Chapter 1224

In the northern border, Meteor City is currently being rebuilt, mainly to strengthen the city's defenses. I heard that Kowloon City has specially sent some secret weapons.

Bai Qi didn't fight Meteor City before. After Yue Fei escaped from the plan of the Underworld Temple, Bai Qi also withdrew his troops, but even so, Meteor City was beaten to pieces. However, Bai Qi's retreat , Lingquan City, which had just surrendered and switched camps, was embarrassed.Shang Xianyue succeeded Wu Jiutian and became the new lord of Lingquan City. She transferred to the rebel camp. She originally thought that Meteor Star City would be far less dangerous this time. Who would have thought...

At present, it is impossible for Lingquan City to continue to surrender to the empire. Fortunately, Lingquan City is not in the eyes of Ban Chao at all. He just issued a mission to attack Lingquan City in Meteor City, intending to hand over the matter to the God's Chosen.In the Meteor City Realm, the players who took the opportunity to switch to the rebel camp were far more powerful than the Lingquan City family. Therefore, the Meteor City Realm is very chaotic and wars are raging. Only the main city is relatively calm, which looks very strange.

This task is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for the forces of the imperial camp. Many big forces have detoured into Meteor City at this time, including the dynasty that has a good relationship with the Changshan League!
"Damn, Chu Badao, what do you mean! What do you mean!" Zhao Ziyun arrived at the main city of the Dynasty, Wuyun City, and when he met Chu Badao, he sprayed him in the face.

Because of camp problems, it is difficult for Chang Shanmeng to help Lingquan City directly at the moment, and Wu Jiutian is busy attacking the jungle goblin of a special race at the moment, and he will secretly assist Shang Xianyue in managing Lingquan City.But now Lingquan City has fallen into war. Even with the face of his Changshan League, there are no less than three forces besieging Lingquan City. The most annoying thing is that the Dynasty actually got involved.

The main forces in Lingquan City have already turned away, and there is no possibility that they can block the attack of Dynasty, even if it is not the main force dispatched by Dynasty!

"Old Zhao, give up, Lingquan City can't be kept, why don't you give it to me, don't worry, I will give you some compensation." Lingquan City doesn't mean much to the dynasty. Need an opportunity to contact Ban Chao.

After the rebellion in Lingquan City, the empire will not accept the surrender of Lingquan City again in a short time, but the Chosen One can!Surrender to the Chosen forces, and in this way switch back to the Imperial side again.

It's not that Zhao Ziyun hadn't thought of this method before, but Wu Jiutian, the former lord of Lingquan City, was his wife. If he wanted to play this trick, he really thought the NPC was an idiot!If he takes back Lingquan City in this way at this time, then whether it is Yue Fei, Ban Chao, or the upper echelons of the empire, they will be dissatisfied with him, and they will even deal with him like Yingzheng. This is extremely beneficial to the development of Changshan League. Adverse.

"Give it to you? Why don't I give it to Wuyi!" At this point, Zhao Ziyun cursed secretly in his heart, yes, why didn't he think of giving it to Wuyi before!Based on the relationship between the two of them, if Lingquan City is temporarily handed over to Wuyi, if they can get it back later, if they want to give it to the Dynasty, then there will be no future.

"Old Zhao, you have no choice now. Give me Lingquan City and count it as my debt to you, how about it? How can we say that we are old friends."

"Favour? Will this favor allow me to join in the development of the Rock Spirit Clan?" Zhao Ziyun said with a curled lip.

The scroll of conquering the famous generals of the elemental rock spirits was taken by Hetu. After two exchanges of missions for famous generals, the relationship between Hetu and Dynasty has become as good as wearing a pair of pants, just like Purgatory and the Three Realms right now!In this matter, it is naturally impossible for Hetu to abandon the Dynasty.

"Don't be funny!"

And when Zhao Ziyun was arguing with Chu Badao, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the high sky of the Northland. In the cloudless sky, this black shadow was particularly eye-catching.

In the sky, this black shadow is getting bigger and bigger, as if it is falling rapidly.

"Huh? What is that?"

This scene was seen by many people in the Northland, including players and aborigines. Under the gaze of everyone, this black shadow gradually revealed the dark brown land and its mountain-like shape.

"Damn it! Could it be a meteorite?"

"Meteorite girl! That's Sky Island! Sky Island!"

Sky Island!

Many players have heard of it, and very few players have seen it in some missions.At this time, the black shadow in the sky can already see the general outline, which looks like an upside-down mountain peak, with the "mountain" facing down, and the entire sky island is surrounded by an enchantment. The air rubbed against each other, and a magnificent red flame appeared.

Right now, there are only two clear sky islands in the Hongyu Empire, one is the imperial city in the imperial capital, and the other is in the clouds on the top of the Taoist holy mountain.

The appearance of an unknown sky island excited everyone who saw it, and some even screamed because of it.At this time, Zhao Ziyun and Chu Badao couldn't go on. When they ran to the position where they could see the sky island, there were many angel-like creatures around the sky island. However, these creatures were not enveloped by holy light. And the figure is also two times smaller than the angel, so there is only one possibility...

"The Yu Clan? This is the Sky Island of the Yu Clan!"


In the special edition of the Tower of Dominion, many people have seen the Yu clan in the mission. It is no secret, but why the Yu clan was born so soon? Could it be that the Mieyi League has collapsed?Right now, all the forces that have obtained the scrolls of special famous generals are trying their best to squeeze the value of these special races, striving to establish an absolute advantage before the habitat of these races is exposed.

Of course, at this point, there are good and bad among the ten clans, and the skeleton clan really has nothing to dig.

At this time, Sky Island has stopped descending and stopped at an altitude of about 3000 meters. At this height, Sky Island is already very huge in the eyes of everyone.

After confirming the identity of the empty island in front of them, many people couldn't help summoning their flying mounts and flew straight towards the empty island. Among them were some holy and legendary natives. Unfortunately, All of them were blocked outside the barrier of the empty island, unable to enter.

Why did Sky Island of the Yu Clan suddenly appear in this position?
Why doesn't Sky Island open the hidden enchantment?
And why did it drop to this height?This is a battlefield, and the sky island is very dangerous at this height!

These are probably only known by the Mieyi League, but since the Sky Island has appeared, it means that everyone has the opportunity to contact the Yu Clan, which is bound to attract the attention of all forces. After all, the Yu Clan represents a powerful force. The flying arms!
(End of this chapter)

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