The best lord of online games

Chapter 1266 The Second Expeditionary Army of the Eastern Sea Kingdom

Chapter 1266
Before the main force of Donghai Kingdom formally contacted Li Shimin and the army of Calabash City, the undead had already begun to disturb the battlefield.To deal with the undead, besides the God of Light, probably the most effective is the puppet, because the fragments left after the puppet's death cannot be used as the casting material for the soul-calling skills of the undead. At the same time, the puppet is also immune to most curses and regular negative states , Moreover, puppets, like undead, have no morale.

But it is a pity that in the eastern theater with Penglai City as the core, Wu Yi did not arrange many puppet units at all. Because of the existence of Tianhong, the puppet units should naturally be transferred to the battlefield of Baoyue City as much as possible. Only in this way can the true combat effectiveness of the demonic army be brought into play.

Right now, they can only temporarily suppress the front line with a large number of kite cannons. It is best to give Donghai Kingdom a feeling that Li Shimin is weaker and easy to bully, so that the two families can "join hands" to destroy Li Shimin first.

The undead mixed in the army formation were quickly cleaned up. Since Li Shimin wanted to retreat, the emperor's corpse did not have to defend Li Yuanba all the time, and gave him a wider fighting space. It can make better use of the effect of the "wild corpse field". If it can attract more zombies, it will be much easier to deal with the undead army of the East China Sea in the future.

——System: The soldiers belonging to your territory are intimidated by the "Expeditionary Battle Flag" of the Second Expeditionary Army of the East China Sea, and their overall combat effectiveness -5%.

Expedition battle flag?

This is somewhat similar to Wu Yi's "Polu battle flag", but obviously, the deterrent effect of the expedition battle flag surpasses the current Polu battle flag, otherwise this situation would not have occurred.The deterrent effect of the Polu battle flag is an instant attribute generated based on the prestige of the two lords, the main city, and the morale comparison. Before that, the Calabash City side "deterred" Li Shimin's army.

I just don’t know what is the basis of this "Expeditionary Battle Flag" to compare and calculate the attributes. It is only 5%, and the gap between the two is not that big. Much better.

"Second Expeditionary Force?"

In addition to the information inquired from Shui Dongliu, Wu Yi also found a lot of fragments about the Donghai Kingdom through various channels. By connecting all these together, Wu Yi also had a deeper understanding of the Donghai Kingdom.

The Second Expeditionary Force of the East China Sea!

The Expeditionary Army, this is one of the two strongest legions in the history of the East China Sea, except for the National Defense Army. The First Expeditionary Army has not continued until now, and has already been destroyed along with the East China Sea City back then.Therefore, the Second Expeditionary Army became the strongest army under the designation "Expeditionary Army", and also inherited the military flag.

However, the Second Expeditionary Force right now should be just an empty shelf. Apart from the battle flags that represent their identities, more than 5% of the soldiers are temporarily recruited. [-]% of the combat effectiveness of the city.

If this expeditionary army battle flag can be captured, its value will probably not be weaker than an artifact, right?

The Hongyu Empire also has many such inherited military flags, like the one held by the "Empire Extreme Wall" of the extreme northern fortress, but unfortunately it has been lost with the fall of the extreme northern fortress.In essence, the quality of the lord's flag is higher than that of the military flag, but the lord's flag cannot be upgraded independently unless the lord establishes a country.

Amidst the dazzling artillery fire, the Second Expeditionary Army of the East China Sea State did as Wu Yi expected. Although it did not completely avoid the Calabash City army, the emphasis of the attack was on Li Shimin's side.

Capture Li Shimin alive?
If the undead of the East China Sea could cooperate perfectly, there would be some chances, but it was obviously impossible now, and Wu Yi preferred to kill Li Er rather than capture him alive!Not to mention Li Shimin, even Li Yuanba couldn't subdue him, he had to slaughter him and wait for the Qitiantai. Li Daozong, Li Xiaogong and the like still had a chance, while Cheng Yaojin and his like were much simpler.

Geng Yan commanded the army to move southwest, trying to avoid contact with the East China Sea while pursuing Li Shimin's army, forming a double-team from the north and the south as much as possible, and limiting Li Shimin's withdrawal route to the greatest extent.There was an army of undead, retreating all the way, suddenly causing morale to go wild.

Everything went surprisingly smoothly. This was something Wu Yi never dared to think about before. As long as he can seize this opportunity and kill Li Shimin, then Dragon Soul City will be nothing but a scabies disease, and it will be calmed down soon.

However, Li Shimin is worthy of being Li Shimin. Even in such a dangerous situation, he can not be chaotic at all, and he can fight back to a certain extent from time to time.However, under the absolute disadvantage, unless Li Shimin can have the second support army arrive, at most it will delay the time of defeat.

"There's something wrong ahead. You'd better stop the army from continuing to pursue, otherwise you may suffer a big loss." Just when Wu Yi seemed to have seen the victory, Zhang Yufeng, who had been following him, said suddenly.His ancestral compass has returned to his hands again, but it has lost its dreamy golden light and has become more ordinary.

"What!?" Wu Yi couldn't believe what he heard, stop?stop at this time?How can it be!After taking advantage of this opportunity, if they want to destroy Li Shimin in the future, Calabash City will have to pay more.

"The power of the earth veins is chaotic. It's not a feng shui magic circle. It should be a large trap. The power of this trap is enough to change the terrain on a large scale!"

"Large trap?"

There are many types of traps in "The Prosperous Age". The most common ones are the magic traps controlled by hunters and thieves.However, the large traps controlled by mechanism masters, like feng shui masters and feng shui magic circles, need to be arranged in advance, unlike simple magic traps, which can be completed within a few seconds.

Wu Yi was very entangled, but in the end he chose to believe in Zhang Yufeng. After all, the person who knows the organ master best, besides the organ master himself, must belong to the Feng Shui master, because both Feng Shui master and organ master are necessary in the tomb of the nobles of the Hongyu Empire This is true for occupations, whether it is arranging mausoleums or robbing tombs.

If Wu Yi called to stop at this time, the army would not listen to him. He is not the coach, so he can only go to Geng Yan!Forcibly giving such an order to the coach on the battlefield will easily affect the loyalty of the coach, but now Wu Yi has no choice but to believe that everything Zhang Yufeng said is true, as long as it is true , then it won't affect Geng Yan's opinion of him.

On the contrary, his loss will be great!
(End of this chapter)

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