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Chapter 1283 Holy rank Gongsun, startling dragon sword dance

Chapter 1283 Holy Rank Gongsun, Startled Dragon Sword Dance ([-] in [-])

At this time, Wu Yi did not continue to remain silent. After all, this is related to the success or failure of this battle. Since the scroll of the sacred place has been smashed out, it must show enough value.

Immediately, Wu Yi took out the Holy Grail of Glory, and together with Wu Minxi, who was "watching the show", transformed the holy water, the energy of the holy light overflowed during the transformation of the holy water continuously filled the consumption of the sacred place.If it looks like this, the weakening effect of "50% Holy Light energy overflow" caused by the broken artifact is nothing.When the curtain of death fell, the sacred place was not directly melted away. Although the range was compressed by nearly one-third, it was stabilized.

"Nice job!" Wei Huo gave Wu Yi a thumbs up from a distance with a somewhat joyful expression. This way, his pressure was much less.

The biggest difficulty in attacking the enchantment lies in the enchantment. As long as the enchantment is broken, such a combination of masters can attack the stronghold, which can definitely be called a tiger entering the herd.With Wu Yi's help to stabilize the sacred place, and the timing is almost here, Wei Huo is also ready to take out his trump card. As the leader of the team, once this undead stronghold is successfully captured, he will not only be able to get more spoils Quotas, and at the same time, the rewards given by the twilight barrier can also be divided into a larger proportion. The more you gain, the more you pay.

In the Exchange Jade Book in the Hall of Merit and Merit of the Twilight Barrier, there are many powerful weapons for barriers, but they are all expensive!With their combination of combat power, it is impossible to quickly win the stronghold without preparing two or three pieces.But now there are two teams attacking the stronghold. Naturally, Wei Huo does not need to bear this kind of consumption alone. One of them should be produced at the same time, plus the initial consumption, it should be enough.

Wei Huo took out a cone-shaped, gold-colored object with a very metallic texture, followed by a tiger, the burly figure was like an angry dragon Tengyuan, and almost instantly rushed to the front of the stronghold's barrier, and put the golden cone in his hand The shape is nailed to the barrier.At the same time, a muffled dragon chant sounded from the stronghold, and a long bone dragon tail was wrapped around the domain and slammed heavily on Wei Huo's body. Wei Huo was directly pulled back by the huge force. Coupled with a large number of city defense attacks, even with the protection of the domain, he suffered serious injuries. Fortunately, he was rescued by the legendary dragon rider at the first time. Due to the cover of multiple domains, Wu Yi did not see it. The whole body of the dragon.

However, Wei Huo's goal has been achieved. When the golden cone is nailed to the barrier, it unfolds quickly, like a blooming lotus flower. Every "petal" is firmly embedded in the light and shadow wall of the barrier. It exploded with a bang, and there was no rush to stop it. The barrier shook violently and unsteadily, and the light curtain flickered on and off for a while.

The explosion on the other side was only a moment late, so it can’t be too fast, if it’s not faster, the time for the sacred place is coming, and the second sacred place is going to be a big investment, who is it? , have to speed up as much as possible, on this point, the two teams are absolutely consistent.

The follow-up attack followed up, and there was a crisp cracking sound from the enchantment in a moment, it broke!


The dragon knight who rescued Wei Huo took the lead. Of course, he didn't rush in and occupy it, that would be too dangerous. He planned to destroy the towers of the dead outside first.Without the protection of the barrier, these towers of the dead were too vulnerable to the attacks of the legendary dragonriders.The whole group followed closely behind. Luo Mengxin was still fully guarding against the shadow assassin who might be hiding in the dark. She would be the biggest guarantee for the next group.

Wu Yi intends to lead his team to "guard" Luo Mengxin, no matter what, he doesn't intend to stay too far away from Luo Mengxin, it's too dangerous!
At this time, Xu Negative directly activated "Half of Destiny", with the back of the fate coin facing up, all the enemy's magic attacks have a 25% chance of failing to cast spells, physical attacks hit -50, and energy cannons have a 25% chance of firing fail.

