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Chapter 1259 Desperate?

Chapter 1259 Desperate?

The battle between the soldiers is only part of the battle. The armies of both sides have been "topping" with the power of the embodied army. This can also be regarded as the second battlefield. If the God of War is not summoned, the confrontation of the strength of the army is completely useless. If it is represented by data, you give [-] points, I give [-] points, and they merge and eliminate each other.

At this point, whichever side's commander has a higher level of famous general will take advantage of it. For example, if it is also a ninth-level infantryman, a first-class commander can obtain a maximum of [-] points of army strength from this infantryman. The commander-in-chief can get one hundred and two, this is the gap!Different title levels consume the same combat power of soldiers, and there will be a wide gap in the strength of the army that can be obtained.

However, this kind of competition has to be accepted, why don't you stand up and wait for the strength of the opponent's army to overwhelm, can you still fight?
At this time, Geng Yan did not dare to use the power of the army rashly to summon the God of War. If the God of War collapsed, the battle would completely collapse.In a head-to-head confrontation, the rank of the title of a famous general is lower, and most of the time he has no initiative, so he must be more cautious, unless he has an absolute advantage in military strength.

The army and the commander-in-chief are indispensable on the battlefield. Only when they are strong can they be invincible!

Geng Yan was suppressed by Li Shimin, this is not a big problem, after all, the average level of soldiers on the side of Calabash City is higher, and they also have the advantage of defensive formation.

Zhu Rong led the wolf cavalry at the rear. Since he was in a defensive formation, it was impossible to put the cavalry in the front or stuck in the middle. What's the use of that?When the Xuanjia cavalry headed by Li Yuanba nailed into Geng Yan's defense line, Li Shimin's main force had already arrived, and the heavily protected war equipment had been unleashing tons of damage, which to a large extent evened the two sides Commander's Gap.

The rhythm of the battle was quite fast, Li Shimin almost led the whole army to press up at the fastest speed, in fact, this is also the best way to deal with the "cannon formation", even if you can't kill the opponent directly, at least you must do as much as possible If the battlefield is compressed, the damage of war equipment is not divided against me. If everyone is mixed together, do you dare to attack casually?Moreover, energy cannons all have a lower range. When the target gets close to a certain distance, they can no longer attack effectively.

At this moment, the wolf cavalry army finally moved. The pack of wolves moved their four claws, and followed Zhu Rong around from the south. Ten thousand wolf cavalry entered from the side. If they could open a gap in the enemy formation, they would still be threatening. not small.

However, it would be embarrassing not to rush in!

Wolf cavalry are not good at charging at all, they are better at mountainous terrain, and their level is only ninth rank, far inferior to Xuanjia cavalry, and Zhu Rong's damage to "points" is far inferior to that of humanoid monster Li Yuanba, who can't be knocked out with the power of a large army to guard The formation of the enemy army is not too strange. She needs time. Zhu Rong, who has two domains, as long as she is given time, the damage she can cause will definitely be stronger than that of Li Yuanba. The advantage of domains is definitely not just talent. Easily enough to make up for.

Fury of Vulcan!
In the current battle situation, Zhu Rong has almost no chance to fight alone, so she simply seized the opportunity and directly used the ultimate ultimate move, betting all her skill points, it doesn't matter how much damage she can cause, even if she can only It is also good to consume part of the opponent's army.But she can't drive on the spot, and meeting on the spot wastes most of the output. She has to go deeper into the enemy's line.However, [-] steps is her limit. If she exceeds [-] steps, she will probably be overwhelmed by Li Shimin using the power of the army. Geng Yan may come to support her in a hurry. Fifteen steps is a warning line. After all Li Shimin is now ahead of Geng Yan in "command", and the distance he can support Li Yuanba will be farther.

The sky was full of fire clouds, and a tall flame god walked down from the fire clouds, like a god looking down on all living beings.As Zhu Rong continued to grow, the ultimate skill of Vulcan's Wrath became stronger and stronger, especially the addition of Zhu Rong's magic weapon suit, title, and talent to fire skills, which pushed this skill to a terrifying level. Degree.

However, no matter how strong a skill is, it is just a skill. Let alone a magic weapon suit, even a divine weapon cannot change this essence. It is difficult for a single person's skills to shake the power of an army, and it is the same this time.

Almost at the same time, Li Yuanba, who was surrounded by heavy siege, also made a big move, a huge black shadow of the demon god, but at the same time, Geng Yan used the force of the army to suppress him.

On the battlefield, it is impossible for the commander to ignore such a fierce skill like this one. Once such a skill is allowed to explode, the casualties caused are only part of it, and more of it is a blow to morale, so the strength of the army must be consumed Press it down.


At this moment, Li Shimin finally made a big move. Wu Yi had seen this move once in the Dragon Soul City defense battle before. The ball of blood formed in the sky is even more disgusting, it is equivalent to a temporary resurrection BUFF, every soldier who died in the "Fenglin Volcano" state has a certain chance to be resurrected immediately in the next moment, and continue to fight. Each resurrection will consume the bloody energy, and these soldiers who are resurrected are only equivalent to gaining a temporary second life, even if they don't die, it will last for half an hour at most.

This combined commander skill can last up to an hour, requiring continuous consumption of the army's strength.

At the same time, the powerhouses of the Temple of Tides hidden in Li Shimin's army also followed suit at this moment. The gate of elements like an abyss vortex hung above the battlefield, less than 30 meters high, and its position was very conservative. It was located at the back of Li Shimin's army. above the army.From the gate of elements, what you see seems to be a sea, with countless water elements gushing out continuously.

This wave of offensive is too strong!

The defense line constructed by Geng Yan was destroyed almost instantly. This time, Li Shimin led more than [-] troops, not much less than Geng Yan. Li Shimin suffered heavy losses before, but the losses were all civilians, resources, and other territorial things. , The military has not been hurt.

But in an instant, the situation of the two sides changed drastically, and the Calabash City side seemed to be in a desperate situation, with no hope of a comeback in sight.


Do not!
The strong men on Wu Yi's side haven't done anything yet. Don't forget that Li Shimin has the support of the Temple of Chaos. Wu Yi also has several real strong men here this time.However, the condition of "desperate situation" has been met.

 I have something to do today, it’s too late to come back, I have to go out later, the update is late, and Chapter 2 will be released first to take up a hole in the anti-piracy version, and I will come back later to make up, it’s too late, brothers can watch it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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