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Chapter 1256 Send out troops, the main "attack" Geng Yan

Chapter 1256 Send out troops, the main "attack" Geng Yan
The fallen fragments of Yu Clan Sky Island piled up a mountain on the endless grassland, with the highest point exceeding [-] meters, but the messy terrain and the height difference are not suitable for casting into a line of defense. This place is nicknamed "Kong Yu" by players. Mountains".

However, this mountainous area affected the original defense area of ​​the Imperial Army, and it was a little too much to take care of for a while, giving the enemies of the City of Desire the opportunity to go south by way, but if there is any problem with this way, there is no problem, because from here There are very few targets that can be attacked in the south, and it is impossible to directly jump out of the northern battlefield, but unfortunately, Mayi City is on this line.

As the earliest player force to join the Wolf League outside the Great Wall, the King of Desire has gained a good position in the Wolf League even though he suffered a lot of losses. The branch will definitely send troops, but now that the empire, the wolf alliance, and the rebels are fighting at a critical moment, it is impossible for Temujin to allocate too many troops.

The father and son of Tu Tuha and Zhu Wu'er set out to lead the troops, and the Seven Sins League would also assist them.Although the names of Tutuha and his son are funny, their record in history is quite good.


At this time, Wu Yi doesn't know the actions of the Seven Sins League for the time being, but even if he knows, he probably won't care about it. You know, there are two super powerful thunder cannons in Mayi City. Absolutely will be beaten and cried.The purpose of the League of Seven Sins is to drag Wu Yi and prevent him from easily withdrawing the power of the northern border, but Wu Yi has no intention of giving up the northern border at all. How much has he invested in Mayi City, give up?joke!

It took two days to gather all the troops, and Penglai City finally met the conditions for sending troops. There is nothing to say, send troops!
With Geng Yan as the commander, he sent [-] troops. For this moment, Wu Yi almost spared all the defenders in Ghost Crab City, and even now, the work of transporting troops to Penglai City has not stopped.

Prior to this, Wu Yi had always given up harassment of Dragon Soul City, but it was limited to peripheral harassment, which had little effect. At most, it could put a certain amount of psychological pressure on the civilians in the city, keeping people's hearts in an extremely low state.However, it cannot affect the extent of Li Shimin's restoration of the city. With a large army as the labor force, small harassment will not have any effect.

The past three days are enough for Li Shimin to restore the defenses of Dragon Soul City, but it is absolutely impossible for him to restore the livelihood of the people in the territory, and it is impossible for Wu Yi to agree.

Thinking about it now, Penglai City and Dragon Soul City were originally the territories of the Chosen Ones. The biggest problem with the Chosen Territories is that unless they are built by themselves, there will be no villages and towns under their jurisdiction. Although it is vast, there is only one solitary main city. When fighting a defensive battle, there is not much room for choice.

In this case, want to mine?Start farming?hehe!
There was only one land cavalry that came to support Penglai City, and that was Zhu Rong's wolf cavalry, because the terrain here was the most suitable for them, and many areas could trigger the mountain warfare feature.

The marching speed of the army is very slow, with logistics, war equipment, and tree monsters, it is difficult to guarantee the speed.Geng Yan's natural ability is the exact opposite of Huo Jun's, Huo Jun's main defense, Geng Yan's main attack!And especially for the time of siege.


With such a "talent", Geng Yan is undoubtedly the best siege commander!At the same time, Geng Yan is currently the most versatile star in Calabash City, with the highest sum of star attributes.

After Geng Yan joined Calabash City, he had almost never experienced war. He presided over the construction of Undercurrent Town before, which actually increased his "politics" by two points.In other words, Geng Yan's talent will still have the opportunity to further transform in the future growth.

"Lord, after this battle, I have some private matters to deal with, and I will leave Calabash City for a while." Zhang Yufeng rode a white horse and followed Wu Yi's right side, staggeringly said.

Going again?
What the hell is this Yufeng messing with!

This time, just to be on the safe side, Wu Yi dragged Zhang Yufeng and Zixu along with the army. In addition, there were a few strong men that Zixu recruited, but Zixu didn't introduce them to him.

"Old Zhang, haven't you given up yet?" Before Wu Yi could answer, Zi Xu interjected with a bit of sigh.Obviously, Zixu knew Zhang Yufeng better than Wu Yi.

"How could it be possible to give up! Even if I can't fight for the family to return to the original status, I will definitely not let go of any of those enemies." Zhang Yufeng's face was a bit ferocious, and there was a strong killing intent in his eyes.

This was the first time Wu Yi saw him like this, even if his son "died" back then, it wasn't like this.

Zixu smiled wryly and shook his head: "Why bother! You should know that this is almost impossible. Now only you and your son are left in your Zhang family. Those who were attached to your family back then The faction has already defected, do you want to complete revenge alone?"

It is true that the Fengshui technique at the Grandmaster level is the top existence even in Nuo Daomen, but the Grandmaster has already reached the top, and if it goes up, it is a god!After the age of the gods, is it true that no gods appeared in the main world?Few people may know this, but even if it does appear, it will be sent to the God Realm by the Ascension Formation immediately, and it will not change the situation at all. This is a godless world!

A Feng Shui master at the master level, if he has a suitable place, enough time, and a divine weapon, he can cause unimaginable destructive power, but it is limited to this, as long as a demigod has a chance to kill him Under the knife.

Zhang Yufeng lowered his head and didn't answer. He knows his own situation best!But give up?impossible!

Wu Yi, who didn't know the truth at all, was even less qualified to speak, but Zhang Yufeng's role in Calabash City is self-evident, as long as there is hope, Wu Yi will definitely protect Zhang Yufeng.

In an instant, the atmosphere became a bit dull, and the army was marching silently. Wu Yi, the lord, could at most be a legion commander in the battle. His Tianzun Legion, as the earliest legion in Calabash City, had just reached the fourth level recently. He didn't even mix in the army soul, you know, Wei Qing's Habayashi Legion is already at the seventh level!

During the march of the army, the information about Dragon Soul City will be passed to the coach Geng Yan, and a copy will be passed to Wu Yi at the same time. Therefore, Wu Yi will also know some countermeasures of Dragon Soul City at the first time.

Li Shimin is stationed in the east of Dragon Soul City?
This is to be just straight!
 Why is this chapter refreshed for half a day without changing it?

(End of this chapter)

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