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Chapter 1223 Zhou Yu's Request

Chapter 1223 Zhou Yu's Request

At this time, Wu Yi didn't know that Li Mu, whom he regarded as his possession, had appeared in Shengguang City, and he was busy leaving Shu Capital City to dig a corner in Mingfeng City.Boss Cao and Wang Mang are not doing very well right now, so take advantage of this time to brush up more, maybe there will be unexpected gains in the future, anyway, they are here, aren't they!

The speed of the puppet clan was very fast. After receiving Tianhong's reply, they immediately sent three elders to go back to Calabash City with Tianhong. Arranging warships to escort them to each island for on-the-spot investigation, Tianhong rushed to Baoyue City immediately.

The next day, Wu Yi came to Xihai City again. Zhao Kuangyin was so enthusiastic that he always felt that this guy wanted something, but the other party didn't mention it, which always made him feel weird.

After the Xihai Fleet docked in Xihai City, Zhou Yu met Wu Yi alone on his Zhenhai ship.

"Thank you Earl Zhou for the gift, but such a generous gift makes me a little scared. I don't know what Earl Zhou wants, and I will try my best to fulfill it." After the two met, Wu Yi said straight to the point.With Zhou Yu's current status, he only wears an earl number, which is a bit low, but for some reason, he has also wiped out many sea monsters in the West Sea, but the title has been rising very slowly.

"I really need to ask the Lord Marquis." Zhou Yu admitted it without any detours.

"Earl Zhou is absent, just call me on May Day." Wu Yi was also very curious about what Zhou Yu wanted from him. With Zhou Yu's current status, he couldn't think of anything that would catch his eye in Gourd City.

"Then I will be disrespectful. Inviting Brother Wuyi in this way is to ask for a blueprint of the magic beam."

"Magic Light Pillar? Brother Zhou, as the master of the West Sea Fleet, can still see my Magic Light Pillar?" The Magic Light Pillar is a blueprint researched by Huang Yueying. It is a unique war tool in Calabash City. for dealing with underwater targets.However, even so, it is not enough for Zhou Yu to ask for it in this way!

"Actually, I'm asking for Earl Zhao." Zhou Yu smiled wryly.

"Earl Zhao? Between Brother Zhou and Earl Zhao..." Wu Yi instantly turned to the person Zhou Yu was referring to, Zhao Kuangyin!Zhou Yu helped Zhao Kuangyin ask for something from him. What does this mean?Did Zhou Yu really vote for Zhao Kuangyin secretly?But it doesn't make sense, Zhao Kuangyin's status is not as good as Zhou Yu's now, why should he subdue Zhou Yu?
"Earl Zhao saved my third brother once in the early years, so I owe him a favor. This time I will pay him back. As long as Brother Wu Yi agrees, I owe you a favor!"

That's it!

Speaking of which, the Zhou family is not a big or small family in the Hongyu Empire. Zhou Yu's father is still an official in the imperial capital, and there are two to three hundred people in the direct and collateral lines of the family.But these are not Wu Yi's concern. As long as the relationship between Zhou Yu and Zhao Kuangyin is not the kind of relationship he thought, he can rest assured. To be honest, with the legendary "Storm Seagull", Wu Yi's plan to dominate the two seas There is already a little shadow. Apart from the Siren, the biggest obstacle to him is the Two Seas Fleet. As long as Zhou Yu doesn't get mixed up with Zhao Kuangyin, the threat will be much smaller.

Zhou Yu's favor!

Although the technical content of the Magic Light Pillar is not high, both Xiaoyue City and the Puppet Clan can crack it, but at least it is the only one at the moment. If it is changed to other conditions, Wu Yi will definitely refuse without hesitation. He has always only sold finished products. , blueprints are not for sale, but a favor from Zhou Yu is definitely worth the price!With Zhou Yu's character, favors are favors, and he will never talk in plain language.

"Okay! I'll send someone to send the blueprint later!" Wu Yi agreed after only thinking for a while.

"Thank you!" Zhou Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Zhao Kuangyin chose the Magic Light Pillar for a reason, because the newly built Xihai City is closer to the sea than the previous Sealed Monster City. The guns are more powerful. At the same time, Zhao Kuangyin also intends to develop the navy. Being close to the sea, it is impossible to only play the army, right?With the magic beam, even if the level of the battleship is a little lower, its combat effectiveness can be improved a lot, which is very cost-effective.

Of course, the most important thing is that his previous kindness to the Zhou family was not enough for Zhou Yu to leak the drawings of the empire's standing battleships to him.

"Haha! Brother Zhou, you are welcome. My caravan often travels to and from the West Sea. Thanks to Brother Zhou for taking care of me, otherwise I would have a headache." Wu Yi laughed. "By the way, has there been any movement from the Kraken on the West Sea recently?"

"Recently, the Kraken has been very honest. It has been a while since he appeared in the Inner Sea. When I return to Hongliu City this time, I plan to train soldiers in Hongliu City for a while."

Siren honest?To be honest, poison the mermaid's hometown?
According to Yu Dayou's report, the sea monsters in the East China Sea have been very active recently. Although there is no war, it may not be far away.At that time, if the two seas go to war at the same time, the shipping caravans in Calabash City will definitely suffer a huge impact.

What Wu Yi couldn't understand was the attitude of the sea monsters. The current sea monsters are so close to sticking a note on their foreheads that says "I just want to be quiet". family?Is it just for revenge?

There must be some secrets in it that he doesn't know about!


When Wu Yi had a good talk with Zhou Yu on the Zhenhai ship, he discovered a major event in the east, not Chaoguanya, but Iron Tooth City to the west of Guanchaoya, which is Li Shimin's forces.

Li Shimin was robbed, to be precise, Li Chunfeng, who was under Li Shimin's command, was robbed, and the murderer was the demon king of the demon tribe!No one knows what Li Chunfeng was robbed of, but it is clear why the Demon Emperor appeared near Chaoguan Cliff in the first place, he was just squatting there waiting for a chance to strike.

Although the Demon Emperor is strong, the probability of success is not high if he wants to attack in Iron Tooth City and under the protection of Wanjun. However, after squatting for so long, he finally got his chance. Destroyed by him, by the time Li Shimin reacted, the Demon Emperor had long since disappeared.

For this reason, Li Shimin also specially sent envoys to the Yaozu part to explain, but the most pitiful thing about the Yaozu right now is that there is no clear distinction between primary and secondary. I wanted to complain, but I couldn't find the door.To this, Daomen didn’t respond at all, and the deal between the Holy Mountain and the Yaozu had already been completed in Gourd City. Although Li Chunfeng was not killed by the Yaohuang’s surprise attack, he was seriously injured and had gone to retreat to recuperate. Li Shimin, who had nowhere to vent, could only continue to strengthen the defenses everywhere. Right now, because of Guanchao Cliff, he was nailed to Iron Tooth City. sexual assault.

 Embarrassing, the third one can't come out today, do you want to squeeze one out with flour and cut it off.

(End of this chapter)

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