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Chapter 1286 The Demolition Master

Chapter 1286 The Demolition Master
"The new stronghold is not in an important position. There should not be more than ten legends here, so there will be a little more troops."

At this time, Luo Mengxin had already regarded Wu Yi as an equal existence, otherwise she wouldn't have said so much to him.Leaving aside the legend, the garrison is really quite a lot. The main force has 20. Since the two teams attacked the stronghold separately, the army also separated, with [-] on each side. However, the stronghold has been using bones to resurrect skeletons continuously. Give them enough time, and their strength will definitely exceed [-]!
In this way, if there is another super commander in command, it will be enough to threaten the demigod, let alone a mere legend.

But it is a pity that there is no super first-class commander in this stronghold, otherwise even if there are only [-] troops, it is enough to overthrow the legend head-on.

"Hope it!"

The sky of death "presses" on the sacred place, one gold and one black, the Wei and Jin Dynasties are distinct, the holy light energy produced by the burning of the holy water through the shining holy grail, quickly replenishes the consumption of the sacred place, this is all money !
Boom, boom, boom...

At this moment, a series of explosions occurred in the stronghold, and the positions were relatively close to the central area.

"It's started!" After experiencing an assassination, Luo Mengxin became more cautious. Her protection ability was not comparable to that of a fire magician.

here we go?

Wu Yi looked at the tall tower that was still erupting smoke of death, as long as it was settled, everything would be over, but is there really a chance?There is no advantage for legendary combat power bombing buildings, especially this kind of special buildings with super high durability.

Soon, another team and the undead army gradually moved over.Although there are many relationships among the human races in the Twilight Barrier that are not harmonious, there are not many people who really fight each other.Moreover, these mission teams are very cautious, very life-saving, the pension is too expensive, and the holy rank is no more than the arms.

Wu Yi has nothing against these people, and it is impossible for him to refuse them to enter the sacred place.However, after the two teams converge, the defense force of the undead side will also be concentrated.

There are more and more explosive areas in the stronghold. It seems that the mysterious legend is progressing very smoothly. There are a large number of magic circles that can strengthen the undead soldiers in the stronghold. The undead army has always won by numbers, and the more bonuses are given to them , the higher the income will be.If these magic circles are destroyed, it will definitely attract the attention of the undead, but can this really divert the central defense force away?
These explosions don't look like magical effects. What kind of job is that guy?

With full of doubts in his heart, Wu Yi continued to advance towards the central area under the protection of a group of people. With the addition of another team, the offensive here became stronger. As long as the sacred place is not broken, The undead army can be crushed, so it seems that victory is just around the corner.But the battle between legends also cannot be ignored, not to mention beheading each other's legend, as long as it can be delayed, it will have no effect.


Just when the explosion spread differently, the strong undead in the center of the stronghold finally couldn't sit still and moved out one after another. At the same time, the attacking side also sent two legends to go to support, or help involve.Those who have been able to join the brigade until now are all legends of the legal system. If Luo Mengxin and the fire system were to protect Wu Yi, but now the fire method has left, only Luo Mengxin is left, but there is another team , Wu Yi was not worried that he would be forcibly killed.

At this moment, all the Holy Light materials on him have been consumed, the sacred place is completely supported by the last holy water, and the other members of the team have almost no Holy Light materials. Stuff doesn't work.

5 minutes!
This is the time estimated by Wu Yi. If the death screen cannot be resolved, the sacred place can last for 5 minutes at most. With the current advance speed, it is impossible to enter the central area of ​​the stronghold in 5 minutes.

Right now, there are two more legendary battlefields in the stronghold, and the battles are extremely fierce. Among these legends, there is no existence with particularly outstanding combat power. Since they cannot achieve crushing, it is naturally impossible to complete a single kill in a short time.Just like the dragon knight who was very profitable at first glance, his opponent was the bone dragon who knocked Wei Huo away before, because his sitting dragon was only a holy rank, and now he was playing very embarrassingly.

The change came faster than Wu Yi expected. After the legendary battle further expanded, the death sky tower in the center also exploded, and it exploded five times in a row from bottom to top.

"How did this happen?" The scene in front of him was beyond Wu Yi's understanding. What kind of professional attack could have such an effect on buildings?Is it the use of special items?

"Old Mo's professional mechanic is a special branch of the blasting master. His skills are mainly explosions, and the effect is similar to that of an energy cannon, but the restrictions are relatively large, and it is not very flexible for combat."

Mechanic still has this branch?Demolition master?The battle is not very flexible, but if it is used in construction, this is simply an enhanced energy cannon!This profession is too sharp when attacking the city. Is this a profession that has disappeared?Even if Wu Yi was in Xiaoyue City, he had never heard of it in the puppet clan.

Amid a series of explosions, the tower began to tilt and collapse, and the smoke of death scattered everywhere. Without the traction of the tower, the death curtain that had been suppressing the sacred place rose back to the sky again.


The high tower of the death sky is the key to the undead stronghold. The collapse of the high tower means that the stronghold has lost its meaning of existence. In addition, the location has been exposed. Even if it is rebuilt, it will encounter the second and third attacks later. The Doomsday God Battlefield is getting bigger, there is no need to get entangled in one place.

Now that there is no target to protect, the remaining legends on the undead side will not fight to the end, not to mention that the attacking side's sacred place has not been completely resolved, so it is even more impossible to fight.A legend is only [-] merit points, and since the opponent wants to retreat, no one will stop it, just kidding, what if it is dragged on the back?This is not a good deal.

"Haha, speed up the mopping up, let's divide the spoils when it's over!" Wei Huo laughed and flew down. The legend can run, but these undead soldiers can't. One point, the meritorious value that falls to everyone in the end will not be much, the real big head is the stronghold itself, and the reward after returning to the twilight barrier.

"Hmph! You're lucky!" The head of another team who had a gap with Wei Huo snorted in extreme displeasure.

This battle did not achieve the effect he wanted at all. Although the victory is certain, how much will he get in the end?And it was obviously Wu Yi who disrupted his plan. The mobile sacred place infinitely magnified the advantage of the attacker. Although the final casualties were much lower than expected, this was not what he wanted.

In this way, he and his team will appear to be very soy sauce in the whole battle. The contribution will shrink greatly, and the harvest ratio will naturally shrink accordingly. How much profit.

(End of this chapter)

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