The best lord of online games

Chapter 1253 Decision

Chapter 1253 Decision
Wu Yi didn't procrastinate in the underworld. Even if he wanted to, the undead didn't have time to talk to him. Everyone had no idea whether he could rescue the Lord of the Demon Bone. Yi is very helpful. At least, most of the high-level combat power of Donghai Kingdom will be contained in the underworld, which will undoubtedly reduce the pressure on Calabash City in the next big battle.

The situation in the underworld is very unstable now, not only about the artifact trade, Wu Yi also feels that he should communicate with the Taoists about the situation in the underworld. I have to kneel.

After returning from the underworld and going up to the Temple of Heaven, Wu Yi told the old Taoist Mingying about the matter in detail, but after hearing this, the unscrupulous old Taoist gave him to Zhengyi who had been staying on Ghost Crab Island .Wu Yi was quite helpless about this. He was very clear about Mingying's purpose in doing this. To put it bluntly, he wanted to bring Zhengyi back to the holy mountain. Zhengyi's identity was too special. If he died outside, Calabash City would also have to worry about it. Not a small responsibility, and, in Zhengyi's capacity, a middleman in this matter is undoubtedly the most suitable.

Fortunately, this brother Zhengyi knew the whole thing quite well. After learning the whole story, he flew back to the holy mountain without saying a word, which made Wu Yi and Mingying a little unbelievable.

If I knew it was so simple, it would take me so long?

The matter of the underworld has come to an end for the time being, and after that, we have to wait for the reply from the Taoist sect before deciding on the next step. Next, Wu Yi once again turned his target to the battle situation in the eastern border.Wu Yi spent too much time between Calabash City and the Underworld. It was already dark now, and in the dark night, the fighting power of the undead would increase by more than one level. "Ma Zhong, a commoner.

After tilting the resources of the intelligence system to the east, relevant information about Li Shimin's forces gathered like snowflakes, some important and some not important.Wu Yi carefully checked the situation during this period of time, but the result was beyond his expectation.

"So cruel?"

The current situation in Iron Tooth City is quite different from that in the daytime. Before the civilians in Iron Tooth City had completely migrated, Li Shimin decisively abandoned the main city and replaced Li Xiuning. He fought and retreated with the Meng family army. Those unrestrained civilians suddenly went into chaos, and the undead army from the east was killed again. At this time, as the party of justice, as the general of the empire, Meng Ao could not let these civilians be massacred by the undead, and went to bite them to death. Li Shimin won't let him go?

In this way, Li Shimin left behind half of the civilians, and led the army to successfully escape from the bottomless pit of Iron Tooth City, and embarked on the road to the south, while the Meng family army had to block the army of undead. While gathering those fleeing refugees.

In terms of this decisiveness alone, Li Shimin is no ordinary person!Originally, he wanted to drag him to Iron Tooth City and let him bear the first round of Donghai Kingdom's offensive, but now everything has deviated from the original plan.

"It seems that we have to be more proactive."

With the current strength of Penglai City, it is impossible to stop Li Shimin's main army going south, so Meng Ao's original plan has completely failed.However, in order to evacuate Iron Tooth City, Li Shimin also paid a painful price. Leaving aside the loss of civilians, the successive wars caused the army to lose more than a quarter, and the half-disabled Dragon Soul City was far from being able to compete with the flowers. Compared with the Iron Tooth City, which was built with a lot of money, the popularity of Li Shimin fell below the freezing point because of Li Shimin's last move, and the loss of resources is also not a small amount.

The current loss is definitely the worst since Li Shimin's debut, so it is naturally impossible for Wu Yi to let go of this excellent opportunity.After understanding the current situation in the Eastern Realm, Wu Yi immediately teleported to Penglai City without saying a word, and then teleported to Mayi City with Huo Jun, changing the coach Geng Yan who was in Mayi City to Penglai City.

If he wants to take the initiative, Huo Jun is still too weak. There are many top commanders in Calabash City, but most of them have not grown up, such as Wang Meng and Kou Xun, both of whom have high potential in "command". , but right now, they all only stand out in one aspect.For the time being, Wu Yi in the northern region plans to focus on defense. With Wang Meng, Huo Jun, and Huo Qubing whose whereabouts are uncertain, as long as the empire's defense line does not collapse, there will be no problem. Wu Yi cannot be so arrogant that he will start a three-way war.

The current plan of Calabash City is that everything will focus on the battlefield in the east, and Baoyue City will be used as a training ground for the time being. If Fatty Jin is not jumping up and down, Wu Yi will choose to retreat temporarily, and Mayi City will focus on stability. The stable development of soldiers and the development of war horse breeding will do.

Reinforcements from all walks of life rushed to Penglai City in a steady stream. This battle will take some time to ferment, but Wu Yi will not give Li Shimin time to breathe. Get up, lose the foundation of the territory, Li Shimin's defeat is only a matter of time.With the advancement of the war, Calabash City, which has never lacked a commander, once again felt the lack of talents under the multi-line battle. This is one of the reasons why Wu Yi is determined to fight Li Shimin. There is nothing like the talents gained by destroying one side. faster.

I just don’t know how the battle between the Meng’s army and the East China Sea will be. Wu Yi is not afraid of the defeat of the Meng’s army, but he is afraid that the battle in the east will end too quickly. After all, after expanding to Iron Tooth City, the East China Sea will have more choices Many, either go south with Li Shimin, or go north to fight Dragon God City, even if Meng Ao loses again, it will definitely be no problem to block the way for the undead to go west. No matter what, Calabash City will not be affected immediately.But if the whole battle situation is rotten and the undead of the East China Sea is unstoppable all the way, then even if he can deal with Li Shimin, there will not be much living space in Calabash City in the east.

All the fleets in Calabash City took action, and Chen Lin, who blocked the rebels in the north, also retreated, because it was meaningless to continue, even if they let the rebels go to sea, what could they do?There is simply no place for them to attack.Moreover, at this time, Yunlin hoped that the rebels would go to sea more. After all, only in this way could the value of the East China Sea Fleet be more fully reflected, instead of going north from the river in small sailboats for reinforcements like now.

And when Calabash City was making big moves all the way, the Seven Sins League finally seized the opportunity and started to harass Mayi City. Not to mention, the Yu Clan Sky Island battle helped them a lot, otherwise they would like to "touch "It's really not that easy to get to Mayi City, where you're all set.

(End of this chapter)

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