dong Liu said very proudly.

Donghai country?
Speaking of which, before the unification of the Hongyu Empire, the world was indeed in chaos. A large part of the reason for this was that the gods intervened in the war of mortals in order to compete for faith. The reason why all the gods left.

"Does God know that there is a tomb of the King of the East China Sea here?"

"This god doesn't know, mortals, life and death are normal, even the god of the underworld can't control it."

"There may be some problems with the tomb of the King of the East China Sea. Do you want to go and see it together?" Wu Yi plans to take this guy with him. Although Shui Dongliu's strength is gone, his vision is still there. With him here, Wu Yi You can also rest assured.

"What's the problem? I'm not interested in a dead man's tomb." Shui Dongliu then looked down at Wu Yi with contempt, "You don't want to go to the tomb, do you? You are a great lord, so what are you talking about? The dead ghost was also a believer of the god back then, so it's not good for you to steal his tomb."

After being teased by this tease, Wu Yi's face turned black like a pot. Stealing Nimei's tomb will lose his reputation, okay? Besides, he dared to touch these existences that could attract Yuan Tiangang's attention?What if something pops up?Thinking about being in Shi Yuzhe's tomb of King Yue, Wu Yi felt bad luck for a while.

"It may affect the future development of Undercurrent Town!"

What is Shui Dongliu's weakness, Wu Yi can't be more clear, this guy is now focused on revitalizing the divine lineage, and those who influence him to revive the divine lineage are all his enemies.

"What! A dead ghost still wants to make trouble, hmph, I will let you go and have a look, if there is really a problem, I will let him die again!"

"Okay! With the Great God here, I feel much more at ease."

The three of them immediately set off according to the route recorded in the blueprint, thinking that there should be no problem in coming here in a short time, otherwise Yuan Tiangang would not let him come here as a rookie, but it is undeniable that this place is definitely a hidden danger!If Shui Dongliu could have the power of a demigod, he would dare to add fire to this matter. After all, the Donghai Kingdom was a believer in the God of Undercurrent. With this relationship, he might get a lot of benefits But this girl is just a saint now, I'm afraid she won't be able to hold back the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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