The best lord of online games

Chapter 1281 Shadow Assassin

Chapter 1281 Shadow Assassin

The reason why Wu Yi dared to randomly recruit people to do tasks when Calabash City seemed to be in the vortex of war was because he had always taken the initiative.Don't look at the power of Calabash City being pinned in four directions now, but Mayi City is only defending, and Baoyue City is more about restraining each other. The Kraken has not yet started a war on the sea, and Ghost Crab City can be left alone for the time being. Penglai City, is Li Shimin capable of taking the initiative to attack?
"Everyone, be careful, further ahead, the area where the undead are active!" At this time, Wei Huo, the leader of the team, reminded him.

Angels and undead are stationed on the north and south sides of Doomsday God's Battlefield, bounded by the line between the due east and due west points. Once they cross this line and go north, the chances of encountering undead will greatly increase.

Wei Huo took great care of Wu Yi, and kept Wu Yi's team in the middle of the team along the way, so the chance of being attacked was much smaller.Of course, being able to sneak attack on a team with five legends is really not that difficult.

At the front of the team was a legendary dragon rider, but his dragon riding was only a holy rank, and with his professional bonus, his speed was really fast. In front of him, Zhou Tai was completely a little friend.Along the way, I encountered those "scavenging" undead squads that didn't have legends in charge. There was no need for the brigade to do anything, and the legendary dragon knight solved them directly.

To be honest, this is also the first time Wu Yi has seen a dragon knight of this level. Only at this moment did he truly realize the power of this profession. To describe it in two words, it is violence!Absolute violence!
In the wild, there are generally no demigods appearing. Wu Yi has already inquired clearly before. Although this place is called the battlefield of gods, there is only one god on both sides. Until the most critical moment of the war, they will not appeared.There are quite a few demigods on both sides, but the demigods are usually sitting in the base camp and will not be dispatched in the idle time.It can be said that in the Doomsday God Battlefield, the real main force should be regarded as the legendary stage.

While advancing at lightning speed, the sealer Luo Mengxin, who was not far from Wu Yi, suddenly changed his expression and shouted: "Be careful!" At the same time, he opened his domain.

The purpose of not opening the domain before was to avoid attracting the attention of the undead powerhouse as much as possible.But now it was clear that an enemy was coming.Before Luo Mengxin responded, a phantom corner of a magic circle appeared behind the team. This is a sealing circle. The specific effect is temporarily unknown. Now it is obviously used as a temporary warning. If the enemy did not bump into it It is impossible to find the opponent so quickly with the sealing formation.

But it was too late for this reminder, only a light white light and shadow cut through the field, and a cold light suddenly appeared, directly obliterating the two holy ranks at the back of the team, and those two unlucky ones didn't even make a scream It was instantly killed.The speed was so fast that Wu Yi didn't see clearly at all, and disappeared in an instant after the murder.

"Damn it! It's the Shadow Assassin!" The legendary strongman in charge of pressing the back roared. His profession is a fire magician, and he shot Cang Yunyan in an instant, but he couldn't find the target.

The Shadow Assassin is a unique profession of the White Soul Clan. Coupled with the characteristics of the race, it is known as one of the professions with the strongest concealment ability. It is far beyond the reach of ordinary killers and assassins.

Wu Yi knew about this profession. After all, he had a pretty good relationship with the shadow lord of the underworld, but he had never seen one. Even among the white soul clan, there were quite a few shadow assassins.Right now, this person who can complete the assassination under the nose of a digital legend must also be a legend. As long as the shadow assassin is not too close to the opponent of the same level, he can perform perfect concealment.

While confirming the identity of the enemy, the formation of the team began to change, with the legendary strong at the outermost edge, and the brigade accelerated forward.There's absolutely no point in playing hide and seek with the Shadow Assassin unless you're sure of his location, or have a counter class.

However, at this time, the Shadow Assassin in the dark did not dare to continue to attack. Once he was restrained and unable to use his strength of concealment, he was likely to be smashed instantly.However, in this way, their actions cannot be called top secret.

In this way, do you want to storm the undead stronghold?

"Is this the Doomsday God's Battlefield?"

Following Wu Yi, Wu Minxi, who was riding a little griffin, looked back, and the two holy steps died so easily, before he could react at all!In the main world, the current holy rank can already be called a strong one, but here, in the battlefield of the doomsday god, the holy rank is too fragile. Thinking that he is less than the ninth rank, this is on the battlefield, except Other than smashing holy water, you can really only shout 666!
Wu Yi's understanding of the Doomsday God's Battlefield is extremely limited. Since Wei Huo chose to continue, he must have his reasons. Wu Yi did not question it at this time.His team is only lacking in the top powerhouses, but overall it is not bad, at least not as ugly as it looks on the surface.

At this time, the team did not continue to do any hiding, just opened the field and went straight to the stronghold of the undead.

After a while, the team did not go directly to the undead stronghold, but encountered another human team, or this human team was waiting for them here early.

"Wei Huo, you are too slow!" A very handsome man in silver body armor said lazily.His attire does not reveal his specific occupation at all, he can only know that he is a warrior system. If he had to use one word to describe it, it would be "Saobao"!
"Hmph! Stop talking nonsense and get down to business." Wei Huo snorted unhappily.

It seems that there is a festival between these two people!

Could this person be their original collaborator?

"Then let's get down to business. Now we only have less than two hours. After two hours, the reinforcements of the undead will arrive!"

The undead strongholds that create the death canopy can be built everywhere, and it is impossible for each of them to have a large army and a large number of strong men stationed there, especially for new strongholds.However, it is not so easy to capture a stronghold in two hours. After all, the two teams combined only have about two hundred people.

Under the threat of shadow assassins, how to attack the stronghold is also a problem that needs to be considered.If you rush indiscriminately, it won't take long for teammates below the legend to lay their corpses in front of this undead stronghold.

"The previous agreement remains unchanged, let's go!"


After a brief conversation, the team set off again. This place is not far from the valley where the undead stronghold is located. Looking at the black smoke column connecting the sky, you can tell that this is the death smoke cloud of the newly created death sky.

(End of this chapter)

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