The best lord of online games

Chapter 1204 The Southern Territory War Begins

Chapter 1204 The Southern Territory War Begins

——System: Ma Zhong has grown up in his long-term study, his strength +1, and his specialty "bow and arrow proficiency" has been promoted to "one hundred shots and one hundred hits".

In the early morning, Wu Yi, who went online again, finally received the system information about Ma Zhong who had been away for many days.

Ma Zhong went to the West Sea to climb the Tianya, and learned archery from the legendary Fei Wei. As the first famous general to follow him besides Zhu Rong, Wu Yi hoped that Ma Zhong could step into the top ranks, but unfortunately, despite his "talent" Strong, but limited by his potential, he has now been left behind by Zhu Rong.

At this moment, Wu Yi couldn't help but feel a little emotional. There are many famous generals under his command, but there are only three who have the most affection in his heart, Zhu Rong, Ma Zhong and Wei Qing!Two generals, one commander, without them, Calabash City would not be where it is today. Other famous generals are strong, but they are more of icing on the cake.

Just when Wu Yi was feeling emotional, the person in charge of the studio in Dongping City sent him urgent information through private chat. After seeing it, he immediately lost his emotion.


Dongping City sent out troops in two ways, one led by Li Jing, who suppressed and sealed Yancheng, and the other led by Zhang Han, entered Liuguang City.

Has Xiao Mingsheng solved all the internal problems?

Although the Dongping Army was extremely powerful before and was the well-deserved No. [-] force in the south, for a long time, the Dongping Army was nothing more than building in Guyue City.To actually make such a big move this time, it is obvious that the power struggle inside Dongping City has come to an end, allowing Xiao Mingsheng to let go and expand in all directions.

This is quite bad for Calabash City!
The location of Calabash City can be said to be blocked by Dongping City in the southeast corner. To the north is the Longxiang Mountains, to the southeast is Zhenhai City, to the south is Dongyue City, and to the southeast corner is Rising Sun City. In the same camp as him, the city directly under the Hongyu Empire, so if Calabash City wants to expand, it can only fight with Dongping City!
"And the boss, Peacock City surrendered directly!"


Peacock City is the territory of members of the royal family. Although Xiao Mingsheng rebelled, he is still a member of the Xiao clan. Whether Xiao Mingsheng succeeds in rebelling or is finally flattened by the empire, it will not affect the inheritance and status of the Xiao clan. Therefore, As long as Xiao Mingsheng showed his troops, it would be normal for Peacock City to surrender.

Now how to do?
Although Sun Bin sits in Molten Fire City and established a line of defense with the surrounding cities, no one is optimistic about Sun Bin, the line of defense is too long, and the Hongyu Empire has concentrated most of its power in the northern border, and the southern border has limited power. With too many reinforcements, Sun Bin might not be able to support them alone.

The specific information about Dongping City has to wait for Shi A's return. Even if Wu Yidang stepped on the teleportation array and teleported to Mayi Town, after all, his first counselor is the city lord here. At this time, he still asked Wang Meng for advice. , is much safer than making a rash decision by himself.

Wu Yi didn't meet anyone else this time, but only summoned Wang Meng and Geng Yan. Although Geng Yan's current "intelligence" attribute has not yet grown, his vision in military strategy is still extraordinary.

"My lord, don't worry. Since Dongping City didn't send troops to attack us in the first place, it must have been taken care of. We still have enough time before Xiao Mingsheng becomes the overlord of the south!" Wang Meng listened to Wu Yi's words. After speaking, he said slowly, the faint smile on his face always made people feel at ease.

"Then let's keep the status quo like this?" Wu Yi's power in the south has hardly changed after occupying Xiaguang City. After such a long time, everything in Xiaguang City has already been digested by him.Except for the flow of people and commerce, all the indexes of Xiaguang City have surpassed those when they were in Feng's hands, especially in terms of planting. It can be said that Xiaguang City is now his largest grain-producing area, with farmland everywhere. .

"No! This subordinate thinks that we can send troops to Baoyue City!" Geng Yan suddenly interjected at this moment.

"Treasure Moon City?"

Baoyue City was packaged and sold to Wu Yi by Cao Cao at the beginning, but Wu Yi only dragged away the population of Baoyue City in the end, and the city was directly emptied. Soon after, it was occupied by the Sea God Guild attached to the Central Plains.Wu Yi ignored this matter at first, after all, Baoyue City was meaningless to him at that time.

"Treasure Moon City borders our Calabash City and Xiaguang City to a certain extent. Moreover, Treasure Moon City is just to the north of Dongping City, but there is a Bee Chewing Valley in the middle. It is indeed good to win Treasure Moon City. At least it can be used as a buffer for future wars with Dongping City. Moreover, Baoyue City is now the territory of the Chosen Ones and does not directly belong to Dongping City. We can also use Baoyue City to test Xiao Mingsheng and his colleagues. Daoist reaction." Wang Meng glanced at Geng Yan, nodded, and explained for Wu Yi.

It is absolutely not advisable to blindly wait for Dongping City to attack. Although as long as you prepare in advance, the defense must have certain advantages, but you must also give up a large number of industries in the territory. Can the farmland, mining area, woodland, etc. in Calabash City continue to produce?Once caught in the long-term, the loss is unimaginable, and it is best to have a buffer zone.

But these are not the most important, the most important thing is temptation!
To test how much Xiao Mingsheng can tolerate Gourd City, and at the same time to test how much support the Taoist sect will give to Gourd City.Now Wu Yi can be sure that only his sect, that is, the Tianzunguan first department will always stand by his side. I can't be sure.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if the attack on Baoyue City will really attract Dongping City's counterattack, it is obvious that it is better to start the war sooner than later. At least now, Hulu City can still echo with Sun Bin's army. There is a battle sooner or later!
"Okay! I'll let Wei Qing send troops!"

After figuring out the joint, Wu Yi decisively left Mayi City. The long-term garrison had stagnated Wei Qing's growth. This time the war happened to be an opportunity. At the same time, Nanshan Nursing Home and the Dragon Soul Guild newly attached to him will also become The main force of this battle, in this way, Wu Yi does not need to adjust the northern arrangement too much.

Once Calabash City sends troops to Baoyue City, he doesn't know whether Dongping City will take any action, but the Central Plains will definitely come. There is no need to rush this battle. His goal is not to take Baoyue City completely, but more It's still about testing and training. If only Zhulu Zhongyuan came to the rescue, then Wu Yi didn't mind giving this old opponent a heavy blow. You know, there are many secret weapons in Calabash City that haven't been shown recently!

(End of this chapter)

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