Chapter 1257
The terrain of the Hongyu Empire, the further north, the more flat terrain, and conversely, the further south, the more mountains.

Both Penglai City and Longhun City are close to the Longxiang Mountains. In the city, there are open flat lands and rolling mountains. Passing through the long and narrow formation, at that time, he only needs to lay down his troops on both sides to gain an absolute advantage. Moreover, the war equipment can also have more cover to avoid the embarrassment of bombardment.

Through the air?

Are you kidding me, is the pure air force qualified to attack a city?That's death, okay!

In war, sometimes the advantages of terrain can establish a victory in one fell swoop, but the gap between war equipment can pull back this advantage.

This Hukou is not the only way to Dragon Soul City, but it is very troublesome to go around now, and the result may not be better than now.

Geng Yan didn't think about breaking through forcibly. When he received the information, he had already changed his formation while marching. When he approached the mouth of the pot, the tree demon army was already in the front line, and he directly used "" Take root in the earth" and become a solid "city wall".On the second floor, Li Siye's Mo Dao team can attack from the gaps between the tree monsters very well. With their terrifying damage, in a head-to-head confrontation, it is definitely enough to make most of the troops doubt their lives.After that, there are long-range arms such as infantry, bow, and law. On both sides are the God of War guards who integrate offense and defense. War equipment and logistics transport vehicles are all protected in the middle and rear.

This is the formation of positional warfare!

If Geng Yan has been like this, Li Shimin must be very happy. He will definitely not take the initiative to attack. Everyone is stationed in a "friendly" division. What he lacks most now is time.Now that the war is going on, even if he plays one for two, it will be his loss. Who makes him unable to keep up with the resources and population now!Even if he can win every battle in the future, if there is no third-party force to intervene, he will die naturally within a month at most.

"Not yet? Hurry up!"

The area of ​​the war equipment is being flattened. The current distance, even with the range of a large magic cannon, is still unable to attack Li Shimin's army hidden in the mouth of the pot. above, will be restricted.However, Calabash City has a secret weapon.

Super Lightning Cannon!
At first, the super-powered thunder cannon installed on Yu Dayou's flagship had already been moved into Penglai City after the capture of Penglai City. This time, Wu Yi specially brought this treasure with him. Although there would be certain risks, after all Wu Yi only has five units in his hands, and Xiaoyue City is not for sale, but its role is beyond doubt.

The super lightning cannon is what Wu Yi has ever seen. It has the longest range and the most powerful energy weapon that can be mass-produced. If there is only one shortcoming, that is, the firing interval is too long, which is about [-] times that of ordinary energy cannons. about times.This time, in addition to bringing the Super Lightning Cannon, there are also five Star Extinguishing Ballistas, and the remaining five are temporarily left in Penglai City. However, the range of the Star Extinguishing Ballista is still not comparable to that of the Super Lightning Cannon. Moreover, the explosion range is not as good as that of conventional energy cannons. It is only suitable for precise attacks and is used to "spot kill" the enemy's war equipment.

Obviously, Li Shimin didn't know there was such a thing in Calabash City for the time being. Unfortunately, the main weapon on the Storm Seagull couldn't be disassembled, otherwise it would be easier.

call out……

There was a slight sound of breaking through the air, and a purple-blue thunderball with bright rays of light flew across the sky and flew towards the west. The speed was at most less than [-]% faster than the shells of conventional energy cannons, so look It is still a bit slow to get up, unable to draw a meteor-like trajectory in the sky.

The thunderball crossed the not too high hill in front of it, and finally fell, followed by a huge roar.Due to his field of vision, Wu Yi couldn't know the effect of the cannon at the first time, but according to the approximate range of Li Shimin's garrison delineated by the scouts before, this cannon will definitely not fail.

After that, according to the report of the reconnaissance team, it is enough to gradually change the shelling range.If it is a large army, it is okay and can move at any time, but if it is an area of ​​war equipment and logistics, it is difficult to change in a short time.It is true that as long as the commander is strong enough, he can use the power of the army to achieve a perfect defense, and there is only one war machine that can launch an attack in Calabash City, but the power of the army is equivalent to the life of the soldiers. Using the power as a city defense enchantment is definitely looking for death. It won't take long for the army to gradually lose its combat effectiveness.Moreover, if this has been passive defense, morale will also continue to decline.

Therefore, under such circumstances, Li Shimin had only two choices, either to switch from defense to offense, or to retreat!If he retreated, Geng Yan would be able to push through step by step, and finally reach the front of Dragon Soul City, it would only take a little longer at most.But at that time, Dragon Soul City will be directly exposed to Geng Yan's artillery fire, and the newly repaired city defenses may be breached again. At the same time, the people's hearts that have just improved a little will suffer another devastating blow .But if you turn from defense to offense, the advantageous terrain you chose before will in turn become an obstacle that restricts you.

This is a conspiracy, no matter how you choose, the final result will go in a direction that is not conducive to you, but you have to choose!
call out……

A moment later, after slightly adjusting the shooting angle of the Super Lightning Cannon, the second shot was fired. The flying speed of the Lightning Light might not be fast enough, but it was enough to make the opponent feel desperate.

The scene in front of me seems to have nothing to do with the bloody fighting between the battle formations in ancient times. It is more like a modern war, with the crushing of armaments!This is the direction Wu Yi has been working towards, but for the time being, only the navy has succeeded.At present, the navy of Calabash City, even without a commander, is enough to deal with most of the enemies.


After the two shots, the reconnaissance team quickly reported back, and Li Shimin led the army to retreat. This is not surprising, after all, the terrain in front of him is too rough, even if he wants to switch from defense to offense, it is impossible to choose this time.It is conceivable that at this time, Li Shimin led the army to drill out from the mouth of the pot, and even if he would be hit head-on by a large number of various war equipment, the picture was simply too beautiful.

Right now, this can be said to be the advantage of both guns. Not to mention whether it will affect the morale of the opponent, but the morale of one's own side has risen a lot. Morale is equivalent to combat power!

However, it is completely impossible to directly destroy Li Shimin by relying on this advantage. It is absolutely impossible for a super-powerful lightning cannon to bridge the gap between first-class commanders and super-class commanders.

Go all out and keep pressing in!

(End of this chapter)

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