Chapter 1265

"What the hell is that?"

Seeing the turbulent wind and clouds in the sky, even the slowest reaction could detect a problem. This scene reminded Wu Yi of the omen when Wei Zifu turned on the horn of the storm on Coconut Tree Island.

"The power of the artifact!"

Right now, apart from Zixu who doesn't know where to hide, Zhang Yufeng feels the strongest.There are three main functions of artifacts. The first type is the same as conventional equipment, which is to strengthen personal combat power. The second type is auxiliary artifacts, such as the artifact "Taotian Map" of the Daomen divination series, which is to strengthen divination to the greatest extent. Effect, reducing the negative status caused by divination, and cannot be directly used for combat.The third is the war-type artifact, this type is the rarest, and similarly, it will cost the most to stimulate the power of the artifact.

Of course, the division of artifact types is not absolute, because many artifacts have multiple functions. However, the purer the function, the stronger the ability of the artifact in a certain aspect, such as the prison breaking bow of the Ning clan.

At this stage, the artifacts that players can access are extremely limited, and it is even more impossible to know the possible impact in the future just by looking at the celestial phenomena triggered by the artifacts.However, as Zhang Yufeng, who has stepped into the top ranks of the world and has a long heritage, he couldn't be more clear.

Zhang Yufeng reacted the first time he noticed the abnormality, and the simple compass in his hand directly turned into a small golden dragon, which plunged into the ground.With the sound of a slightly dull dragon chant, the power of a piece of yellow earth veins permeated up from the ground, merged with the power of the army, and blessed the soldiers together. At this moment, the army of Calabash City It's like wearing a golden armor.

With Zhang Yufeng's ability alone, it was originally impossible to achieve this level unless he used a large-scale Fengshui magic circle, but now he can achieve the same effect by using the ability of the ancestral compass.However, this is not without cost, Zhang Yufeng is not willing to make such a sacrifice unless it is absolutely necessary.

Seeing the changes in front of him, Wu Yi heaved a long sigh of relief. No matter what the effect is, at least there is an extra guarantee, isn't it!Judging from the location where the celestial change occurred, it is almost certain that it must have come from Li Shimin's side, and their purpose is self-evident.


The target of this storm doesn't seem to be the army of Calabash City!

When the storm slowly took shape, it did not move toward the east, but moved toward the northeast, where the army of the dead of the East China Sea was located.But if you think about it carefully, it's not surprising. After all, the threat posed by the army of undead to the territory is far greater than that of Calabash City.

Seeing this scene, Wu Yi had a surprised smile on his face. This is really an unexpected surprise!Li Shimin's backhand is used on Donghai Kingdom, no matter what the result is, both sides will inevitably be weakened, isn't this equal to taking advantage of him for nothing!At this time, Wu Yi couldn't help but began to look forward to the stronger the power of the storm, the better. It would be better for Li Shimin and Donghai Kingdom to complete the certification of "Death Enemy". Then it would be easier for him to destroy Li Shimin.

But at this moment, in the storm vortex in the sky, a bright golden giant sword suddenly plunged straight down. The target of the giant sword attack could not be seen from the position of the battlefield, but immediately followed by a circle of shock waves that almost materialized It spread to the surroundings, and then...then the storm tide that had just formed dissipated directly, leaving only a gust of wind, blowing in all directions, blowing up a cloud of dust.

Really come fast, go faster!The East China Sea State Undead Army, which was the target of the storm, was only blown away by thousands of skeletons, not even a small loss.

Fuck!Is this a joke?

Seeing this scene, Wu Yi suddenly felt that his whole body was not good. The perfect plan he had just thought up just now died before it even started!But now, it just broke one of Li Shimin's backhands, and the overall situation has not changed much.As for the identity of the person who broke all this can already be determined, that golden sword shadow has already explained everything.

Zixu! ! !

I didn't know where the old Taoist was hiding before, but I didn't expect him to sneak to the rear of Li Shimin's army. Let alone, the half-god is really yin!Zixu would run to that position, apparently targeting the Temple of Chaos, trying to make a move at a critical moment, and he indeed succeeded, but he seemed to be doing a disservice!
No matter how you look at it, right now is not the best time to activate the Temple of Tides, and the old Taoist doesn't know what he is thinking, in order to grab the artifact?Probably!I just don't know if I got it.An artifact, even if it is of the main water attribute, but as long as it can be used, in the hands of a demigod, its attributes will definitely far exceed legendary equipment.

But would that really be a complete artifact?Is the Temple of Tides so rich?
However, Zixu's move can't be said to be fruitless, and an artifact that can trigger war must at least be a legend, right?Can Legend have a chance to survive under Zixu's sneak attack?This is a legendary corpse. If you can snatch the corpse, you may be able to refine a pseudo-legendary corpse. This is the fastest way to increase the number of strong people on your side.


After the sudden change, Geng Yan made a decisive choice. How can we say that the entire army still has a super BUFF of the power of the earth veins. Even if Donghai Kingdom joins, it is just a three-way melee, and the situation will not be worse than before. At least Li Shimin's backup is gone, and the biggest hidden crisis has been resolved.

It's hard to say what the result of the counterattack will be, but if Wu Yi wants to keep that super lightning cannon, he must counterattack!Li Shimin must not be allowed to withdraw from the battlefield safely. At that time, Calabash City will face the attack of Donghai Kingdom alone. The original plan to attack Dragon Soul City has turned into helping Dragon Soul City to defend.

The second batch of reinforcements from Penglai City has already set off, the number is not large, only [-], and the troops are still mainly armored sailors. However, if there is a big rout in the future, this army is enough to protect the battlefield The important personnel and important items on board are safely evacuated.

Before, when the undead army of the East China Sea State appeared on the stage, Li Shimin had already begun to gradually prepare to evacuate. However, it is not possible to completely get rid of the entanglement of Calabash City in a short time.Morale gone?Formation is gone?Moreover, on the way to evacuate, they had to face the bombing of the war equipment group in Calabash City again.

At this moment, the battle situation is going further and further in a direction that neither side can control.

(End of this chapter)

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