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Chapter 1242 Two Sieges, Fenglin Volcano

Chapter 1242 Second Siege, Fenglin Volcano

Turning his gaze back to Dragon Soul City again, Li Shimin's second batch of troops going south was very slow, with a strength of [-]. The army was carrying a large amount of war equipment and logistical supplies, and they had a short rest on the way. When the army entered the area of ​​Dragon Soul City, At that time, it was five o'clock in the evening.In Li Shimin's forces, the military strength has always been out of proportion to the people's livelihood, and the output of the territory cannot support a huge army. It is not surprising to dispatch an army of this size.

However, this also gave Calabash City enough time to mobilize reinforcements and transfer civilians. At the same time, the high-speed troops of the Dragon Soul Guild that entered Baoyue City finally returned, and more short-legged soldiers were still on the way.Right now, there are more than 12 defenders in Dragon Soul City, but more than one-third of them are players from the Dragon Soul Guild. The average level is impressive, and most of them can only be used as cannon fodder or support. It can be said that for Dragon Soul City, Long Zhantian has put all his eggs in one basket.

Because Cheng Yaojin did not destroy the magic tower of Dragon Soul City before, because it is not difficult to repair the barrier, when the second round of siege army arrived at the city, the city defense of Dragon Soul City had basically recovered, and the war equipment was still relatively small. It was a bit embarrassing when it was stronger before.

For this defense of the city, Long Zhantian has absolute confidence. After all, the strength of the defending troops exceeds that of the attacking troops. Coupled with the advantages of the city defense, as long as the opponent does not have any exaggerated secret methods, there is no big problem in defending the city.

The siege army was not in a hurry to attack the city, but quickly built a tall commander's platform with various materials. The commander-in-chief of the army stands under the banner of the commander-in-chief, surrounded by powerful guards.

"Li Shimin? Why did Li Shimin come in person?" After receiving the report from the cannon fodder intelligence officer, Long Zhantian lost his composure instantly. Didn't he say that the commander of the second round of siege army was Li Daozong?Why did he suddenly become Li Shimin?

For those super celebrities in history, players will always unconsciously magnify their abilities infinitely in their minds. The appearance of Li Shimin made Long Zhantian feel terrified.

With the sound of golden drums, the siege began.With the support of war equipment on the naval fleet, Dragon Soul City is absolutely unbeatable in terms of range.

Under Li Shimin's command, there was nothing special about the siege. First of all, the legion magician forcibly built a temporary barrier against the attack of the kite bird cannon to protect the energy cannon from bombarding the barrier. At the same time, a large number of water magicians summoned The water element wrapped the enchantment blasting crystal and launched a desperate charge towards the city.

However, after suffering a loss, this method is not very effective. A large number of attacks blocked the path of the water element, including arrow rain, magic, Taoism, poisonous fog, and crossbow bolts.The level of water elements also varies from high to low, the lowest level is only sixth level, and the highest level is no more than eighth level, but the number looks quite scary, but the 1000 meters in front of the city wall is a sky that they will never be able to cross!
It's a pity that the ten star-killing ballistas obtained from Meng Tian have not arrived, otherwise Li Shimin's energy cannons would not be able to be set up.As long as the energy cannons of the siege army cannot be completely destroyed, no matter how great the advantage of defending the city is, there will always be a moment when the city defense enchantment is broken. The only difference lies in the cost.

When Wu Yi stepped into Dragon Soul City again through the teleportation array, the barrier just shattered, and when he flew up the city wall, the tall ladder was already in sight.

Another ladder?

Li Shimin's forces are so in love with ladders?You must know that the casualties of using ladders to attack the city are far more than those directly breaking the city with siege vehicles.

Could it be that at this time, Li Shimin still wants to keep the walls of Dragon Soul City?If this is the case, then it is good news for the city defenders.

Many "forts", or earthen platforms, were temporarily built in Dragon Soul City!Because these high platforms are temporarily piled up with earth and rocks, as long as the height is higher than the city wall, there is no special bonus, but even if the city wall is broken, the war equipment on these high platforms can still function normally, just like now!
On the city wall, the cannon fodder of the Dragon Soul Guild kept pushing down logs, falling rocks, and a large number of alchemy products. With their poor level, as long as they could persist for a few minutes, even if they died, they still earned money.

This time, there were more than [-] dryads among the reinforcements in Calabash City. The movement of the dryads was slower than that of the puppet-type units, and it would not be an exaggeration to call them the slowest units.But once they completely give up their mobility and use "rooted in the ground", their overall combat effectiveness will be greatly improved. Therefore, the dryad is the most suitable unit for defending the city.

In addition to the dryad soldiers, the two dryad generals Yue Yingcai and Lei Qianyue also followed to Dragon Soul City. The moment the barrier was broken, a colorful poisonous barrier was placed outside the city wall, which looked a bit like The poisonous barrier forest outside the Shenyun restricted area.

At this moment, the power of the siege army's condensed army surged like a sea of ​​clouds, and its color became brighter and brighter.If we say what is the biggest disadvantage of Dragon Soul City right now, it is undoubtedly the commander. There is not even a first-class commander. He can still play with Li Daozong, but the gap with Li Shimin is too big.

However, as long as he can defend this round, Meng Ao will definitely be able to explode Li Shimin's chrysanthemum in the back!
The incomparably bright army's power gathered quickly, but it didn't seem like a precursor to the appearance of the military god of war. The power of the army gathered towards four points, and finally made four small golden suns appear on the battlefield.When the radiance of Jinyang reached its limit, four ancient characters appeared in it, "wind", "forest", "fire", and "mountain"!
A character appeared in each of the four regiments' forces, and each character had a different appearance, such as the word "fire", the whole character seemed to be burning.Less than three seconds after the four characters appeared, they quickly merged together, forming a mysterious pattern in the center. Before Wu Yi could see it clearly, the pattern emitted countless golden lights to the surroundings, and the light melted into every siege. Inside the soldiers, their bodies were covered with a layer of extremely faint golden light, and their combat power was instantly increased by a large amount. The effect of complete immunity to damage with a certain probability made some lucky guys directly rush to the top of the city.

Commander skill - Fenghuolinshan!
Now, among the series of commander skills of "Fenglin, Volcano and Thunder", Wei Qing only has two, namely "As fast as the wind" and "Immediate as a mountain"!But Li Shimin has already been able to make more advanced combinations. The gap between the two is like a huge sky, and the effect is not just as simple as the superposition of the attributes of the four skills. become.Is Li Shimin relying on pure ability to command troops, or is it because of the monarch's talent?
(End of this chapter)

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