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Chapter 1282 Dead Spirit Tower——Death Withering 0

Chapter 1282 Dead Spirit Tower——Death and Withering

The appearance of the undead stronghold is somewhat beyond Wu Yi's expectations. There is no city wall, and there are stretches of buildings in the valley, made of black stone and white bones, with strong undead characteristics. A tall death canopy stands in the center Manufacturing towers, there are a large number of necromancer towers around the valley.

That is to say, the defense here is completely dependent on enchantment?

A large number of skeletons and liches are waiting in formation, and the top of the Necromancer Tower is also lit up, obviously ready for defense.Such a stronghold, not to mention giving Wu Yi three days, even if he was given 30 days, it is impossible for him to gather the strength to eat here.Participating in such a big battle actually has additional gains for Wu Yi. After experiencing it in advance, he will be able to control more accurately in future strong battles.

Wu Yi's Wei Huo team did not merge with the previous man's team, and they separated before arriving at the stronghold. Obviously, the relationship between the two parties was not harmonious.Wu Yi didn't know the so-called agreement between the two parties. Right now, Wu Yi's team remains unchanged, and will attack the stronghold from the southeast, while the other team will go around to the southwest and start attacking.

The two sides work together without interfering with each other. This kind of cooperation mode is very common. However, in this mode, if the grievances between the two parties are too deep, it is very likely that they will kill each other at a critical moment.

Wu Yi secretly noticed in his heart, this must be guarded against!
When the team arrived at the outskirts of the valley, Luo Mengxin immediately set up a sealing array. This was not for attacking, but for guarding against shadow assassins.Before attacking, it must be ensured that if the Shadow Assassin makes a move, he can be used in the first place and counterattack. To do this, the sealer is indeed quite suitable.

Also as a legend, the sealing circle carefully arranged by the sealer will definitely make any assassin class cry, enough to block any chance for them to perform.With such a guarantee, the morale of the team has stabilized, at least there is no need to attack and worry at the same time!
The attack begins!
The magic group was the first to attack, and a group of legal professions cooperated with the legendary fire magician to bombard and assemble.Hitting a barrier at the city defense level with skills is similar to cutting down a city wall with a machete. However, at this time, you can't forcefully open the domain to fight the barrier. It's too dangerous. enemy.

And it's not just spells. In order to attack the stronghold, Wei Huo has been preparing for more than a day or two. A large number of items that can destroy the enchantment have been thrown out remotely. There are also many enchantment blasting crystals on Wu Yi, but this thing can only Using it at a close range, he didn't dare to face the attack of the Necromancer Tower, so he could only temporarily bring his angels to assist.

The undead tower is similar to the magic tower, so it is not wrong to call it the undead magic tower!

When everyone was attacking the enchantment of the stronghold, the Necromancer Tower behind the enchantment was also counterattacking, with large swathes of purple-black light flying.

Death withered!

This is the characteristic skill of the Lich. It is mainly based on curse and continuous damage. It is more powerful to cast this skill in conjunction with the Necromancer Tower.Luo Mengxin's sealing array played a certain defensive role at this time, but it was limited, and it was absolutely impossible to rely on these counterattacks against the Necromancer Tower.

Just when Wu Yi was considering whether to take the opportunity to show his performance, Wei Huo took out a golden scroll and quickly tore it open. Suddenly, a golden light enveloped everyone, and at the same time offset the effect of zeroing death.

"Speed ​​up!" Wei Huo roared.

Holy place?

This is what Wu Yi thought of. The sacred place is definitely the best choice to deal with the undead tower. The attacks of the magic tower are all spell-type. The magic of the undead system attacks the sacred place. To put it bluntly, it melts each other , At this time, let's not say who beats whom.The holy place scroll in the Merit Exchange of the Twilight Barrier is a divine creation, and its value is so expensive that Wu Yi can't look directly at it.

Maybe Wei Huo is really looking for Wu Yi just to make up the numbers, maybe because he has no "needs", otherwise it is impossible not to understand him at all, but if he has a certain understanding, it is impossible for him to throw out the sacred place at this time However, the cost for Wu Yi to use the power of the Glorious Holy Grail to open the sacred place is much lower.

Wu Yi couldn't help turning his head to look to the west, and the other team seemed to have adopted the same coping method.

Now that the scroll has been shot, there is no need for Wu Yi to make a shot. The effect of the scroll won't last long, but I don't know if they can break the barrier of the stronghold within this period of time. If not, then Wei Huo is still preparing a second one. The scroll of the holy place?For Wu Yi, it is the same to wait until he breaks through the barrier or enter the inside of the stronghold before making a move, and the effect will be better. His purpose is to make meritorious deeds, so it is naturally impossible to hide these tricks.

In this stronghold battle, the stronger he is, not only can he gain more meritorious service, but he can also gain the recognition of these strong human races, which will be of great help to him in the next two days or so. help.

The five legends in the team, the team leader Wei Huoaxe Warrior, the rest are Dragon Knight, Sealer, and Fire Art. The last Wu Yi is completely unclear, and this person is very strange. He disappeared on the way before. , so far has not appeared.

Could it be the Assassin Department?

Just as Wu Yi was looking around and attacking with the crowd, the Death Canopy Manufacturing Tower in the stronghold changed slightly. The thick Death Canopy in the sky seemed to be pressed down, getting lower and lower, lower and lower, although the speed was slow , but is visible to the naked eye.

Want to consume the sacred place with the death screen?

This trick is really dirty!The canopy of death has no attack effect, but it is undeniable that it is an aggregate of undead energy, and the sacred place will "purify" all undead systems, naturally including the canopy of death!While consuming the canopy of death, it will inevitably consume the power of the holy light. In the battlefield of the doomsday gods, the canopy of death is the biggest trump card for the undead side.


He's a rogue, what can you do?
This trick is also often used by the undead on the main battlefield with the angels. It is quite disgusting and unsolvable. If it can purify the death sky in the doomsday god battlefield, the angels have already done it, but they can't!So it will always be suppressed.

"Quick, quick!" Wei Huo roared eagerly, and took out a large number of items containing holy light energy, intending to replenish the holy light energy for the sacred place, so as to slow down the time for the sacred place to disappear. This method is very Helpless, after all, this is the sacred place where the scroll was created, and there is a time limit in itself.

(End of this chapter)

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