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Chapter 1284 Eye of Death

Chapter 1284 Eye of Death
Open the holy place with the Holy Grail of Glory, the speed will not be slower than the scroll, and the endless holy light surges up, which is particularly eye-catching in the stronghold of the undead.The sacred place is like a pale golden shrine, which replaced the role of Luo Mengxin's domain for the first time. In terms of protection mechanism, the role of the sacred place is definitely stronger than that of the pure domain, except for a few sacred scriptures of the temple of light. The metamorphosis recorded in.

Especially when fighting against the undead, the sacred place has already proved it in countless battles, it is so unreasonable!

Of course, the bone sea tactics of the undead are also unreasonable. It can only be said that each of the god-line forces that can be passed down to this day has its own characteristics.

Wu Yi held the Holy Grail of Glory, while Wu Minxi kept putting in materials, transforming holy water, and collecting holy water. 50% of the energy is spilled, and it would be very bad to convert holy water in normal times. Since there is an opportunity, the work of converting holy water should be done on the battlefield as much as possible, especially on the battlefield of the doomsday god.

Wu Yi didn't expand the scope of the sacred place too much, but increased it by 50% on the basis of the lower limit. They were only a group of a hundred people. Except for the legend, the holy ranks were not played separately. Such coverage The range is enough. After all, the problem of the death screen has not been resolved. If the sacred place is used to "flatten" the stronghold unscrupulously, the concentrated holy water stored on Wu Yi's body will not be able to support it at all.

As soon as the sacred place came out, the front row of the undead army fighting against it was directly covered in the holy light. The continuous purification of the undead by the sacred place could not be offset by the power of the army. Almost in an instant, a ghost fire The knight turned into a pile of bone meal.

Holding the Holy Grail of Glory, Wu Yi took a few steps forward, and the sacred place also took the center as the center, and moved forward for a short distance, further covering more undead.However, Wu Yi didn't dare to be too unrestrained at this time. With the glory of the Holy Grail and the overflowing energy generated by transforming the holy water, at this time, in the eyes of the undead, he was like a sun!
The hatred on him is too high!
The sacred place can't stop the holy undead at all, and it can't stop the legendary assassination. He dare not leave the three-meter range of Luo Mengxin.After confirming what Wu Yi said before, Luo Mengxin also made a change immediately, one by one seal magic patterns were printed all around, to strengthen the protection of Wu Yi, or to put most of his attention on it. On Wu Yi, with the protection of the sacred place, she no longer needs to be distracted to protect the team.

At the same time, the legendary Huo Mage in the team was also recruited and floated above Wu Yi. With the protection of the two legends and the delay of the sacred place, even if there were undead intruding, it was impossible to pose a threat to Wu Yi. Threat, unless there are more than three legends shooting at the same time!But can this stronghold still draw so many legends?Obviously impossible!

At this time, the sacred place is like a chariot. As long as the chariot is well protected and moves forward, it can crush all targets. This effect is far more immediate than a legendary combat power.

Under the protection of the sacred place, everyone began to output unscrupulously. With the legendary fire method and Zhu Rong, the flames almost broke through the death sky in the air.But it's a pity that this is just an illusion. The first time the sacred place appeared, the death sky above the sky slowly descended under the traction of the tower.

I hope Luo Mengxin can really find a way to deal with that high tower, otherwise under the "neutralization" of the death sky, even if he has a lot of holy water to support him, he will not be able to "flatten" the entire stronghold.

The emperor's corpse was taken out by Wu Yi early. There was no way, the emperor's corpse could not stay in the sacred place. He could only keep the emperor's corpse away from the scope of the sacred place, and did some damage on the edge of the stronghold. One side's legend should not care about him right now, as long as they don't mess around, it shouldn't be a big problem.However, even if the emperor's corpse really died here, it would be worth it!

At this time, Ma Zhong, who has been hiding around Wu Yi with "virtualization", finally started to shoot cold arrows. Few of the holy rank targets he was eyeing could survive, but it is still difficult for him to want to point to the legend at this time One point, the suppression of the domain and level will weaken the effect of his talent, and he needs to wait until the legendary life value is as short as possible before making a move, and the success rate will increase linearly.

Facing the movable sacred place, the undead army was powerless to resist, so they could only retreat again and again.But at this moment, a huge magic eye suddenly appeared in the center of the stronghold. At first glance, Wu Yi was frightened. Then you will find that this magic eye is more evil than the "detective magic eye". The pupils are not black, but dark gray.

——System: You are stared directly at by the "Eye of Death", the effect of life recovery (received treatment) is temporarily sealed, the body is imprisoned, temporarily loses the ability to move, and the damage received by the undead is increased by 50%.

Fuck!This thing can actually "stare" at him through the sacred place!
You must know that the "Holy Place" has the ability to "purify" continuously, and the general negativity can't be linked to him at all, but now he is directly imprisoned.Such a special effect is obviously not something that can be prevented by legends. Even if Wu Yi has two legends sitting around him, he will still be recruited, and Wu Yi is not the only one who has been recruited, but the firepower of "Reaper's Eye" is very scattered. Target.

Imprison him to stop the advance of the sanctuary?Just kidding!
The first time Wu Yi was imprisoned, Luo Mengxin started to crack it. The seal master is very good at the effects of confinement. As long as she is given time, there will be no problem in cracking it.

But Wu Yi didn't want to waste time, or waste the holy water, so he handed over the Huiyao Holy Grail to Xu Negative, and she continued to walk slowly while holding the Holy Grail.Just kidding, the key to the holy place lies in the Glorious Holy Grail, and if it is not in him, it is useless to imprison him!However, his desire to survive is still very strong, so he dragged Luo Mengxin to help him break the confinement. The center of the sacred place is on the Holy Grail of Glory. As long as Luo Mengxin can break it before they leave the scope of the sacred place, The impact is not great.

"Boss hold on, little brother, let's go first!" At this time, Wu Minxi was still giggling. This guy is about to upgrade again. This speed is simply not comparable to the usual task of killing monsters.If he can touch a few more times in the legendary battle, after this battle, he will most likely reach the ninth rank.

Ninth step!This is the most important stage for players!

(End of this chapter)

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