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Chapter 1202 Griffon Breeder

Chapter 1202 Griffon Breeder

The matter of the storm seagull has been satisfactorily resolved, and the source and direction of the dark river will be explored by Shui Dongliu himself, and the mining of crystals and the construction of the city will be carried out at the same time.Because of the previous battle, several places in the mine collapsed, but it was not serious. Unfortunately, the underground river here is too narrow. Otherwise, building a dock below would not only be safe, but also avoid the attention of other forces, but the storm The seagull can't drive away for the time being, it is docked there, occupying four-fifths of the river, not to mention the high-quality warships, even the four-masted sailboats are difficult to pass by!
"Why is it called Crystal City? Wouldn't it be better to call it Undercurrent City?" Shui Dongliu kept pestering Wu Yi and complained, the meaning was self-evident.

"Great God, keep a low profile! Keep a low profile! Look at the Temple of the Underworld, the Temple of Light, the Temple of Taoism, and the Temple of Elements. They are about to break their heads for the power of faith. At this time, if you want to let them know your existence, you have to think about it!" Step on your feet! Keep a low profile and develop secretly is the kingly way!" This time Wu Yi really didn't fool around, and so far, the Undercurrent Temple has only been opened to the public in the original Undercurrent Town, let alone absolute Mysterious, but at least it has not attracted the attention of other pantheons.

The competition for the gods is quite unreasonable. Once the undercurrent gods show enough potential, even Taoist sects will not be able to resist. After all, the "faith" in the world is limited.

"Well, what you said makes sense! It makes sense!" Shui Dongliu nodded seriously, followed, and changed the topic, "You have gained a lot this time, don't forget to buy more believers for me!"

"Understood, I'm leaving first, you should be careful here, if you crash this time, there will be no next time!"

The harvest this time is indeed Wu Yi's biggest in "The Prosperous Age", but there are not many that can be used right now. This time Wu Yi brought back only the Shining Crystal and the rotten broken equipment fragments just now. Among them, three pieces of damaged holy-level equipment were cleaned up.The "Seven-Series Air Breaking Cannon" stored in the treasury will be escorted by the follow-up fleet to return ten of them to Calabash City for research by Huang Yueying.

So far, the matter on the ice field has come to an end. The next time he goes to the ice field, he will probably have to wait for the completion of the Crystal City or to find the fragments of the godhead.

Under the shroud of moonlight, the figure of Wu Yi riding a moonlight donkey slowly disappeared on the ice field.Since the end of Undercurrent Town, Wu Yi changed the binding location of Moonlight Donkey "Thousands of Miles Together" back to the Lord's Mansion of Calabash City.

"My lord, the Xilin Chamber of Commerce sent an invitation letter." The housekeeper Ye Li smiled and walked up to Wu Yi who had just appeared in the garden, and handed over an exquisite invitation letter.

"Xilin Chamber of Commerce?" Wu Yi accepted the invitation letter. For Xilin Chamber of Commerce, his deepest impression is Zhuo Wang's grandson and his daughter. It just expanded the business relationship between Calabash City and Xilin Chamber of Commerce.Later, the Zhuo family got involved with Cao Cao again, which made him think that Boss Cao had already taken the lead.

When Wu Yi opened the invitation and saw the contents, he almost jumped out.

Zhuo Wenjun wants to recruit a son-in-law?Or show off to recruit a son-in-law?What's happening here?
The invitation letter from the Zhuo family was not for him to participate in Zhuo Wenjun's arena to recruit relatives, but to watch the ceremony. After all, he is also a well-known leader in the world. However, although he could not be on the stage, the young heroes under his command were sure!As long as Zhuo Wenjun is married back, Wu Yi will look down on the remaining Xilin Chamber of Commerce and the Zhuo family.

"Fuck, I didn't even explain the content of the competition clearly, why should I be so mysterious!" Wu Yi read the content of the invitation letter in detail three times, but apart from some simple requirements, there was only one location , The content of the competition in the arena is whether Wen or Wu is not mentioned at all. How does this make him choose people?

