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Chapter 1243 Donghai Kingdom "Blood Sea Battle Flag"

Chapter 1243 Donghai Kingdom "Blood Sea Battle Flag"

The effect of "Fenglin Volcano" is not only to increase all aspects of the soldiers' attributes in an all-round way, but at the same time, with the continuous attack of the army, blood-colored light spots will continue to be produced, just like falling rain, falling from the soldiers drop by drop. The body flew into the air, condensed together, and the volume continued to expand, and the specific function is temporarily unknown.

Commander skills are passive, which is the same as legion skills, except that the effect range of legion skills is limited to a single legion, and commander skills will be applied to the entire army! The combination of "Fenglin Huoshan" obviously used the power of the army. Huo Jun, who was standing on the tower, also mobilized the power of the army at the first time. Directly using the power of the army to suppress the enemy's attributes is equivalent to the mutual consumption of the power of the two sides.

But the effect...


Starting from the "second rate", the commander has the ability to mobilize the power of the army. Every time the title is upgraded, there is a huge gap in the use of the power of the army, whether it is "quality" or "quantity". , Absolutely blown away!The defenders in Dragon Soul City seem to be huge in number, but those under Huo Jun's real control are only in the early [-]s, which is only half of Li Shimin's, plus there is a gap in ability between the two.

The gap is too big!

A super-first-class commander can greatly improve the army. This time, even if Wei Qing is replaced, he will not be much better than Huo Jun. Wei Qing's initial panel attributes are too low, and part of this is because he was subdued by the players and imposed by the system. It takes too long to grow, and the leadership value is only 92, which is three points away from the "super-class" threshold of 95.

The current strength does not mean anything, after all, everyone has not yet grown to the peak state, just like Zheng Chenggong who is still fighting the five scum, this is just a moment!

More and more siege troops killed the top of the city, and the city wall has become the first battleground. During the fierce fighting, the piled up corpses filled up the female wall, and countless roots entangled a large area on the city wall. At the same time, the dryads used "corpse devouring" to quickly restore their own state. With the addition of Huo Jun's ability, these tall dryads are like gods of war who will never fall down. Unfortunately, their number is still too small Some.

It was not only the soldiers who killed the city wall, but also military generals and some mysterious strong men, the most striking of which was Li Yuanba who was holding a pair of hammers!The fiercest man in the Sui and Tang Dynasties was similar to that in the Romance, his mind was not high, and he was almost inseparable from Li Shimin.As the first batch of famous generals to be promoted to the holy rank, he should not be far from being a legend now.

The area where Li Yuanba is located is the restricted area of ​​the defenders. No matter what it is, it will be hammered into pieces. Wu Yi can only control the emperor's corpse to block this humanoid beast. This guy is too violent. Wu Yi dare not let Zhu Rong go with him Just positive.Although Huangshi is a pseudo-legend with a domain, he can't take advantage of Li Yuanba. He can knock Lu Wenlong into the air, but when facing Li Yuanba, he becomes the one who is knocked back.

It seems that I really can't keep it!

However, even if he couldn't keep it, Wu Yi didn't intend to just retreat like this, he would delay as long as possible, he believed that it was impossible for Meng Ao not to find out about Li Shimin's departure all the time.Maybe he will lose this battle, but it doesn't mean that Li Shimin will take advantage of it. He is not fighting Li Shimin alone. As long as Iron Tooth City is captured by Meng Ao, how many people can Li Shimin bring south?

For this reason, Calabash City may suffer heavy losses this time, but it will be much easier to destroy Li Shimin in the future, but it depends on Meng Ao's lack of strength.


Just when Li Shimin commanded the army to attack Dragon Soul City, Meng Ao led the whole army to launch a fierce attack on the western defense line of Iron Tooth City. After the previous several tentative attacks and the latest information, Meng Ao could not resist Knowing that he was fooled, the whole army immediately pressed on him.But what surprised him was that the opponent's coach was not any famous player he knew, but a woman!
Li Shimin's elder sister, Princess Pingyangzhao of the Tang Dynasty, was the only woman in history who was buried with a general's etiquette.

But today's focus is not here, but on the tidal cliff in the east!
Since the outbreak of the Guanchao Cliff incident, the army and powerhouses of the East China Sea Kingdom who were sleeping in the burial have continuously woken up, and finally killed the cliff today. It was completely different when we were on the cliff.At the rear of the undead army, a commander in blood-colored full-body marshal armor rode a huge bone beast with a hideous figure, and a very special blood sea battle flag was erected behind him.

The "Blood Sea Battle Banner", the strongest inheritance battle flag of the East China Sea Kingdom, is equivalent to the "Golden Dragon Battle Banner" of the Hongyu Empire!This type of battle flag is said to represent the national destiny of a country. The specific function is unknown, but it should have a strong bonus effect.

A steady stream of undead army poured down Chaoguanya and entered the territory of Iron Tooth City. Except for the undercurrent town that has been reduced to ruins, Irontooth City is the closest to Chaoguanya. Development, killing is the fastest way for them to develop, and this is also the main reason why all the living are hostile to the undead, because the living are "materials" in the eyes of the undead!
For Guanchao Cliff, Li Shimin has always been on guard. Li Xiaogong led the army to set up a defense line and be careful. They will evacuate after all the civilians relocated under their rule are on the road, and escort the civilians all the way south.It's a pity that it's still a step too late. The civilians in Iron Tooth City will be relocated in five batches, and the third batch is just on their way.

The undead army in the East China Sea is mainly concentrated in two types: skeletons and walking corpses. There are four types of occupations: warrior, archer, magician, and knight, but the most troublesome one is the bone dragon!Appearing in the form of an organizational system, the bone dragon with commander and general bonuses and the one temporarily summoned by the Temple of the Underworld are completely two concepts.

Li Xiaogong, who relied on a simple line of defense to defend, found helplessly that he could not stop these "fragile" undead. He was very unwilling, but he had to admit that the commander-in-chief of the opponent had completely blown him up in terms of ability.

This is the result of the opponent's demigod powerhouse not appearing together, otherwise he would have collapsed directly.

The suppression of morale by the undead system, coupled with the "summoning soul" that transforms the dead into new undead into the battlefield, as long as the army of undead cannot be suppressed, defeat is only a matter of time.Once the army of undead begins to slaughter civilians, it will be a complete disaster. In a short period of time, the entire area will become the world of undead, and the world will see what is the real sea of ​​undead.

"That battle flag!"

Li Xiaogong looked at the bloody battle flag fluttering high. He knew very well that his ability was weaker than the opponent's commander, but after all, the opponent did not use any exaggerated abilities. Under normal circumstances, he would not be able to collapse like this. Come on, it's because the military spirit attached to that battle flag is too powerful!

 I saw a book friend ask why Li Shimin is better than Wei Qing, I remember this question has been explained more than once before, the problem of growth stage, the current attributes are not fixed, if Wei Qing is better than Li Shimin now, then Li Shimin is still Can live till now?Besides, Li Shimin is not weak in the first place.

(End of this chapter)

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