The best lord of online games

Chapter 1241 Mysterious Fortune Teller

Chapter 1241 Mysterious Fortune Teller

"This picture is really beautiful!" Looking at the battle in front of the city wall, Lu Xiangyun grinned and at the same time drew a long blade of space with the magic staff in his hand.

There are only two generals in Dongting Town, apart from Tian Hong, the commander in chief of the whole army, there is only Lu Xiangyun, the chief general of the Magic Legion.

The other party had obviously never seen this kind of demonic appearance like a city wall. After three rounds of attacks, the formation was directly torn apart by the demonic appearance.The impact of the demon phase is second only to the heavy cavalry, and its flexibility is far stronger than the heavy cavalry in the charging state.The fighting power of the army of demons that surpassed common sense made the opponent a little confused. These seemingly cumbersome demons run a little fast. New species?

Sun Chengzong followed and began to mobilize the power of the army, intending to use the power of the army to open the situation, but... at the same time as Sun Chengzong mobilized the power of the army, a layer of pale golden clouds also spread over the army of demons, and then quickly condensed to form There is a tall golden God of War.

The power of the army?God of War?
Longevity!The demonic army soared out the power of the army, causing everyone's three views to collapse.

In fact, Brother Jin's judgment was completely wrong before. The power of the four towns is "two virtual and two real", but on the side of Calabash City, the "virtual" is not Dongting Town, but Dengyue Town garrisoned by Wei Qing!
Because before the Gourd City side entered Baoyue City, the main types of troops were demons. After all of them were given to Tianhong, Wei Qing didn't have many soldiers to use at all. It's just that Brother Jin fell into inertial thinking and thought without careful investigation. Where Wei Qing is, it must be where the main force of Calabash City is.Of course, a large part of the reason is that there are not many players participating in Calabash City, and 007 can't be stuffed in. It is far less convenient than Nanshan Nursing Home to investigate any information.

It was because of these various reasons that the demon master bumped his head against the iron plate, and because he didn't know the details of the other party, he was hit badly.


——System: Xu Negative successfully prevented the mysterious power from divining Calabash City.

——System: Tianhong repelled the enemy and successfully defended Dongting Town. During the war, he learned the specialty "puppet element totem", and his reputation increased by [-].

Wu Yi, who went online again, received two delayed system messages as soon as he appeared.Dongting Town?Tianhong?
It seems that when he went offline, the war in Baoyue City started again. After learning that he was at war with Li Shimin, the golden fat man who was competing in the Central Plains would definitely jump out to find trouble, and he had to send more troops to Baoyue City. Increase troops from the border, and then recruit the defenders of Xiaguang City to supplement the border defense line. As long as the border is guarded, even if the main city of Xiaguang is temporarily emptied, there will be no major problems.

At this time, even if he withdrew from Baoyue City, Fatty Jin would not let him go easily, would he?

Puppet elemental totem - all puppet units under the command have +10% elemental resistance. When attacked by magic, they will absorb a small amount of magic energy and form an "elemental totem" on their body. When their own energy is lower than 30%, the elemental totem will It will be automatically converted into energy and flow into the energy core of the puppet-type arms to replenish energy.

It's really a wonderful specialty, but with this specialty, it can undoubtedly greatly improve the endurance of the demon phase. The biggest problem with the puppet-type arms is not the durability, but the ability to continue fighting. Skills, or movement, will consume energy. The more intense the battle, the faster the energy consumption will be. It would be embarrassing if the battle stops halfway.

This is not a big deal. Tianhong's famous general has high attributes and a clean attribute panel. With his potential, as long as he has the opportunity to practice, his title and specialties will naturally gradually improve.What really caught Wu Yi's attention was the first system message!
There is a situation where a divination professional makes a fortune telling calabash city!Who is the one?
If it is not successfully blocked, there will be no system information. Therefore, Wu Yi is not sure whether this is the first time someone has tried to divination Gourd City information.In Gourd City, there are not many secrets that can be called secrets at the moment, such as the eye of time and space, such as the gate of the underworld in the corpse refining cave watched by Tianzun, or those special buildings in Gourd City that do not directly display their functions, and hidden formations. Fa, Feng Shui array.

Since Xu Negative was able to successfully stop the other party, it is impossible for the person who made the attack to be a demigod, nor could he have a magical weapon in his hand!As for the divination, you still need to ask Xu Negative, and I don't know which force is eyeing him, and they will use this method.

After hearing Wu Yi's inquiry, Xu Negative shook his head: "I can only prevent the other party's divination, but I cannot know the other party's location, and naturally I cannot know the other party's identity."

"That's it, what a pity!" Without knowing the identity and location of the other party, it is impossible to judge which side the other party comes from. "Miss Xu, I don't understand. What's the point of divination in Calabash City?"

Even if you know the Eye of Time and Space and the Gate of the Underworld, so what?

"No! The lord may want to borrow the direction. Divination can not only confirm some specific things, but also find the weakness of the city defense, and to a certain extent help infiltrators hide."

"Can it still be like this?"

If it is for the convenience of sneaking in, is it for the sake of Gan Ning?If the fortune teller came from Shenyu City, instead of trying to sneak into Calabash City, it would be better to use the power of the empire to directly let Wu Yi fight.

Isn't it Shenyu City?Is it player power?

Wu Yi thought for a long time, but he still couldn't find any suspects. However, since others can use this trick, so can he. In terms of divination ability, Xu Negative is definitely the top group in the same class. And there is a great chance of being able to enter the legend in the future, it would be too wasteful to keep her as a "firewall".

Wu Yi asked curiously: "Miss Xu, if you help sneak in, how much can you do?"

"Directly deceive the city defense barrier, and at the same time find a route with the highest probability of success to the target."

Fuck, this function is quite a "plug-in"!

Before, he had no idea that a fortune-teller still had such abilities. I'm afraid it can't be done below the holy rank, right?As long as there are enough fortune-tellers and killer professions, it shouldn't be too easy to infiltrate the enemy city!
In this way, with Yuan Tiangang, who has a magic weapon in his hand, the empire is fully capable of letting killers enter the lair of any party. No wonder those who rebel against the king always have at least one legendary strong man by their side, plus a small team of elite guards squatting with.

However, this ability of a fortune-teller has limited effect without the cooperation of the strong. Take the current Shi A as an example, even if he can be sent to Yunmeng City without anyone noticing, what is the use? ?

(End of this chapter)

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