It was stated on the invitation letter that regardless of birth, as long as the gender is male and the age is between 25 and 25, they are eligible to take the stage.Wait, is Sima Xiangru over [-]?

At present, Sima Xiangru is following a group of special historical celebrities to fight against foreign enemies on the northern battlefield. Because of the relationship between Wu Daozi and Wang Xizhi, Wu Yi has a certain understanding of that group of people. Although he looks quite handsome, he seems to be over three years old. Ten, that is to say, he is not even qualified to be on stage!
Does this mean that "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" is not done?

In order to avoid the influence of the faction, this time the Zhuo family will place the arena in the neutral city of Bliss City, and the time will be fifteen days later.

"This is an opportunity!"

In Calabash City, there are quite a few talented young people who have reached the age limit, such as Ma Chao, Huo Qubing, Huo Guang, Li Siye, Kou Xun. Unfortunately, none of them are good at temperament. I'm afraid that everyone will be overturned. Those who have in-depth research on rhythm in Calabash City are all women!
no!I have to ask Zhuo's family carefully, at least I have to delineate an outline range!Judging from the current relationship between Hulucheng and Xilin Chamber of Commerce, at least it can make some noise.

Not only Calabash City, but this time the Zhuo family completely lost face in order to recruit a son-in-law for Zhuo Wenjun. As long as it is a well-known force, it will send invitation letters, and it will definitely be a grand event.

Just as Wu Yi was pinching his fingers to figure out which people in the territory were suitable for this wedding ceremony, Zhang Hua from the studio sent him a private chat message.

"Boss, I have a peripheral brother who has been transferred to the Griffon Knight of the Temple of Light, plus the deputy of the Griffin Breeder." Zhang Hua is a veteran member of Tianyan Studio, and he is now in charge of all the affairs of the studio in Shenyu City .

Breeder, this is almost the same as forging and pharmacy in "The Prosperity", the three most common sub-jobs, those who raise war horses are breeders, those who raise livestock are also breeders, and most of the knight professions will also have a breeder As a deputy, it is convenient to take care of your own mount.

The masses often indicate that it is difficult to stand out, but as long as they stand out, they will be the object of competition from all major forces.Breeders are far inferior to blacksmiths and alchemists in terms of helping the development of the territory, but breeders of special creatures are another category, which often represents a new type of arms!
The Griffon Knight is the unique profession of the Temple of Light. As a unit, it is a ninth-level legendary class. Unlike the Angel, the Angel belongs to the Summoning Department and cannot be trained or stayed for a long time. The Griffin Knight is the real best in the Temple of Light. A strong unit, its status is comparable to the Flying Dragon Knight of the Hongyu Empire, and it is known as one of the strongest air cavalry.

The main reason why the Temple of Light has been able to monopolize the Griffon Knights is that they monopolize the magical creatures like the Griffin!Logically speaking, if the Griffin Knights are getting better, it is impossible for the Griffin breeders to leave. Although the Griffon breeders do not mean that they can master the training methods of the Griffon Cavalry, there must be opportunities.

"Did he change jobs in the Temple of Light?" Wu Yi asked with doubts in his heart.

"No! He changed his job in a ruin, but the problem now is that he only has a griffin mount, and there are no griffins that he can tame. The Temple of Light simply sells griffins!"

"It's not urgent. You should turn him into a core member first, and his treatment can be increased by [-] to [-]% on the basis of ordinary core members, but the contract must be longer." Wu Yi quickly replied, now That person is only a peripheral employee of the studio, and he is easily poached.Although the griffin is difficult to get, its value is undeniable. As long as it can find a griffin that can be used as a seed, Calabash City will have an additional griffin farm. earned.


"By the way, what's his name?"

"Wu Minxi, who used to take risks alone, would provide the studio with some rare materials and mission clues from time to time."

"After signing the contract, send me a copy of his detailed attribute map."

"Don't worry, boss, there will be absolutely no problems!"

(End of this chapter)

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