The best lord of online games

Chapter 1269 Imperial Capital Level "Twilight Barrier"

Chapter 1269 Imperial Capital Level "Twilight Barrier"

It was too late to mobilize the strong players on the Baoyue City battlefield right now, so they had to find someone nearby.Zhu Rong and Huang Shi must go together. The two of them are the highest combat power that Wu Yi can mobilize at the moment. Xu negative should go too. After all, the mission scene is still uncertain, and maybe there will be people who need to use Xu negative's divination ability place, and Xu negative is a holy rank, his own combat effectiveness is not weak.

It is unlikely that Doomsday God's Battlefield is in a water environment, so it doesn't matter if the strong of the Sea Clan can bring Zhou Tai.Then there are Aunt Gongsun and Li Shishi. Li Shishi's flexibility is too poor, and she can only stand for output or support. If it is a group of hundreds of people, then her role is definitely not weaker than that of a holy rank, but if it is a group of nine people , then it will be difficult to play, and maybe it will be a burden, so this time Wu Yi only plans to take Aunt Gongsun.

After a round of calculations, there are only five people, and there are still three gaps. After thinking about it for a while, Wu Yi counted Kunming in again. Fight against the map with Wu Yi.In Doomsday God's Battlefield, Ma Zhong's talent might play a role. In the end, after much consideration, Wu Yi planned to bring Wu Minxi, the griffin breeder.

The purpose this time is not to find the griffin, but to find a way to bring the griffin back!The griffin breeder has a favorable opinion bonus for the griffin, which may have some miraculous effects, and he is not inferior to him in combat power anyway.

After making up his mind, Wu Yi immediately sent someone to recruit people. The time-space portal had already been opened, and there was not much time left for him.Wu Minxi is easy to handle. No matter where he is, he just needs to commit suicide and go back to the city and then teleport it. It won't take a few minutes. The important thing is to let him settle in Calabash City first. In this way, when we do tasks together, we will gain more affection. Can fall under the name of Calabash City.

A quarter of an hour later, the nine people were assembled and entered the time-space portal together.

As the scene turned, a group of people came to a brand new environment, and the sight in front of them was enough to amaze everyone.

——System: You have entered the "Twilight Barrier".

——System: Obtain "Time-Space Teleportation Crystal (Temporary)".

"Wow! This looks more majestic than Kowloon City!" Wu Minxi murmured.

"The legendary imperial-level barrier really lives up to its reputation!" Because of her occupation, there are few things that can move Xu negative. For her to say such words, one can imagine the magnificence of the twilight barrier.

The sky was covered by thick black clouds. In the city, Wu Yi could only see part of the outline of the fortress at dusk. The high city wall stood up like a mountain, and even the interior was covered with various scratches of knives, guns, axes, and axes, revealing an air of darkness. A strong sense of vicissitudes of time.This is a purely military fortress, at the level of the imperial capital, even the most defensive fortress in the extreme north of the Hongyu Empire is more than one level behind.

At first glance, it is indeed more shocking than Kowloon City, after all, Kowloon City has no walls.

Time-space teleportation crystal (temporary): Binding, use the crystal to open a time-space portal to Calabash City.Crystals are stored for up to three days.

This is attached to the mission, which means that the team can leave this mission space at any time, but the maximum time limit is three days, and they only have three days.

The location where Wu Yi and his party are located is a teleportation square, surrounded by many angel squads in gorgeous armor, flying in the air, or patrolling the streets.Their sudden appearance did not cause any waves.

Is this a city of angels?

At this moment, an angel wearing golden blood-patterned armor descended from the sky, looked at the emperor's corpse, and said in a somewhat unfriendly tone: "Undead creatures? Take good care of your little pet, otherwise he may bring you some unnecessary troubles."

"I'm very sorry, we are new here and don't know much about the rules here." Wu Yi's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he brought a refined corpse to the angel's nest. It was lucky that he was not directly hacked to death.But how could the mission throw them into an angel city, and want to abduct the griffin in the angel city, is this possible?
"It doesn't matter. The Twilight Barrier welcomes all warriors who come to defend against the death god's army. This general is Ye Jia, the deputy general of Nancheng City Patrol. If you don't understand anything, you can directly ask this general." He can still distinguish the undead.

"Thank you, General Ye!" Wu Yi heaved a long sigh of relief, but now he really urgently needs to understand the details of this space to facilitate the follow-up of his mission.

During the conversation, Wu Yi finally learned about the so-called Doom God Battlefield, which is a special battlefield between the God of Light and the God of Death, and the war here has lasted for thousands of years.The main force in the twilight barrier is the angels. The reason why Wu Yi and his party are so easily recognized is because many strong people from the human race came to support the twilight barrier, and the human race is also the biggest ally of the angel family.

In this way, the real time here is most likely before the age of the gods that Wu Yi knew!
In this protracted battle, the angels representing the light gods have always been at a disadvantage. If it weren't for the strong defense capabilities of the twilight barrier, the light gods would have been defeated long ago, and have been struggling with the help of the human race ever since. support.

"Your strength is still too weak. It's too early to participate in the big battle here, but you are also a rare young talent among the human race. I would have given you some small tasks."

Angel, as a unit, the lower limit is the ninth legendary level. If you are an elite individual, if you don't have the strength of the legendary level, you will probably be ashamed to be a general.The strongest of Wu Yi and his party is only the holy rank, and they are indeed too weak in a real battle of gods.

However, it was indeed the right time to bring Ma Zhong here. There are angels in the twilight barrier, and the main force of the undead side must also be mythical species. Regardless of their strength, these can trigger Ma Zhong's "God Killing" talent. If he can grab the heads of a few real strong men in the process, then Ma Zhong will take off directly.

"Mission?" Wu Yi's main purpose of entering the Doomsday God Battlefield this time is to obtain the Griffin Group. He doesn't know what mission the other party will give him. After all, he can only stay here for three days at most. If it is a mission that takes too long, Then he didn't have the energy to take care of it at all.

"That's right, we have fought against the army of death for thousands of years. During this process, countless angels died in battle. Many times we were unable to bring back the corpses of our companions. If you want, you can go to some abandoned battlefields. Find the 'Angel Heart'."

——System: "Collect Angel Hearts", search for the angel hearts left behind after the angels died in battle on the battlefield, the more angel hearts you collect, the higher the reward you will get.Whether to accept?
(End of this chapter)

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