The best lord of online games

Chapter 1222 Guo Jia, who was "tied" twice

Chapter 1222 Guo Jia who was "tied" for the second time
The capital city of Shu, Zhang Jiao’s seat of government, and Sunset City to the north, Zhang Jiao has become the strongest force in the west besides King Moshan. At present, Cao Cao and Wang Mang are his vassal forces. I have to say, This western region is a bit too "crowded". There are only a few cities in the area, but there are one king and four heroes.

Zhang Jiao governs the territory with "faith". All the citizens are followers of his Taiping Dao. This trick is very effective. With a firm belief, there is no need to worry about the turmoil of the people. Even the income of the citizens will be willing. "Contribute" a part to the gods, and at the same time, even if the soldiers in the forces default on their salaries, it will not affect the combat effectiveness of the army in a short time.

This is the advantage of the power of the gods!

However, there are advantages and disadvantages in everything. The biggest problem with governing the territory in the way of the gods is that the people will spend most of their time on "sacrificing gods", which will greatly reduce the production capacity of the territory. This is not unreasonable. The method can be changed, but it can’t be changed. If you don’t worship the gods, where will your faith come from?How to make the people's faith firm?
"Haha, junior brother, long time no see, I thought you had forgotten me as senior brother!"

Regarding Zhang Jiao's matter, the Taoist sect used to put on airs and issue arrest warrants or something, but now, they don't even put on any appearances at all. From this point, it can be seen how far the power in the Taoist sect has been split.

"How can it be! Brother, I just gave him the gift of God's descent to the sun not long ago. You forgot it so soon?" Wu Yi also laughed.It has to be said that based on the backgrounds of the two sides, they are indeed natural allies. Even if the camps are different, they will not have any ideals.

Since Zhang Jiao occupied Sunset City, the Butterfly River has also fallen under his control. So far, the special products in Zhang Jiao's territory have also become one of the main products of the Calabash City caravan.

Zhang Jiao had too many people to support, and he was very poor, so the Calabash City caravan was extremely important to him, and in this regard, Calabash City really dominated.

"Brother has been doing a lot in the south recently. Why do you come here when you have time? Do you want to help? Brother's family background is not as good as yours, but if you need it, it is no problem to support you with 3 or [-] horses." Recent events Zhang Jiao, who had gone well, said grandly that compared to Wu Yi, he is more like a representative of Taoism in the eyes of the world.

Wu Yi never expected that Zhang Jiao would be so arrogant, so he just borrowed troops!
"No, no, no! Senior brother, I really just stopped by to take a look. I don't pay much attention to the mere Baoyue City." But what's the use of him holding these 3 horses?Do you support him?Moreover, to send troops from the capital city of Shu to Baoyue city, it would take at least half a month of climbing mountains and wading through water!
"That's it! Then I misunderstood, but it doesn't matter, just speak up if you have anything to do in the future!"

After a moment of awe-inspiring righteousness, Zhang Jiao changed the subject, and continued, "By the way, senior brother has recently obtained a batch of gemstones and magic crystals. When the time comes, let the fleet drag them away and bring more food and grass."

After hearing Zhang Jiao's words, Wu Yi suddenly realized that this is his real purpose!

Since occupying the capital of Shu and the two cities of sunset, Zhang Jiao has developed a large amount of farmland in the two cities. Even if he is affected by certain natural disasters, he can still be self-sufficient.However, right now Zhang Jiao's forces are not at war with the outside world, but the invasion of Taipingdao's beliefs has never stopped. He needs a lot of food and grass to help civilians and develop believers, so he will never have enough food and grass in his hands.

"No problem! But it will be mainly seafood!"

The two major sources of grain and grass in Calabash City are grain growing and fishing grounds!Wu Yi opened up a lot of fishing grounds, circled a long section of the Rose River, and the entire five-color sea of ​​the sea mussels. In addition to the rare fish species harvested by the navy from time to time, the output is quite considerable.In fact, not only Calabash City did this, but all the forces in Linjiang, Linhu, and Linhai did this, but they were not as exaggerated as him, and those who opened up fishing grounds at sea did not dare to go deep. Zhang Jiao also had fishing grounds in Butterfly River.

