The best lord of online games

Chapter 1205 Legendary Corpse Refining

Chapter 1205 Legendary Corpse Refining

When Wu Yi returned to Calabash City from the teleportation formation, he had already contacted Yan Yan from Nanshan Nursing Home and Long Zhantian from Dragon Soul through private chat, telling them to rush to Wei Qing's camp immediately to discuss the start of the war.

Even if there is a war in the southern border, it will not be as chaotic as the northern border. This time, I happened to bring the two attached guilds to practice well. It would be too wasteful to have helpers, and the future wars will be even more tragic.

Wei Qing's camp is near the border of Xiaguang City, without the teleportation array, it will be closer if he passes through Calabash City.

"My lord, there is an emissary from the monster tribe asking to see you!" Just as Wu Yi was rushing to the city gate, he received a notice from the city guard along the way.He, the lord, is often not in the territory, but he must go out for some things. Therefore, whether it is the former city lord Kou Xun or the current city lord Cheng Xiao, if he is looking for him, he often informs the lord's steward Ye Li, and at the same time orders the city lord As long as he appears in Calabash City, the city guards of the various teams will definitely receive the news as soon as possible.

"The emissary of the demon clan?" Is there any result in the deal?
Wait, isn't the Yaozu recently hooking up with King Dongping? Maybe we can get some useful information from them.

"Take him to Simon to meet me!"

"Yes, my lord!"

The area of ​​Calabash City is larger than that of most second-class cities. When it was first planned, it went directly to Longxiang Mountain in the north and rose to the Rose River in the east. At the beginning, there was a large area of ​​open space in the city, and there was nothing for the army to practice. The problem makes the city look extremely nondescript.However, after a long period of construction and development, this place has become a world-renowned city and one of the most beautiful cities in the Hongyu Empire.

Standing on the gate tower of the west city gate, Wu Yi silently looked at the scenery of Gourd City. It had been a long time since he had looked at Gourd City quietly.The style of Calabash City is based on ancient gardens, which is unique in the Hongyu Empire.

At this moment, an old man in a strange green robe climbed up the tower led by a team of city guards, even his pupils were dark green.

"I've met Lord Wuyi, priest Lin Miao at Chiyue Cliff!"

Wu Yi withdrew his gaze from afar, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, priest, I'm in a hurry to go to the frontline barracks, so I can only see you here!"

"It doesn't matter. We have no problem with the previous matter. How about setting the transaction time in three days?" Lin Miao didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the topic.

"Three days? Yes!" There should be no problem with the Holy Mountain, after all, they proposed it on their own initiative.

"Thank you Lord, happy cooperation!"

After finishing the business, Lin Miao was ready to leave. Now the direction of the Yaozu was obvious, and there would be less and less contact with Calabash City in the future.However, just as he turned around, Wu Yi stopped him with a smile. "By the way, priest, the last time I went to Chiyue Cliff, I heard from High Priest Tu Shan that you are currently negotiating with King Dongping. How are you doing now?"

"This..." Lin Miao didn't expect Wu Yi to ask such a straightforward question, and for a moment she didn't know how to answer.

"Why, can't you tell? It's no secret!"

"Lord, I'm just a small priest in the clan, and my status is far inferior to that of the high priest. I don't know much about this matter." Lin Miao smiled wryly.

"Then let me tell you what you know, the Temple of Elements has given in? It won't be unconditional, right? You know, even if the camps are different, we are not enemies!" Wu Yi waved his hand and made all the city guards retreat .

What he is afraid of is not the attitude of the Yaozu, he is afraid that the Daoist will give way to the Yaozu in order to win over the Yaozu, and he will be miserable at that time.However, it depends on how many positions the Yaozu can occupy in Xiao Mingsheng's forces.However, after such a long period of research, Wu Yi developed, and the factions within the Taoist sect are very complicated. Even the same branch has different voices. It can't be done, and this is the main reason why Daomen still hasn't shown a clear position until now!

Some want to help the empire suppress the rebellion, some want to support new forces, and some want to take the Taoist sect a step further and become a theocracy empire!
"I only know that the Temple of Elements asked King Dongping to block all roads leading to the restricted area of ​​Shenyun, and prohibit all personnel from entering and leaving!"

"Block the road to the Shenyun restricted area?" Is this to block Xiaoyue City?But only these?The Temple of Elements is too easy to talk about.

"Yes, other than that, I don't know."

"Thank you!" The three-party agreement must be more than that, but once Dongping City is closed, it will be very troublesome for him to do business with Xiaoyue City and even the puppet clan in the future, and the supplies he traded with the puppet clan before should still be on the way. I don't know if I have walked through the blockade area now, if not, it will be miserable!


Lin Miao left, and Wu Yi turned to Tianzun Temple and asked Mingying to inform the Holy Mountain.But when he saw Mingying, before he could open his mouth, Mingying had already dragged him to the apse, nagging: "You came just in time, the old Taoist is going to find you!"

"What's the matter?"

"Of course it's a good thing! Do you still remember that legendary corpse of a foreign race?" Ming Ying asked with a bit of complacency on his face.

"Remember! What, finished?"

"Guess right! Let's go, let's take you to see the masterpiece of the old Taoist!" As he said, the complacency on Mingying's face grew stronger.

"Didn't it say that it will take a while?" Wu Yi was also pleasantly surprised. Seeing Mingying like this, he knew that the final corpse refinement would not be far behind.

"The caravan brought back a lot of good things from the underworld before, so the refining process has been accelerated a lot."

While talking, the two had already entered the corpse refining cave under the Tianzun Temple. Under the leadership of Mingying, the two entered the sub-cave in the north, where a black wooden coffin was placed, and the coffin was not sealed. Lying on the back was a burly corpse, two heads taller than Wu Yi's, with a golden complexion, and a talisman on his forehead, covering most of his face, but he could still see his face. ferocious face.

The body of the corpse was only wearing a short gray cloth jacket, and the body was surrounded by black corpse air. Even if it was motionless in the coffin, it still gave people a strong sense of oppression.

Unnamed Corpse Refinement (Corpse Emperor):
Race: Corpse Refining (Special)

Racial Abilities: Immortal Corpse - Damage Immunity +30%, can quickly restore state by absorbing dead energy and dark energy, immune to all special effects of one-hit kills, +25% damage from Taoism.

Corpse aura is poisonous - the corpse aura in the body will spread towards the surroundings, and the target affected by the corpse aura will receive a certain degree of continuous damage, and at the same time, the attack and defense will be weakened, and the stack can be stacked up to [-] times.

Talent: Slaughter——Own combat power +35%, as more enemies are killed, one's own combat power will continue to rise, and at the same time speed up the recovery speed of one's own life, strengthen corpse energy, up to 100%, and at the same time gain extremely strong against enemies of deterrence.

Specialties: Divine Power, Immortality, Iron Fortification, Attack Enhancement

Level: Legendary Tier
Domain: Crazy Corpse Domain (Remnant)——In the range of the domain, the combat power of one's own corpse refinement +25%, and the enemy has a certain chance to become a zombie (level 8) to fight for one's own side after being killed, and has a certain deterrent power against the enemy. Defense 40% of enemy morale.

Command: 0
Force: 94
Intelligence: 0
Politics: 0
(End of this chapter)

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