The best lord of online games

Chapter 1203 The Compromise of the Temple of Elements

Chapter 1203 The Compromise of the Temple of Elements

"This talent..."

In the evening, after going offline, Wu Yi was flipping through the latest batch of summarized information, including the screenshots of Wu Minxi's attributes reported by Zhang Hua. Everything else was quite satisfactory, except for this talent.

Blessings and misfortunes—people with magical luck.Every day at 9:21 and 15:20, your own luck will change wonderfully, and you will be in the state of "good luck" or "bad luck" for 20 minutes.When you are in "Lucky Fortune", your own luck +[-], after the status disappears, there is a certain chance to trigger "Misfortune", which lasts until the next round of blessing and misfortune status changes.When in "bad luck", your own luck -[-], after the status disappears, there is a certain chance to trigger "time turns", which lasts until the next round of blessing and misfortune status changes.

This talent is indeed suitable for personal adventures. If you develop a territory, you will definitely cry very rhythmically. This kind of uncontrollable luck is a huge disaster for the territory.

With this talent, it can be said that Wu Minxi's luck is in a state of ups and downs every day. If the luck is unlucky, it is very likely that drinking cold water all day will make her teeth clogged.This talent is quite balanced from the attribute point of view, good and bad are equally divided, but in fact it is not the case. The character's own luck value is in a state of fluctuation at all times, and this talent adds a fixed luck value. At nine o'clock or 21 o'clock, one's own lucky value happens to be relatively low, so once one encounters "bad luck", one's own lucky value is very likely to drop below a negative number. Object hit!

However, in any case, at this stage, the talented God Chosen can be called elites, even if some talents are very strange, but having them represents their status!

Judging from Wu Minxi's attributes, it should have been a few days since he acquired this talent, and it should be the day of the gods this time, because in the column of this guy's deputy, in addition to the griffin breeder, there are also a series of such as blacksmith, alchemist, Alchemist, jeweler's deputy, and all apprentices, it was clear that he wanted to use his talents to do something.

Although this talent is uncontrollable, there are indeed many opportunities that can be used. However, the battlefield must not work, it is too dangerous.

While Wu Yi was consolidating the information at hand, after several months of power struggle in Dongping City, it finally came to the moment of showdown.

The Dongping Palace is brightly lit in the dark night, and the guards are heavily guarded. There are as many as four legendary experts who have been stationed here for a long time. However, today is obviously a special moment. , standing on both sides are two strong men from the royal family, sitting on the lower left are the four masters of the Temple of Elements, and sitting on the lower right are the priests of the Yaozu from the Chiyue Mountains. The atmosphere in the hall is so dignified.

"Hmph! Is this the attitude of the demon clan? Not to mention the demon king, but even a demon king didn't show up. Are you demon clan looking down on us, or are you saying that you don't pay attention to this negotiation at all?" Lie Yan on the left The master of the temple snorted coldly with a strong smell of gunpowder.After the defeat in the sneak attack on Xiaoyue City, the forces of the Raging Flame Temple were suppressed from all sides, and life was very difficult.

"I look down on you!" Said the priest headed by the Yaozu on the right with a somewhat lazy tone.Speaking of which, this old guy is quite well-known in the circle of God's Chosen, and he was Tu Shanye, the high priest of the Longxiang Tribe back then!

Since the strength of the Demon Emperor has returned to the demigod level, their Yaozu are no longer soft-headed. Others are afraid of the Temple of Elements, but their Yaozu is not afraid, just do it if you don't accept it!With the strange attributes of the monster race, as long as it is not restrained, it is an advantage.

"you wanna die!"

"Come on, whoever loves you is the grandson!"

"Okay, both of you! Today, the king came to discuss business with you, not to listen to your quarrel." Xiao Mingsheng raised his hands to stop the two who were really about to fight, but he was not really angry , On the contrary, there is a bit of joy in my heart!The more the two sides disagree, the more beneficial it is for him. This is a kind of balance. If the two sides are peaceful in everything, it will make him unable to sleep.