Meat has a storage time limit, and its value is higher than that of rice and wheat. It is much more cost-effective to exchange materials with fish from fishing grounds.

"Okay, as long as you can eat it, it doesn't matter what it is!"


And just when Wu Yi entered the capital city of Shu, Mujiazhai, who had nestled in the mountains in the northwest for generations, finally came out of the mountain under Guo Jia's persuasion. , gave up the idea of ​​crossing most of the Hongyu Empire to vote for the "Old Lord", followed Guo Jia's suggestion, and planned to go to Seven Star City to vote for the winning government!

However, as soon as this team with their families entered the range of Shazhou City, they were stopped by a group of imperial troops.

"Stop, all men under [-] will go to the barracks with this general. Women, children and the elderly can leave. If there is no place to go, the officials of Shazhou City will arrange for you."

"General, we are not here to join the army. We are planning to move the whole family to Seven Star City, just passing through here." Mu Yu clasped his fists and explained, after he gave up his bandit status, he has now automatically transferred to the Hongyu Empire , but because there is no household registration, all of them except Guo Jia and the singer from Shenyu City are all refugees.

"Seven Star City? Stop talking nonsense. Marshal Li has an order to recruit the young and strong from the six cities in the northwest to join the army for urgent training in preparation for a big battle. If they resist, they will be killed immediately!" The recruiting young general glanced at Mu Qing coldly, followed The soldiers behind him had all their swords out of their sheaths.Originally, such a team with a family and a family was not in the recruitment ranks. It was entirely because the young general saw that there were a few people in the group who were obviously brave, so he just made up his mind temporarily.

"How can you be so unreasonable." Mu Guiying was completely enraged by the opponent, and immediately rushed out, intending to kill this rude young general directly.

Mu Yu stopped Mu Guiying. This place is very close to the main city of Shazhou. Once the opponent, the reinforcements from the main city of Shazhou will arrive in a blink of an eye. At that time, they will be labeled as "disorderly thieves", and there is really no way out. He The life and death of these tribesmen had to be taken into account.

"Who is this Marshal Li?" Guo Jia was also confused for a moment. When he was arrested in the cottage, the military power in the northwest was still decided by Yingzheng. If the conscription order came from Yingzheng's hand , then their goal has been achieved, but he has never heard of the name "Marshal Li", which makes him have a bad feeling in his heart.

"Holy Light City, Marshal Li Mu!" As soon as Li Mu was mentioned, the young general raised his head involuntarily, with a deep admiration in his expression. "Okay, you guys follow me. Marshal Li has already issued an order. Regardless of your birth date, as long as you are capable, you can all be promoted exceptionally. Even if you lead an army alone, it is not impossible."

Holy Light City?
At this moment, Guo Jia wanted to cry, but with his intellect, he immediately understood the problem. This was completely the empire's method to contain the winning government!As long as they enter the barracks, it is impossible for them to transfer to Ying Zheng's command again, but can he resist?Can't!Once they resisted, they were traitors, and they would be wiped out before they arrived at Seven Star City.Moreover, the current Yingzheng is still the Duke of the Empire!

Guo Jia groaned in his heart. This is the second time he has been "kidnapped". Although he was forcibly conscripted by the empire this time, he does not want to join the imperial army. In his opinion, there are too many disadvantages in the empire. , Under the current situation, it is impossible to bring the dead back to life. The situation of united wills on the northern battlefield is completely an illusion. The power class of the empire has been deeply rooted for thousands of years. The interests of the people will explode into a huge crisis not inferior to the immediate ones. How many times can the Hongyu Empire survive?Moreover, joining the Imperial Army was not in line with his long-standing beliefs, but at this time, no one would care about his opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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