The best lord of online games

Chapter 1271 East Ruins Battlefield

Chapter 1271 East Ruins Battlefield

Now Wu Yi can only obtain the meritorious service of the Twilight Barrier through missions. However, although there are many good things that can be exchanged, they are not cheap.

"Sir, is there any task suitable for us?" Wu Yi is determined to win angels, as long as he can get enough angels, maybe he can rely on this to get the griffin he wants.

"Look for yourself!" The glamorous angel smiled slightly, flicked another jade book, and flicked it in front of Wu Yi, and resumed the lazy look before, as if she had lost interest in Wu Yi and his party.

Wu Yi held the jade book and went to the side, intending to study it with the team. After all, he only had three days, and it was impossible to do all kinds of messy tasks. It was best to have short energy consumption and high returns.

The first page of the quest jade book records the quest of collecting angel hearts given to him by Ye Jia. This is a long-term quest that has been suspended for hundreds of years.After seeing the detailed mission description, Wu Yi finally understood the reason for the formation of "Angel Heart".Not every angel will generate an angel heart after being killed in battle. Only the strong of the angel family, or a large number of angels killed in battle, will have a very low chance of forming it after their corpses are completely corrupted.

Even if this Doomsday God battlefield has existed for thousands of years, and there are countless angels killed in battle, there are still not many angel hearts that may appear, not to mention that the battlefield has been rummaged more than once. This task is an extremely strange test lucky.

"Miss Xu, is there a way?" Many things that seem to be looking for a needle in a haystack can be solved very well if a fortune teller is involved.Wu Yi looked at Xu Negative with hopeful eyes. This is an unlimited task, and theoretically, unlimited merits can be obtained.Of course, this is just talk, after all, there are countless Angel Hearts in the Doomsday God Battlefield, but if it can be done, this is undoubtedly the fastest way to earn merit.

"You can try it. If you have a ready-made angel heart, the chance of success will be much higher."

Xu Negative has been in Calabash City for so long, and he hasn't been able to help with too many things. This time, he is absolutely sure, but the ready-made angel heart...

"Sir, we are planning to go out of the city to look for the heart of an angel. Can you give us a real object that is convenient for comparison and easy for us to find." There is only a picture of the heart of an angel in the mission introduction, and there is no such thing in the merit exchange. One can imagine the importance of this angel heart to the angel race.

"What do you think?" The glamorous angel looked at Wu Yi with a half-smile.

Sure enough!

But this task still has to be done, as long as the first angel heart can be found, Xu negative's divination will be much easier in the future.But you can't just do this task, and then see if there are other tasks that are suitable or on the same path.

There are quite a few missions recorded in the jade book, more than [-] large and small, but most of them are not suitable for Wu Yi and his party. War-type missions are not something they can touch at all. Nine people will definitely die if they go up, there is no second possibility .For example, to destroy the Death Sky Transformer of the undead clan, there are over ten thousand undead defenders alone, not to mention the strong ones.

"Hey, this mission is not bad, capture the shadow angel."

The undead race is everyone who plays with corpses. After fighting with the Guangming God Department for so many years, it is impossible not to study angels. However, the attributes of angels are just opposite to those of undead. The corpses of angels cannot be transformed by simple spiritualism. Angels have a powerful purification ability, and it is impossible to avoid them completely.

Looking at the recorded time, this mission was only released recently. Now that the undead side has researched, the angel side will naturally have to understand and try to find countermeasures. Therefore, the shadow angel must be captured alive. If it is a corpse, it does not make any sense Yes, the difficulty is very high.However, this was the most suitable task Wu Yi could find for them after searching through the Jade Book. The others were either too difficult or too far away from the place where they were looking for the angel's heart.

Like the Twilight Barrier, the undead side will also release many small missions during non-combat times, so there will be many scattered teams in the neutral ground. If you encounter them, let's see who is more capable.

After confirming the mission, the group came to the previous teleportation square again. Now they have automatically belonged to the camp of the twilight barrier and obtained the right to freely enter and leave the city during non-wartime.There is no gate in the Twilight Barrier, and the only way to get in and out is through the teleportation array. Although there are many reinforcements from the human race in the city, the number is still not comparable to that of the angels. These people either go out for missions together or stay in the barracks. Going back and forth, Wu Yi didn't see a human race.

There are many teleportation formations outside the city wall of the Twilight Barrier, and Wu Yi chose the one closest to the east, which is the closest to their destination, the East Ruins Battlefield, and these teleportation points are guarded by angel sentries.

Looking at the fortress at dusk from outside the city is even more shocking. Even if he lets him attack such a fortified city, he can only look at the city and sigh.

The East Ruins Battlefield was the earliest main battlefield of the Twilight Barrier and the Undead. However, due to the high intensity of the war, many fault spaces were created around it, which was no longer suitable as a battleground, so it was abandoned. This is a bit like God's Fall restricted area.It is said that more than ten million soldiers from both sides were buried in this battlefield.

When a group of people entered the edge of the East Ruins battlefield, there were already piles of bones under their feet, and it was hard to imagine the tragic extent of the war.

In this different space, except for the hundreds of miles around the base camps of both sides, other places are called neutral places, where enemies may be encountered at any time.Moreover, the reason why the angels of the twilight barrier have been at a disadvantage is mainly because of the black clouds in the sky that look like a sky. The undead spent thousands of years building countless death sky transformation furnaces, allowing the death sky to cover the entire space, except for the twilight barrier. Above, except around the eternal gate of heaven, the rest of the sky has long been covered by the curtain of death.

The existence of the death canopy will not directly weaken the fighting power of other races, but they can greatly strengthen the undead, and at the same time remove the weakening effect on the undead during the day.

Therefore, in this ruined battlefield, Wu Yi and his party are also very likely to encounter the undead squad, so they must be extra careful.

"Miss Xu, I'm sorry for your trouble!" The East Ruins Battlefield is too far away at first glance, it is too big, I can only hope that Xu Negative can determine an accurate aspect, otherwise, if you want to find the heart of an angel here, it will be tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack .

(End of this chapter)

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