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Chapter 1258 Black Armored Cavalry VS Dryad

Chapter 1258 Black Armored Cavalry VS Dryad
The army quickly passed the small mouth of the pot, and then resumed its previous formation. If you look down from above, it looks like a huge position is slowly moving.

There are a large number of reconnaissance teams from both sides in the air and all around. The official confrontation between the two sides is only the previous two cannons, but the confrontation between the scouts has already entered a fever.Determine each other's position, marching speed, general layout... Through all the information that can be collected at hand, analyze the opponent's purpose, or the tactics that may be used, etc.

It's a pity that at this time, Wu Yi didn't dare to use the "scout magic eye" of the eye of time and space to look around at the top of Li Shimin's army. Moreover, even if he really saw something, he couldn't pass the news over immediately. During the war, private chat The system will be closed, so what is the fastest way to send messages?Flying pigeons?Or go offline?

Not reliable!

Judging from the information that keeps coming back, Li Shimin does not intend to return to the city. Since he wants to counterattack, he will definitely choose a terrain that is favorable to him. Two's signboard!Xuanjia cavalry has no mountain warfare characteristics, so the next battle will most likely be an open field.

The ninth-rank legendary Xuanjia cavalry is quite stressful when you think about it!

After the two sides involved each other for nearly an hour, the battle was finally close at hand. As expected, there was an area very suitable for cavalry to charge.After deciding on the tactics, it was already decided that Calabash City had no say in the choice of the battlefield. As for ignoring Li Shimin's small moves, they went straight to Dragon Soul City. Just kidding, don't you want the chrysanthemum/flower?

In the final stage, Geng Yan's marching speed became slower and slower, which can almost be described as a turtle's speed. The advantage of this is that no matter anytime, anywhere, the "position" arrangement can be completed in the first time.

At the moment when the formation of the "position" is formed, it is still the super-powered Leiguang cannon that fires first. This time, it still only has a chance of two shots at most. Extend the formation so that all of them enter the blind spot of the super lightning cannon.


The sound of the horse's hooves trampling on the ground almost overwhelmed the explosion of the super-powered thunder cannon, and the billowing dust and smoke covered the sky.The characteristics of black armored cavalry are more inclined to heavy cavalry, but their speed and flexibility are far higher than ordinary heavy cavalry, so their speed will be faster than ordinary heavy cavalry, and the running distance required to reach the limit speed will also be shorter. Shorter.

The dryads "rooted in the earth" are connected together and look like a small forest from a distance. They will be the first line of defense against the black cavalry. There is still a difference between a dryad and a tree. Trees, no matter what kind of cavalry hit them, it would be very miserable, but the dryads are different, they are soldiers, and after death, they will directly turn into a pile of sawdust.

Although the Modao fighters have the characteristic of restraining cavalry, Geng Yan dare not let the Modao fighters meet the first wave of the Xuanjia army's impact, not to mention the two levels of difference, there is also a gap between the commanders. Unstoppable.

Boom, boom, boom...

A sound of shelling suddenly sounded, and the sky was instantly covered by the light and shadow of red kite birds, flying towards the distance.A large number of war equipment is probably the biggest advantage of the Gourd City side in this battle. Li Shimin's choice has been decided. It is difficult for him to use war equipment to launch an attack. The disadvantage of range cannot be changed. If he can't get the upper hand and there is no city defense enchantment Under the condition of protection, it is just to launch some live targets, which is meaningless.

"Li Yuanba?"

There was a faint golden mist around the Xuanjia army, which was the protective effect of the army's strength, which could weaken and eliminate the damage of war equipment to a certain extent.Although it is still far away, the leader is too conspicuous, Li Yuanba!With the protection of the army, as long as Li Yuanba is not completely out of touch with the army, it will be difficult to kill him with special means. With Li Yuanba's impact, it is definitely not something the tree demon can stop.

All the dryads are filled with multicolored light, these are the effects of various auxiliary spells, coupled with the bonus of commander and morale, these dryads are currently at the peak of their trees.At the same time, these tree demons set up a large three-color poison barrier in front of them, including Yue Yingcai's "deadly magic poison". As the commander of the tree demon army, Yue Yingcai's growth time is still too short, even if she increases With the addition of special equipment, the command value did not reach forty.

When the two armies got closer, the third stage of the attack began, the tree demon's fruit throwing, the Taoist soldiers' Nine Profound Sword Qi...

These skills all have a terrifying range of 3000 meters, but when they got really close, Wu Yi discovered that these mysterious cavalrymen were covered with a thick water shield, and the azure water shield covered the light of other auxiliary spells. As a result, the enemy's losses were far lower than Wu Yi's initial expectations.

Temple of Tides!

It seems that the hostility between Calabash City and Tides Temple is inevitable.

bump! ! !
Under the mutual brilliance of arrow rain and magic, the Xuanjia cavalry rushed out of the poisonous barrier, and finally slammed into the defense line of the tree demon. Unsurprisingly, the small area of ​​tree demon was completely destroyed by Li Yuanba's attack position. It was killed in seconds, but Wu Yi had been prepared for a long time. The emperor's corpse had been guarding there all the time. As long as Li Yuanba's location was confirmed, he would go to intercept it as soon as possible.

As for the confrontation between the black armored cavalry and the tree demon, there were two results. Some successfully killed the tree demon in seconds, and some died under the shock damage from the charge and impact. Then came the attack of the Modao warriors.

However, I have to say that these Xuanjia cavalry are really strong enough to be able to stabilize, but their charge did not advance very far.

Speaking of Modao fighters, it is not surprising that Li Shimin also has this type of army under his command.Although Li Siye is the most famous general who used Modao in history, it does not mean that the unit of Modao warrior is Li Siye's unique unit. Many generals in the Tang Dynasty have trained Modao warriors, and some of them may have their own abilities. It's very scumbag, but if it's just a general who trains troops, it's pretty good. Recently, many forces have emerged as a unit of Modao Warrior.

Disadvantages of units and commanders, even with a defensive method similar to positions, they have not been able to gain too much advantage. The war has only just begun!
(End of this chapter)

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