Tu Shanye returned to normal with a smile on his face, and the lord of the Earth Temple on the other side also pulled the angry lord of the Raging Flame Temple into his seat.

"My lord, you suggested earlier that we can agree, but the human race's city is still controlled by us." On the side of the elemental temple was the earth temple, and he was the first to speak at this time.

"Fart! According to you, we Yaozu are only worthy of staying in the mountains!"

After hearing this, Tu Shanye immediately became unhappy. What does it mean that the human race's city is controlled by the human race? Doesn't this mean that the monster race is not allowed to develop believers within the scope of the human race? Then why are they sitting around?

"Master Mo, I don't think there is anything to discuss about this matter. According to what we said at the beginning, of all the territories under my rule, [-]% of the elemental temples and [-]% of the demon clans. The two sides will distribute their efforts in the war. The world is in chaos right now, and it is the best time for us to accomplish something, and you don't want to keep procrastinating, letting the current opportunities go for nothing, right?" Xiao Mingsheng is not stupid, he can always Dragging the Temple of Elements to the present shows that his ability in "politics" is quite outstanding, and the conditions he offered are also obvious. He doesn't care about matters of faith, but whoever wants to be assigned more missionary areas must have Work hard!
"Okay, but we also have one condition." The master of the Earth Temple did not ask the opinions of the other three people, and agreed directly. This result was clearly discussed by the Four Great Temples long ago.

This is also something that can’t be helped. Xiao Mingsheng’s climate has become a reality, and coupled with the restraint of the monster race, at this time, unless the Temple of Elements is sure to control all the forces in Dongping City from top to bottom within three days, otherwise once the face is torn apart, the early stage will be destroyed. The advantage will be gone forever, and this price is absolutely unbearable for them.Therefore, at this time, we have to choose a compromise.

"What condition?" Xiao Mingsheng frowned slightly.

"Block all the roads leading to the forbidden area of ​​​​Shenyun, and prohibit all personnel from coming and going!"

"Just according to the words of Palace Master Mo!" After pondering for a while, Xiao Mingsheng agreed with a smile. Although he didn't quite understand what the other party meant, doing so would not cause any obvious harm to him, and there was no need to worry about such trivial matters. He cares about every detail, he has achieved his goal today, and giving back a little sweetness to the other party will be beneficial to the future cooperation between the two parties.

"Also, my lord, should Calabash City be moved, there is a vast land and a population of millions!" The master from the Flame Temple spoke again, don't underestimate the intelligence capabilities of one side of the temple, The little secret between Calabash City and Xiaoyue City cannot be hidden from their eyes.

If they want to prevent Xiaoyue City from rising again, it is obviously not enough to just block the roads. It is best to cut off all their connections.

"No!" Tu Shanye immediately jumped up and objected. It's not that he loves Wu Yi, but that the deal between the Yaozu and the Daoist sect has not been completed yet, and the middleman Gourd City is needed!At this time, moving Calabash City is not equivalent to digging the corner of the door, and it is a fart to trade.

"What? You Yaozu are really on two boats!" The Lord of the Raging Flame Temple sneered.

"Hmph! Only a brainless idiot like you would say that. If we start a war with Calabash City at this time, the Taoist sect will inevitably allocate part of its strength to the south, which will be extremely unfavorable to us."

"Isn't it a matter of time! Could it be that just because he is afraid of the Daoist sect, he has been allowing that God's Chosen to fail to develop!"

"Of course not! Don't worry, Palace Master Yue. If we don't move Calabash City now, it's not because we're afraid of Taoism, but because we need to concentrate our efforts to wipe out the entire south. Fighting on two fronts at this time will greatly slow down our expansion speed, and the gains outweigh the losses!" Xiao Mingsheng said the same Shaking his head, moreover, his understanding of Daoism is no worse than that of the Temple of Elements, and Calabash City cannot represent the entire Daoism.

"Okay, listen to the lord, let that God Chosen dance for a while longer."

"Okay! As long as the three parties work together, this world must be ours!"

(End of this chapter)

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