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Chapter 1254 Silver Class Battleship, Master Qin Shifu

Chapter 1254 Silver Class Battleship, Master Qin Shifu

The morning sun rises from the end of the East China Sea, and no matter what happens, nothing can stop the arrival of a new day.

The city of Penglai was filled with bursts of beautiful music, and in the wide-open west gate, there were intermittent groups of refugees entering. Although Wei Zifu was missing, Li Shishi and Aunt Gongsun were still able to help the city lord Zhuge Jin as quickly as possible. Stabilizing the hearts of the people, multi-pronged approach, the effect is very significant. Compared with Dragon Soul City, which has also experienced wars and changed hands, it is completely different.

Li Siye and his Modao team, who had just changed jobs, also arrived in Penglai City overnight. The strength of Penglai City can be said to be increasing all the time, but it is still not enough. Last night, Geng Yan, Zhu Rong and other generals led high-speed troops to block Li Shimin. The team going south had very limited results. After taking away some of the opponent's civilians, they could only let the opponent enter Dragon Soul City.

One more thing, the divine power puppet fragments harvested in the crystal cave mine under the ice field have been completely refined, and finally three divine power crystals have been obtained, which can increase the chance of breaking the rank of the three characters to a certain extent, but unfortunately the number is still too small Otherwise, Wu Yi will definitely give it to Zhu Rong to further strengthen her Vulcan bloodline and help her break through to legend with the power of her powerful bloodline.

A true legend has a role far beyond the three holy ranks!

At present, there are quite a few people in Calabash City who are expected to break through to the holy rank, Li Siye, Shi Wansui, Zhou Tai... Zhou Tai has also grown to the top not long ago, but when it comes to the role, Wu Yi still prefers some special people, after all After having Zhu Rong and Xiao Mahe, the effect of helping people like Li Siye and Shi Wansui is limited. What's more, even if they are left alone, with the potential of these people, it will not take long for them to be promoted to the holy rank.

Wu Yi has several candidates in mind, Wei Zifu, Ma Zhong, Lu Xiangyun, among the three departments of singing, dancing, and music, it is very necessary to mention one to enter the holy rank first, and their abilities are not limited to In terms of combat, as for why Wei Zifu was chosen, it is because the crystallization of divine power has the effect of strengthening special bloodlines. Wei Zifu is a mermaid. Even if the mermaid bloodline is not as exaggerated as Zhu Rong's God's bloodline, the growth rate is also higher than that of human races. There are many, not to mention many, as long as Wei Zifu steps into the holy rank, the improvement of basic attributes must be higher than other people.

The reason for choosing Lu Xiangyun is the same as that of Wei Zifu. He is still a little far from the holy rank, but at the beginning, during the first trip to Misty Island, he obtained the hidden dragon blood. Awakening will definitely be a huge improvement, in all aspects, including potential.

As for Ma Zhong, Wu Yi values ​​his ability. Only the stronger his strength is, the greater the threat he will be to the strong. Because of this, the system will limit his growth potential. You must know that not only gods, but also this talent will be triggered when facing famous generals.What is a famous general?As long as the attribute of a single famous general exceeds [-], it is fine to have the title of the first-rate system. The scope is too wide. Not only generals, but also "third-rate spellcasters" and "third-rate musicians".

Let alone history, Ma Zhong is not even the strongest shooter in Romance, but in "The Prosperous Age", he has a chance to hit the ranks of the strongest!This also had a lot to do with the fact that he had shot and killed the remnant souls of the gods in the fault space of the forbidden area of ​​the gods, otherwise his talent would not have grown to this extent.

Preparations for the battle are in full swing. At this time, Wu Yi spends most of his time in Penglai City. After all, the next battle is related to the situation of Calabash City.Meng Ao worked hard all night, gathering most of the civilians left behind by Li Shimin, and could only let Iron Tooth City be occupied by the East China Sea. I believe that soon, most of the power in Guanchao Cliff will transfer to Irontooth City. No matter how big the mausoleum under the cliff is, it is too restrictive, making it inconvenient to fight abroad.

It's not that Wu Yi never thought about cooperating with Donghai Kingdom, but he didn't dare. Cooperating with the undead forces in the main world will undoubtedly make him a target of public criticism, and the situation will be even worse than it is now.

——System: Qin Shifu successfully developed the silver-class battleship "Hailong series of warships", promoted from a master shipbuilder to a master class, and the title "Shipbuilder Master" was promoted to "Shipbuilder Grandmaster", the reputation increased by [-], and the reputation of the territory increased by three Ten thousand.

——System: Qin Shifu's prestige level has reached "Famous".

While Wu Yi was watching the development of the battle in Penglai City, two sudden system messages took his attention back from the battle.

Silver class battleship?
"Old Qin finally succeeded, haha!" At this moment, Wu Yi couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Speaking of Qin Shifu, he is one of the few shipbuilders in history who can make a name for himself. There is no doubt about his potential, and his ability in "shipbuilding" is also outstanding. Except for shipbuilding, he didn't have any tangible results. Being able to research a silver-class warship this time is enough for him to brag about for the rest of his life. At the same time, he has also succeeded in getting Calabash City out of its current predicament.

The navy of Calabash City has never been comparable to the Empire's Two Seas Fleet, why?Isn't it because the standing battleship is one level lower than the opponent!Now that the level of battleships has been raised, even if the storm seagulls are temporarily unable to drive out under the ice sheet, Wu Yi is no longer afraid of the East China Sea Fleet. The power of protection has made Calabash City the strongest sea power that it deserves, and there will be no more "player power" restrictions.

Qin Shifu was able to develop a silver-class battleship so quickly, thanks to the technology of the puppet clan. For example, blueprints for energy machinery that can be used on battleships such as "water energy thrusters" have been traded a lot under Huang Yueying's suggestion. .

Next, it will take a lot of time for the navy to fully refit. Under the effect of Qin Shifu's ability, after the refit is completed, no matter how low the probability is, there should be two or three more gold-class warships. There will be an earth-shaking change in his combat effectiveness.At the same time, the "Black Shark Battleship Manufacturing Blueprint" obtained in the first battle of Penglai City can finally be shot with peace of mind.

Shipbuilding Master - Shipbuilding speed +35%, able to optimize and improve warships of silver rank and below at will, good at teaching apprentices.

Among the successive major incidents, Wu Yi's spirit was finally refreshed by such great news. He only hoped that the Sea-Monster would be able to settle down a bit before the navy was fully refitted.

(End of this chapter)

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