Chapter 1063

The entrance to the Donghai King's Mausoleum is located eighteen miles west of Guanchao Cliff. If we only talk about the straight-line distance, it is only 25 miles away from Anliu Town, which is about to be completed. It is as simple as impact.


Just when the three of them were about to reach the entrance, Wu Yi stopped suddenly, because the "Boundary Breaking Phoenix Feather" given to him by the beast at the beginning reacted at this time.He accepted the task of finding the Phoenix Clan artifact issued by the divine beast on Zijiu Island. He almost forgot about this task like finding a needle in a haystack. Within, there will be induction.

Unexpectedly, there was an induction here!
Wu Yi took out the Boundary Breaking Phoenix Feather. At this time, the Boundary Breaking Phoenix Feather was emitting a faint bright yellow light.Speaking of which, this is not the first time he has come to Anliu Town. Since the phoenix feathers that broke the boundary did not respond before, it means that the fragments of the Phoenix Clan artifact are not in the direction of Anliu Town. Could it be in the north?
"My lord, what's the matter?" Seeing Wu Dao taking out a piece of bird feather and falling into deep thought, Chen Yufeng asked inexplicably.

Wu Yi didn't answer, but rode the moonlight donkey to the north, and Chen Yufeng had no choice but to follow. As for Shui Dongliu, before his patience ran out, this great god was still very "close to the people".

"Strange!" After only two miles away, the Feather of Breaking the Boundary suddenly dimmed again, and Wu Yi tried to walk west again, and it was the same, but he had no choice but to return to the original point of origin.

After all, this is the task issued by the beast. Now that there is a clue, Wu Yi will naturally not give up. It is a real god rank. Great rewards.Moreover, as long as the divine beast is happy, maybe he can be given a further right to develop Ziji Island, which is a real treasure. Wu Yi is jealous whether it is special creatures or resources. To be able to develop Ziji Island into his private domain, that... would be beautiful to think about!

In the end, Wu Yi tried all eight directions, and only the east side can go the furthest distance, three miles, and beyond three miles, the sense of breaking the feather will disappear, and the east side is facing the tide Cliff!
Boundary Breaker Feather's perception range within a radius of ten miles must not be wrong, but now that he has turned around, let alone a radius of ten miles, he has not even reached a straight line of ten miles.Since Boundary Breaker Feather will not have any problems, there is only one possibility, either in the air or underground!Wu Yi raised his head, glanced at the cloudless blue sky, shook his head, and fixed his eyes on the dark brown ground.

"No way!" At this moment, Wu Yi had the urge to scold his mother, wouldn't this force him to rob the tomb?However, in the current situation, would he dare to touch the tomb of the Eastern Sea King?If there is another Shi Yuzhe here, he really can't resist it!
"I said you're never finished, you're just walking the dog!" Following Wu Yi for a while, the patience of the water god finally ran out.

Hearing Shui Dongliu's words, Wu Yi didn't say anything, but Chen Yufeng on the side looked constipated. This great god speaks really well. If the lord is walking the dog, then who is the dog?If he didn't know the identity of the other party, Chen Yufeng would have the heart to do something.

"It's okay, let's go on, the entrance is not far away." Wu Yi put away the Boundary Breaker Feather, just in time to go down to the tomb to see if it was really what he thought.

There is no mark at the entrance of the mausoleum. If there is no map guide, even if you crawl on the ground to look at it, you can't see anything abnormal.However, Wu Yi had been prepared for a long time and took out three shovels from his backpack, hoping not to bury them too deep.

"Why?" Shui Dongliu asked Wu Yi as he handed him the shovel in a daze.

"Of course dig!" Wu Yi rolled his eyes, he couldn't let him dig by himself, how long would it take to dig, mistake, he should have brought a team of guards before.

"Go away!" Shui Dongliu waved at Wu Yi with a look of disgust. While speaking, thin streams of water gushed out from between his fingers and melted into the ground. The mud pit, the mud vortexed in the pit, and overflowed directly from the pit.

What an awesome water control technique!I didn't expect that the Great God still has this kind of function. Although it is a bit slow, it is better than digging by myself. Wu Yi and Chen Yufeng are also happy to be a melon-eating crowd.

As the mud continued to pour out, the big pit in front of him became deeper and deeper, and turned into a deep hole after a while, but there was still a giant python-like muddy water coming up from below.

This tomb is buried even deeper!

"It seems to be the end!" After a full half an hour, Shui Dongliu finally stopped, and he created a black hole in front of him, I don't know how deep it is.

"Then let's go down and have a look." Every time he went to the tomb, Wu Yi felt a hairy feeling in his heart. This kind of place always made him feel more terrifying than the underworld.

Shui Dongliu nodded, waved his right hand again, and another thin water column gushed out of the cave. After this water column, the originally wet cave wall became dry in an instant.

This is the core skill of water magicians, water control!It's very tasteless on land, but in rivers, lakes and seas, the effect is stronger than many ultimate skills!
After all, Shui Dongliu is not a professional construction team. There are no stairs in this straight-up cave. If you want to change soldiers, you may fall to your death if you jump directly.

As expected of a professional, Chen Yufeng took out a huge bright light ball, a high-end alchemy product with no special attributes, just a portable headlight. In contrast, the May Day lord was still using torches, and the LOW exploded.

"There is really a big tomb! Strange, judging from the feng shui pattern above, there shouldn't be an ancient tomb below." The bottom of the cave is a layer of gray-white stone slabs. These stone slabs still have engravings, but they are too old The texture on it has long been blurred, and it is impossible to see what is depicted.

Next is the performance of professionals. Opening a tomb is also a technical task, especially in this world that has added magic and mythology. The difficulty is also higher.

Chen Yufeng took out his compass, and the quaint compass was now wrapped in a layer of golden light.Wu Yi took out the Boundary Breaking Feather again, and sure enough, the Boundary Breaking Feather had sensed it at this time. It seems that there is a fragment of the Phoenix Clan's family artifact hidden in the tomb of the King of the East China Sea.

At this moment, with a loud noise, the slate vibrated slightly, then slowly opened, and the three had no choice but to fly again.

(End of this chapter)

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