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Chapter 1285 Wheel of Fortune, Thrilling Assassination

Chapter 1285 Wheel of Fortune, Thrilling Assassination
Under the effect of Eye of Death, healing (recovering) seals, confinement, and damage enhancement are easy to be instant. It seems that the sacred place is not a panacea.

The sacred place is too eye-catching, not only attracting the eyes of the undead, but also attracting the attention of another team. From the beginning to now, both teams have suffered some casualties, not serious, but it does not mean that the number will be higher in the future. will not zoom in.Right now, one side with the guardian of the sacred place can act unscrupulously, but the other side can only be more careful and careful. You must know that the distribution of spoils is based on contribution. If this continues, how much will you get in the end?Can the cost be recovered?
Therefore, another team began to approach this side continuously, intending to rub the effect of the sacred place.After all, everyone is a friendly army, so it's not easy to chase people away!


At this moment, a loud roar suddenly came from the front, and there was confusion.It's the Shadow Assassin!The Shadow Assassin finally appeared again, and this time his goal was very clear, which was Xu Negative!
Assassinate Xu negative?To snatch the Holy Grail of Glory?

too fast!All of this happened so quickly, the shadow of the Shadow Assassin forcibly passed through the sacred place, as if a white flame was burning, and the realm was looming.Wu Yi already knew when he was fighting the Dragon Witch that the sacred place had an impact on the legendary undead, but it was not destructive.

Explosive impact!

Right now, Luo Mengxin is helping Wu Yi break the bondage, and the only one who protects Xu negative is the legendary fire method who has split part of the output carefully.The field of flames and the field of the shadow assassin are constantly colliding and offsetting each other. The "explosive flame shock" engulfs the surroundings in an instant, and the violent flames are constantly impacting. They want to achieve the effect of delaying this, and at the first time Huofa also put a flame shield on Xu Negative. The auxiliary ability of Huofa is extremely limited, and this is already his strongest means of protection.

At the same time, the thirty angels, and Wu Minxi didn't even look at it. Under the holy light environment built by the sacred place, the fighting power of the angels had been greatly improved. They directly paved the way with the holy light, and Wu Minxi was also sprinkling holy water wildly.

However, these barriers were not enough in the face of the desperate blow of the Shadow Assassin.The Shadow Assassin took the damage from the explosive blast, and the effect of the concentrated holy water on the legend is extremely limited, especially the attack of the angel of the unit.Kunming also took out the gossip formation at this moment, trying to seal the opponent for even a second, but the difference in strength was too great, so it was directly ineffective.

A very ordinary-looking dagger was nailed to the orange-red Flame Aegis, and a spiderweb-like crack appeared on the shield almost instantly. The Flame Aegis had a counterattack effect, and the moment the counterattack was activated, the shield was broken!
At this moment, that ordinary dagger seemed to become the focus of the entire battlefield. The Shadow Assassin ignored the counterattack of the Flame Aegis and unswervingly completed his attack.


I knew that I should give the Holy Grail of Glory to Wu Minxi!Xu Negative was too fragile. Under the strongest blow from the legendary strong assassin, as long as he was hit, he would definitely not survive.Once Xu Negative dies, his intelligence will drop ten points, and his politics will lose seven points. The price is really too high, and without Xu negative, the task of collecting angel hearts cannot be done.

But just when the dagger was about to fall on the top of Xu negative's head, her figure became a little blurred, as if a double image, the dagger hit the phantom, from top to bottom, perfectly avoiding Xu negative, the cold blade cut through the cuff of her right hand, but was unharmed.

what's the situation?
——System: Under the influence of the "Wheel of Destiny", Xu Neg predicted the attack on himself in advance, successfully avoided the fatal blow, and his intelligence was +1.


The system information that appeared in time finally made Wu Yi understand what happened. The fortune teller is definitely the existence with the strongest evasion ability among all professions, and Xu negative's talent "Wheel of Fortune" does not have the slightest bonus to his own combat power, but it does. There is a great chance to predict the attack that will cause damage to oneself in advance, and dodge in advance, and the dodge ability has also been increased by 45%.

Under a series of blocking, coupled with advance foresight and super high evasion attributes, Xu negative successfully survived this assassination.

It was so scary just now!

Now, since the Shadow Assassin has missed the best time, and is in the center of the sacred place, and is being poured with pieces of holy water, there is no possibility of escape.

After Xu negative avoided the killing blow, a group of angels immediately dragged her and started running. Wu Minxi kept splashing the holy water while running.At the same time, all the people in the sacred place turned their heads to focus on the Shadow Assassin desperately, and the legendary fireman was even wearing a shield, directly blocking the possible second attack of the Shadow Assassin with his body. Chasing rounds, fighting hand to hand.

Although the magician's melee combat is a bit embarrassing, the instant burst of fire is very exaggerated.Luo Mengxin, who originally helped Wu Yi break the confinement effect, also followed up with the sealing spells one by one. Wu Yi didn't even have a chance to make a move, and the shadow assassin pounced. Rewarded, it's a pity.

The Shadow Assassin dissipated in the holy light immediately after his death, leaving behind the dagger, a piece of off-white crystal, and a pile of materials, becoming the first fallen legend in this battle.

It's too dangerous!After everything was over, Wu Yi's heart was still beating violently. At this time, Luo Mengxin speeded up his progress, and after a while, he finally broke the imprisonment and let him regain his freedom, but the other two negative states on his body did not If it is not lifted, it should wait until it leaves the effect of "Death God's Eye" or destroys the "Death God's Eye" magic circle to disappear. As long as he does not leave the range of the sacred place, this will not have much impact.

The items released by the Shadow Assassin are temporarily kept by Luo Mengxin. As long as the target is not beheaded alone, the harvest will be distributed according to the contribution at the end.Wu Yi is not worried about this. If this continues, his team contribution will definitely be higher than many legends in the end. In the end, he may have a chance to get a piece of legendary equipment.

Of course, it's too early to say these things at this time. He regained his freedom and took over the Holy Grail of Glory from Xu Negative. Now there shouldn't be a second Legendary Shadow Assassin in the stronghold, right?But this canopy of death is really a problem. Wu Yi feels distressed seeing the speed of the holy water burning, which is more than three times the normal state. Counting the few materials on his body, if the high Tower, to undo the effects of the Death Sky, he won't last long.

(End of this chapter)

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