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Chapter 1270 Salivating Merit Redemption

Chapter 1270 Salivating Merit Redemption
Angel Heart?

In the war in the main world, many angels were killed, but Wu Yi had never heard of such a thing.

However, the difficulty of cleaning the battlefield should not be high. If the Griffin matter is settled, it will not be a problem if you do it. Maybe you can get a good reward.But the key now is that the Griffin hasn't been found yet, so we must not put the cart before the horse.

"General Ye, there is something I want to inquire about."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Ye Jia was very patient. After all, it's not a time of war. As a family of angels with a long life, what is time?
"I heard that there is a bird named Griffin. I want to raise some. I wonder if I can get some from the city." Let's lead the rewards in this direction.

"Oh, you said those guys, it seems that there are quite a few of them on the unnamed cliff in the southeast. I heard that their strength is not bad, but there are none in the city." Ye Jia pointed to the griffin mount under Wu Minxi and said.

No? !
At this point in time, there is no profession of Griffin Cavalry in the Guangming God Department?

That's right!Wu Yi suddenly thought that the Griffin Knight is a combination of human knights and griffins. At this time, the light god system is far from being fully established. It is a special unit developed by the God of Light to help the believers of the human race.


The Griffin was not controlled by the Twilight Barrier, which was not good news for Wu Yi. If it was purely wild, it could only rely on Wu Minxi, the breeder, to contribute more.Clans like Griffins and Flying Dragons are far less mature than the Monster Clan. Whether they can communicate is a problem. Fighting is inevitable. The basic level of the Griffin as a unit is the ninth level. Will there be any special existence? It's hard to say, once a war starts, casualties are hard to avoid.

"Those griffins are very fierce, with your strength..." Ye Jia shook his head, the meaning is self-evident.

This Ye Jia is at least at the legendary level. Since he said so, if Wu Yi and his party just rush up like this, they may only end up in a dead end.But what to do?

It is not uncommon for Qi Tiantai's "prayer" to have an unsolvable mission. Wu Yi had already prepared in his heart before, but at this moment, the unwillingness in his heart is indescribable.

"Think about it carefully. This sketch of the Twilight Barrier and its surroundings is given to you. If you find the heart of an angel, you can directly send it to the Hall of Merit in the city to hand in the task. If you can receive some small tasks, you can go to the Sixth Army Battalion if you have a rest, and someone will arrange for you there. If you have other things, you can go to the Nancheng Police Station to find the general." Ye Jia threw a roll to Wu Yi The map followed and flew away. No matter how free he was, he couldn't stay here with a group of young people in a daze.

"Boss, shall we go directly to Griffin Cliff next, or do the mission of Angel's Heart first?" Wu Minxi scratched his head and asked, Wu Yi naturally knew the purpose of finding the Griffon, which reflected his value It's a big deal, once it's done, his basic salary will have to be raised by several grades, let's see which of the brothers in the studio who doesn't envy Huang Yueying's demon heart all the time.

"No hurry, let's go to the Hall of Merit and Merit first." Wu Yi unfolded the map and took a closer look. It was indeed a simplified map. There were only a few important functional buildings marked on it, and the Hall of Merit and Merit was one of them. There are as many as eight Halls of Merit, one of which is not far from the teleportation square where they are located.

Let’s go and see what the Hall of Merit can exchange for. Now that you know how difficult it is to obtain a Griffin, it would be too irrational to go there immediately. If the Hall of Merit can be exchanged for something good, even if you fail this mission, it’s not considered Lost.

Wu Yi and his party followed the map and walked northward along the street. Xu Negative had been playing with the fate coin in his hand. The small coin gave off a golden streamer from time to time, and he didn't know what she was divination.

All the buildings in the twilight barrier are mainly pure white, but under the erosion of the years, the color is a bit dark, but it is still beautiful and solemn.

The Hall of Merit is very large, even giant spirits don't have to bow their heads when they come in. The decoration is very gorgeous, but it looks very empty. In the hall, there is a coquettish female angel, leaning on the big back chair, with slender legs curled up on the long table, Wearing a pure white gold-rimmed robe, the figure is extraordinarily hot.

"Little guys, are you going to take on some small tasks and go out of the city to practice?" The female angel looked at Wu Yi and his party with a provocative expression and a flirtatious tone.Whether it is in the history books or the scriptures of the Temple of Light, angels are solemn and holy, but the one in front of them is not at all close to these, but more like a succubus in the Demon Realm.

Sure enough, history books are not very reliable.

"We're new here and want to have a look first."

"New here? Haha, my sister has a lot of good things here, do you want to take a look?" The female angel put her legs down, grabbed a jade book on the long table, shook it and smiled coquettishly.

"Thank you!" Wu Yi took the jade book, and secretly glanced at the charming angel, such an angel, I really want to have a dozen.

The Jade Book is the Merit Redemption Catalog of the Hall of Merit, which records in detail the items that can be exchanged for merit, but Wu Yi is getting more and more frightened the more he looks at it.

Not to mention conventional equipment and materials, there is actually a "Scroll of Angel Race Transformation", which directly transforms the race into angels. This is a mythical race that is stronger than the Sea Clan. The race is absolutely powerful. Unfortunately, this scroll It needs 500 million merits to be exchanged. If the value of the merits of the Twilight Barrier is not much different from that of the Hongyu Empire, then 500 million merits are definitely not something the nine of them can get in a short time.

In addition, there are various formula blueprints with the characteristics of the light gods, as well as the trophies captured from the gods of the underworld, drooling...

If you give him [-] million merits, then he can become rich and handsome in an instant. Compared with the Hongyu Empire's merits and deeds, the merits hall of the Twilight Barrier is really too generous, or is it because of the price difference caused by the age?
"Can you still exchange for angels?" When Wu Yi turned to the end, he jumped up, and he could actually exchange for angels directly, and the angel units that can be exchanged are not the only ones that Wu Yi has seen, they are all ninth-level Legendary level, but there is a big gap in ability.

"What's so strange about this? Angels are the main force in the Twilight Barrier, and meritorious deeds represent your ability. As long as you have enough meritorious deeds, it doesn't matter if you command the angels!" The female angel said indifferently, but follow along, the beautiful girl Supporting his chin with his right hand, leaning on the long table, he blinked at Wu Yi, "What? Little brother, are you interested in angels?"

Wu Yi nodded fiercely. This is the top mythical unit. How could he not be interested? Even if he can't get Griffin this time, as long as he can get enough Angels, he can make a fortune.

"Then work hard to earn meritorious service. As long as you have [-] million meritorious service, I'm fine even if you want my sister." The glamorous angel smiled coquettishly.

Go to Nimei's [-] million!
(End of this chapter)

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