This state is very effective during chaotic battles, especially during sieges.Most of the war equipment occupied by the undead is a curse cannon. Such an attack can be neutralized by the power of the holy light. In this way, the sacred place is simply a magical skill in the battlefield of the doomsday god. It is a pity that the current The time limit for staying in the sacred place has finally come, even if you don't want to give up this "position", there is no way.

"Be careful yourself!" Wu Yi put away the Holy Grail of Glory, and did not forget to take care of Wu Minxi beside him. Now he still has no hope of griffins, so it is best for Wu Minxi to live.

"Boss, don't worry, my little brother will never leave the three-meter range of you!" Wu Minxi patted her chest and assured her seriously.

Nimei, this guy is addicted to smashing holy water!

"Don't hit those little skeletons." There are many garrisons in the undead stronghold, plus the bones in reserve, there may be a sea of ​​skeletons at any time, it is too wasteful to use concentrated holy water to hit these targets, no matter how low the cost is, it can't be done. , Not to mention less experience, less meritorious deeds.

"Understand, understand! If you want to smash it, at least it must be a holy rank or a legend!"

Now that he has the Holy Grail of Glory, it is not a loss to use the holy water to earn meritorious deeds. No matter what Wu Minxi said, he is also the object that the studio intends to train with all his strength. This time, it is very necessary to let him gain more experience and improve his level.

When attacking the stronghold, this battle is considered to be the real beginning. Wu Yi protects himself with the Nine Lights Formation, and his safety has been raised to another level. Anyway, he plans to smash holy water like Wu Minxi, and his skill value is enough to maintain the formation for a long time. Graphics so the lowest cost is turned on.

The number of legends on the offensive and defensive sides in the stronghold adds up too much. The entire valley is almost covered by domains one after another. The domains collide and affect each other between allies and enemies. The incomplete domains like Zhu Rong and Huangshi are almost Can be ignored.Wu Yi and his party are temporarily staying in Luo Mengxin's domain protection, Luo Mengxin's domain does not have any bonus to allies, Wu Yi naturally cannot know the attributes, but since all the holy ranks of the team surround her, It can be seen that it should have a strong protective effect.

After several legends smashed down most of the undead towers, many people have already started fighting each other, and the battlefield of legends has been continuously raised, heading towards the sky.Because of the existence of the domain, no one wanted to affect their own battle, whether active or passive, just as Wu Yi saw, four pairs of eight legends entered the death sky above.

At such times, Wu Yi kept letting Ma Zhong hide in a "virtual" state, looking for the best opportunity to make a move. If he could successfully snatch a legendary head, he would make a lot of money.

However, Wu Yi was thinking about how to destroy the Death Sky Tower as soon as possible. As long as there is no tower, the undead will lose the ability to freely control the death sky above.Although the two attacking teams now have no sacred place, which means that the death screen has also lost its usefulness, but he still has it!
Moreover, if he is willing, it is enough to directly cover nearly one-fifth of the area of ​​the stronghold with the sacred place. Not the effect he wanted.

What should we do?

The death screen manufacturing tower is located in the center of the stronghold, and Wu Yi himself is unable to rush there. But for the two attacking teams, once the barrier is broken, the death screen will have a very limited impact on the battle situation. Turning into a clear sky, it doesn't matter whether the tower is destroyed or not, as long as the tower is destroyed in the end to complete the task.

Right now, the team has already fought against the undead army in the stronghold. The main force is ghost fire knights and corpse warriors, as well as a large number of vampires and white souls. Except for the units temporarily summoned by the undead side with bones and corpses, there are no units below the legendary level.

However, although the level of the troops is high, the power of the army formed by the troops is not enough to instantly kill the legend. In this way, the legion guarded by the power of the army can't stop the powerful damage based on the holy rank, even if there are enemies in the rear. The same is true for the eighth-order skeletons that continue to join the battlefield.

However, the advantaged attacking side is extremely urgent, because they only have less than two hours, and it took nearly 10 minutes to break the barrier before. If the stronghold cannot be destroyed during this period, then wait for the reinforcements of the undead Once there, they don't get another chance.And they also need to set aside some time to clean the battlefield and collect valuable items in the stronghold.

