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Chapter 1199 Feeling Missed Hundreds of Millions

Chapter 1199 Feeling Missed Billions
"and many more!"

Looking at the level of Storm Seagull, Wu Yi recalled the introduction of Shui Dongliu when he first came here. If he remembered correctly, Shui Dongliu seemed to say that Storm Seagull was a demigod. Why is it just a legend now? class?Is Shui Dongliu making a mistake?
is it possible?
When everything was over, the river water that was previously poured into the battleship by the east flow was drawn out again and flowed into the dark river again.

The attributes that can be seen on the battleship attribute panel are only a part, and there are more that cannot be seen, such as the war equipment carried on the battleship, which is also the most important part of the battleship and the strongest attack point.

The war equipment on the Storm Seagull is mainly the "Seven-series Air Breaker Cannon". This is also the war equipment that attacked them last time. There are a total of 280 and 140 guns, [-] and [-] guns on each side. The power and range are not as good as Xiaoyue The city's super-powered magic light cannons, but if two hundred of them fired together, a catastrophic storm could be formed in a short period of time!
In addition, there is the mast-like "Doom-Thundercloud Storm" in the center of the battleship. This is the main weapon of the storm seagull, which is connected to the energy core. That is to say, it can only be used after installing an energy core on the battleship. , the power can refer to the Sea Emperor Cannon in the hands of Zhenhai City.

In addition to offensive war equipment, there are auxiliary equipment such as "Eye of the Storm Stimulator" and "Magic Energy Converter" on the battleship, which can activate the large shield "Eye of the Storm" that can cover the entire battleship. , and attract the magic energy in the battle, transform it into a resupply battleship, and recharge the energy core.

However, when mentioning the Sea Emperor Cannon, Wu Yi immediately thought of the flagship of the West Sea Fleet, which is now Zhou Yu's ship - Zhenhai Battleship, which is also legendary, but the Zhenhai Battleship looks far less powerful than the Storm Seagull , the size of the battleship is also much smaller, why is this?
"Hey, Wu Xiaozi, don't say that I don't take care of you. I discovered the treasure house that bastard Qin Ou set up on the battleship. For the sake of helping me build the city, I will share half of it with you!" At this moment , Shui Dongliu slowly walked out of the battleship cabin with a mean smile on his face.

"Hey, hey, God of Water, that's not what you said. It's not because of you alone that you can win this storm seagull this time. Why do you have to take half of it?" , Wu Yi expressed strong opposition.

This is a treasury of gods, even if it is not the main treasury of the shrine, but there are some amazing treasures hidden in it, right? Give half of this funny god?Well, he is reluctant!

"What? You kid can't eat alone?" Shui Dongliu suddenly became angry, and unconsciously his upper body swelled a lot, making his elemental body look more majestic.

"Of course not! It's just that you want half of it. If it's something you don't need, it's useless if you want it. It's better to keep it with me. I can also help you buy a lot of prisoners of war and slaves, and then you can transform it into the Undercurrent Temple." Believers, of course, if it is the equipment you can use, I will definitely not stop it!" Then, Wu Yi looked at the scepter in Shui Dongliu's hand, "This one looks like the Poseidon scepter!"

"What Poseidon scepter? It's the undercurrent scepter! The undercurrent scepter!" Shui Dongliu corrected with his eyes widened, but his tone loosened unconsciously. For him, something that cannot be used should be replaced with Believers are the most perfect, and although his strength is not recovering very well, there are not many things that can catch his eyes.

"Okay, undercurrent scepter, undercurrent scepter!" Wu Yi had nothing to say about this guy's face, he could only report "you are happy" mentality, coaxing him like a child.

"Then let's make an agreement, as long as it's something I can use, you can't snatch it!" Shui Dongliu agreed to Wu Yi's proposal.

"Don't worry!" Wu Yi laughed secretly, even if you were armed from head to toe, how many pieces of equipment can you use?Still don't believe it, can you wear ten sets?

The two looked at each other and smiled, and reached an agreement that Shui Dongliu would lead the way, and everyone would accompany them. However, Zhang Yufeng was afraid that his son would encounter some accident, so he didn't go with the others to the treasure house, but turned around to find his son, and Xu negative also followed Zhang Yufeng went.On this point, I have to say that Lao Zhang's awareness is quite high. Speaking of which, his son is now in a certain state, and it seems that he must find a chance to settle Xu negative and his affairs.

"Master, didn't you say that the Storm Seagull is a demigod? But why is it a legend?" Wu Yi followed Shui Dongliu and asked the question that worried him the most.

"It's very simple! Because this battleship lacks the core god-level magic circle, it is quite good to be able to maintain the legendary level." Shui Dongliu said carelessly.

"How could this be?"

The demigod level has become a legendary level, the difference is not 01:30 points!

"What's so strange about this? The battle of the gods is more tragic than you imagined. However, this Storm Seagull has been downgraded, but the hull is still not much different from the original one. It is far from comparable to a legendary battleship."

No wonder he feels that the Storm Seagull is much stronger than the Zhenhai battleship. In other words, the "hardware" of the Storm Seagull is still at the demigod level, but the "software" is only at the legendary level. Obviously, at this level, "software" is more important than "hardware" , so the final rating given by the system is "Legendary".In this way, the main weapon of the battleship is one level higher than the "Neptune Cannon".

"Is there a way to fix it?" Wu Yi asked unwillingly.

"Small problem, as long as the god returns to its original strength, a core magic circle can be re-arranged for it in minutes!" Shui Dongliu waved his hand and said in an extremely grand manner.

Nima, doesn't this mean that there is no way to cultivate back to the demigod level!God-level magic circle, apart from God, even the former god Shui Dongliu has nothing to do, but even if Shui Dongliu can really recover to the god level, don't forget the restrictions of the main world, it doesn't take minutes , this teaser will have to be sent to the God Realm by the Ascension Formation. When he arrives in the God Realm, this teaser will either be recruited by the boss, or be beaten to death. There is no third possibility.

Wu Yi is in an extremely depressed mood at the moment. The demigod level has become a legendary level, which makes him feel like he has missed billions. If it is a demigod level, as long as he can drive this Storm Seagull out, he will be able to It has crushed all sea powers, including the Siren King who is "recklessly trying his best"!In this way, regardless of the future situation inland, at least he is not a threat in the sea, but now... let's look for the godhead fragments first, and hope that the original energy core of the storm seagull is stored in the treasure house.

(End of this chapter)

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