The best lord of online games

Chapter 1200 Storm Mermaid Set

Chapter 1200 Storm Mermaid Set
The treasure house arrived soon, and the golden door was engraved with patterns of storms and gods, tall and classy.

"Eh? This treasury doesn't seem to be sealed!" After experiencing many high-level missions and seeing strange places one after another, Wu Yi still has this vision.

"Wouldn't it be better to have none! Come on, girl, give me a hand!" Shui Dongliu said while beckoning Zhu Rong to push the door together.

Good is good, but the lower the protection level of the treasure house, the more limited the value of the treasures stored in it in many cases.

Wu Yi couldn't help but lower his expectations for this treasure house!
click, click, click
The tall treasure house door was pushed open by two violent guys, and the dreamlike light could be seen just from the gap.

"Okay... so many shining crystals!" Zhu Rong exclaimed when he saw a corner of the treasure house through the gap.

Due to the long-term love of Calabash City, Zhu Rong has developed a "luxury" character, and she likes beautiful things, but she doesn't ask for them endlessly like a giant dragon. She likes novelty more. feel.

"Quick! Work harder, girl, you're a fighter, can't you put in more effort!" Shui Dongliu urged, thinking about the artifacts he was familiar with, his heart became hot.As a former opponent, what Qin Ou has, he knows better than anyone else.In fact, Shui Dongliu is the body of elements, and he can already enter with a little crack, but thinking about the consequences of leaving the other two people outside, he can only continue to push the door silently.

When the gate was pushed enough for one person to pass through, Shui Dongliu couldn't bear it anymore and rushed directly into the treasure house.Wu Yi and Zhu Rong were only a step behind. Both of them were very curious about the so-called treasure house. The secret treasure of King Yue in Guanchao Cliff had already been discovered before, leaving him with only a little leftovers.

There are a lot of things stored in the treasury. Apart from the piles of dazzling shining crystals, there are also neatly arranged rows of standard equipment, all of which are women's light armors. Under the hanging armors are white The treasure chest carved out of crystal is translucent, and the things stored in it can be seen faintly, a bit like conch shells and pearls.

"Damn it! You actually locked this rubbish in the treasury. Where's that bastard Qin Ou's 'Eye of the Storm'? Where's the Zhanlan God Armor? What kind of rubbish are these!" Shui Dongliu rummaged around in the treasury, He muttered cursing and cursing in his mouth.

The things Shui Dongliu muttered in his mouth were divine artifacts, other than that, those that caught his eyes were at least semi-sacred artifacts, but obviously, none of these were in the treasury!
Not only are there no artifacts and semi-artifacts, but also legendary and holy equipment. There is nothing in this treasure house except materials, standard equipment, and spare war equipment!The treasure house is huge, but the things stored here don't even fill up a quarter of the treasure house.

"How could this happen!" Wu Yi and Shui Dongliu let out a mournful cry almost at the same time.

The contents of this treasure house made both of them extremely unacceptable. This is the treasure house of a former demigod-class warship?Just hide these things?When will standard equipment be able to enter the treasury?When can spare war equipment enter the treasury?
"It's very beautiful! I'm going to make a whole set of jewelry out of shining crystals, oh yes, and I'm going to give sister Xuewu and Yueying a set." Zhu Rong picked up a piece of shining crystal with brilliant shimmer and looked at it. The own shadow reflected in the crystal smiled sweetly.

"What's the point of making jewelry? You can ask Wu Xiaodi to build you a palace with brilliant crystals." After rummaging for a while, Shui Dongliu had completely lost interest in this treasure house, and leaned aside and said emphatically.

"Really?" Sister Zhu Rong turned around to look at Wu Yi with bright eyes, and she had already started to fantasize about the dreamy palace in her mind.

"What's the truth? Don't listen to what he said!" Wu Yi almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. The brilliant crystal is already one of the highest-grade materials at the moment. It should be used as a stone. What a difference building a house!
"This god is not talking nonsense! The shining crystal is not a rare thing. In the age of the gods, many small palaces of goddesses were carved out of a single piece."

"No more nonsense, you can find believers all over the world by yourself!" Wu Yi gave this bastard a hard look, can the age of the gods be the same as it is now!

"Let's forget it, it's only so small, it's not enough to build a palace." Sister Zhu Rong said very well-behaved.Not to mention the pile in front of me, even with the shining crystals buried in the mine, it is absolutely impossible to build a palace, but with this amount,

"Good boy! Although Huiyao crystal is not good, if you like it, we can make one out of white crystal!" Seeing that "my daughter" was a little disappointed, Wu Yi hurriedly comforted her.With the huge reserves of the crystal mine outside, using the most common white crystal to build the palace is not a little suppressive.

Zhu Rong pouted and shook his head: "No, I like the current mansion very much. The garden that Uncle Kuai helped me remodel before is beautiful. If there is another crystal pavilion, it will definitely be more beautiful!"

Uncle Kuai in her mouth is naturally the first architect, sculptor and carpenter of Calabash City—— Kuai Xiang!The degree to which Zhu Rong is favored in Calabash City is definitely a national treasure.

"It's just a pavilion, just use your favorite red crystal to build it."

"Hee hee, everyone knows that Brother Wu Yi is the best!" Sister Zhu Rong ran to Wu Yi with a face of joy, hugged his arm, and said in a slightly coquettish tone, Wu Yi's whole body was numb. I secretly decided in my heart that I must have a daughter in the future. If the first one is a son, then continue.

"Okay, okay, there's nothing to see here, and this boat won't be able to leave for the time being, let's go up, I have to go and see my believers, see if they are lazy, and we must build the city as soon as possible That's all right." Shui Dongliu said impatiently, and since he didn't have anything he was interested in, he was eager to go back and build the city.

"No hurries!"

In addition to the shining crystals in the treasure house, there are also many unique resources in the sea, all of which are of purple quality and extremely rare.There is nothing to say about the materials, what Wu Yi really looks forward to is the equipment!Although these are all standard equipment, the quantity is quite large, neatly arranged in rows, at least tens of thousands of sets, and they can be used to arm an army immediately.

However, after careful inspection, Wu Yi was a little helpless. These standard equipment are still suits, but only three pieces. , only for mermaid equipment.Although it is only a three-piece suit, the overall attributes are top-notch, and the powerful suit attributes can further strengthen the mermaid's combat effectiveness in waters.

No wonder there are only light armors on the outside, and they are all women's, but there are not many mermaid soldiers in Wu Yi's territory!

(End of this chapter)

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