Calculated in this way, they can't afford to delay for a second, once they are delayed, no matter how great the advantage is, it will also be a disadvantage!
At this moment, a beam of light shot up into the sky from the front, which was the outermost area covered by Luo Mengxin's domain.

Promote the beam of light?

——System: Aunt Gongsun's growth was triggered in the battle, and she was successfully promoted to a holy rank. The talent "one dance with a sword moves all directions" gained growth, strength +1, and reputation increased by [-].

——System: Aunt Gongsun successfully comprehended the skill "Dragon Shocking Sword Dance" during her growth.

Gongsun actually entered the holy rank one step ahead of Zhou Tai?

This is really a bit of a surprise!
Sword Dancer has extremely strong dodge, shooting speed and attack ability, and is very strong in small-scale battles, so Gongsun has been in a relatively front position with Zhu Rong, Huang Shi, and Zhou Tai. Unlike Wu Yi, Follow Luo Mengxin all the time.Now that Gongsun has stepped into the holy rank, after possessing the long-lasting flying ability, she instantly showed her fierce side.

A dance of sword moves all directions - personal combat power +25%, sword skill damage +25%, dance skill effect +50%, there is a certain chance of causing a "charm" effect on the target when attacking.+50% to the morale of the army, +50% to the people of the territory, +25% to the attraction of special talents.

Aunt Gongsun's innate attributes were originally a two-way development of her own skill strengthening and assistance. Now that she has grown up, all attributes have been improved linearly on the original basis, and there is also an increase in personal combat power and the "charm" feature. Come, at least let Gongsun have the possibility to develop into a strong man.

At this moment, Aunt Gongsun danced with two swords in her hands, and there were white dragon shadows swimming around her body. Wherever she passed, bones splashed, elegant and beautiful!As long as she doesn't break out of Luo Mengxin's domain and has teammates around to support her, there won't be too much danger.

So far, two people have successfully broken through to the holy rank in this trip to the Doomsday God Battlefield. This kind of high-intensity battle is the most triggering growth. It is very difficult to find this kind of opportunity in the main world.Not to mention anything else, just the growth of Ma Zhong and Gongsun is already worth the ticket price this time.

Can't drag it any longer!
Gongsun's breakthrough didn't bring much change to this battle. Wu Yi couldn't help but approach Luo Mengxin and explained everything. He needed to cooperate. It wasn't because he was in a hurry to perform, but because he needed to score the task!If the soy sauce continues like this, even if they win in the end, how many meritorious rewards can he get?I'm afraid it's better to find the heart of an angel. Such a good opportunity must not be missed!
"The Tower of Death Sky? At this time?" Luo Mengxin frowned. She didn't want to talk to Wu Yi in her heart. Legendary corpse refiners, they are not qualified to join this operation at all.

"Yes! I intend to open the sacred place and speed up our advancement."

"The sacred place? Now? We are attacking, and the sacred place is not very useful."

"My sacred power can move!"

Yes, under normal circumstances, the sacred place is useless when attacking. If you want to attack and advance, it is impossible to stay in the sacred place all the time.However, if the sacred place can move, it will be completely different. It is simply a mobile undead purifier. As long as the undead is included in the scope of the sacred place, the undead of the unit type has no possibility of survival, even if it is a legendary undead It will also be affected a lot, but it is much stronger than the current see-saw attack.

"Okay! If it's what you said, I will let people try their best to cooperate with you."

"Don't worry, it won't do me any good to lie to you at this time, remember to protect me." At this time, I can't wait until the tower is destroyed before opening the sacred place. The impact of the death canopy, but at most it consumes more holy water. As long as there is enough holy water, his holy place can always exist. With Wu Minxi's cooperation with him, he can completely transform the holy water while opening the holy place. The 50% of the holy light energy that should have been spilled was also invested.

As long as he can prove his role in the battle, he can still get some spoils later, which can be regarded as making up for the additional loss.

"It's natural!" As long as the sacred place is together, Luo Mengxin can be liberated, protecting Wu Yi is a no-brainer, and at the same time, he can free his hands and feet to attack.

As for who will take the shot, don't forget, they have always hidden a legend!
(End of this chapter)

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