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Chapter 1287 Mercenaries?

Chapter 1287 Mercenaries?
——System: Congratulations, your team has successfully destroyed an undead stronghold.

"Great! It's a bit exhausting." Wu Minxi looked at the few bottles of holy water left in her hand, and muttered with unsatisfactory expression on her face.

This is not just a little bigger, the materials exchanged before, plus what Wu Yi himself carried, are worth tens of thousands of merit points, and now the holy water on the two of them together is less than [-] bottles, which is a real consumption ah!These merit points are enough to exchange for a piece of holy equipment in the Hall of Merit.

The next step is to divide the spoils. The leaders of the two teams can first share 50% of the previous investment in breaking the barrier, and the remaining 40% will be used as a guarantee to be distributed to everyone participating in this battle. The last 60% will be contribution distribution.

The meritorious service of the twilight barrier usually does not accept items of the undead system, but there are exceptions, that is, the income from breaking down the stronghold of the undead.Since the output of each stronghold is different, the twilight barrier has given a fixed index of 300 million merit points. The team that breaks through the stronghold will have a recovery index of 300 million merit points. This is also to encourage as many teams as possible to attack Undead stronghold.

The so-called distribution of spoils, when dividing the loot, is also a share of 300 million. After all, the mission team also does not need these things with obvious labels.

"Okay, everyone here is not a newcomer except Brother Wuyi. Among the contributions this time, Brother Wuyi and his team account for 15%. Everyone agrees?"

After counting all the gains, the group leader's stop-loss share, and the guarantee share were all distributed, it was finally the big head's turn to distribute the contribution share.Since Wei Huo's team had always dominated the previous battles, he also presided over the final assignment.

The strength of Wu Yi's team looks mediocre, but their role before is beyond doubt. A 15% share is not too much. Regardless of what Legend thinks, Wu Yi's actions have indeed greatly reduced the loss of the two teams' holy rank combat power.

Jumping out to object at this time is equivalent to offending most of the people present, no one would be so stupid.Even if you want to object, at least you must have enough team contributions.

"Since there is no objection, Brother Wuyi, you can choose two first."

There are fourteen pieces of various equipment in front of Wei Huo. These are all obtained in the previous battle, including the two pieces from the Shadow Assassin. The level of equipment is high or low, and the attributes are good or bad. The priority is to choose Nature has an absolute advantage.

Moreover, these equipments can be modified by paying meritorious service in the forging factory of the Twilight Barrier, so there is no need to worry about the problem of inconsistent attributes. At most, they will lose a little attribute after modification.

But Wu Yi doesn't have these problems. His subordinates already have undead forces, so there is no need to bother to reform them.

Among these pieces of equipment, the one with the best attributes is undoubtedly the dagger that the Shadow Assassin exploded, and many legends' eyes fell on it.

Wu Yi is also very jealous of the legendary dagger, but this thing has a level limit, and, in terms of attributes, Wu Yi is also suitable for Shi A.

never mind!

After Wu Yi pondered for a while, he gave up this legendary dagger. No matter how high the unused items are, they have no real meaning. It is better to sell them for face, and he still needs to find them to cooperate in the future. .

Abandoning the dagger, Wu Yi picked up the off-white crystal that the Assassin of Youjing exploded, which suits him very well.

White Soul Crystal (Special): After swallowing a white soul below the legendary rank, there is a great chance to trigger a growth.

Ning Tianhao has turned into a white soul, and he is still a high-ranking parallel importer. With this soul crystal, his strength can at least be improved by a bit.

In addition, Wu Yi chose another khaki-colored amulet with blood-colored textures.

Blood Talisman (Holy): Blood-type skill level +1, blood-sucking effect +25%.The vampire units under his command will receive an equal bonus.

This attribute is a perfect match with Concubine Xue Rong, not only can increase her own, but also can increase blood servants, and it is not bad for the cultivation of divine weapons.

"I'm done!" After receiving a lot of materials, Wu Yi stepped aside.

After seeing his choice, most of the legends looked at him with softer eyes. After all, in their eyes, the attributes of the two pieces Wu Yi chose were at the bottom of these equipments. In the eyes of people, it is probably labeled as "sensible".

But this is not what Wu Yi wants, he wants to hire them through a good relationship, and find these strong human races as mercenaries!
This was an idea that Wu Yi suddenly thought of. If these people could be hired as mercenaries to help him deal with the Griffin Mountain problem, it would be much easier, right?
It is not necessary to hire all of them here, only a very small part is enough, such as Wei Huo's team.

Relying on angels alone is actually not helpful for attacking Griffin Mountain before forming an army. His biggest killer right now, the Holy Grail of Glory, has no effect on Griffin.

But how should you hire them?meritorious service?After returning to the city this time, will his meritorious service be enough to pay the employment fee?

"Okay, let's continue."

While Wu Yi was thinking wildly, the spoils sharing conference was still going on.There is not much difference in the contributions of legendary powerhouses. After all, only one legend has been killed, and the gap cannot be widened.

After the legends are divided, it is finally the turn of the holy ranks. The holy ranks basically drink a sip of leftover soup, but they have long been prepared for this, and they are not dissatisfied. The benefits of these leftover soups have far exceeded their ordinary small task.

After everything was divided, the team began to return, and if they didn't leave, they wouldn't even think about leaving when the reinforcements from the undead arrived.

"Brother Wei, I plan to hire your team to do me a favor, how much merit will I have to pay?"

After going through a round of missions, everyone became familiar with each other, and Wu Yi went directly to Wei Huo.According to the original plan, Wu Yi would have left the brigade to find a circle of angel hearts in the ruined battlefield, but after making a lot of money in this mission, Wu Yi was no longer in a hurry for [-] to [-] meritorious deeds.

"What are you busy with?"

"Go to Griffon Mountain, I want to get a group of Griffins."

As long as he wins the Griffin again, his trip to the Doomsday God's battlefield this time will be considered a real profit.Griffins, Angels, Glorious Grails, Personnel Growth.

"Griffin Mountain? This is a bit difficult, why don't you give me your incomplete artifact?"

"Brother Wei is joking!"

Wei Huo is really not joking, the Holy Grail of Glory is too direct in the battlefield of Doomsday God, but Wu Yi can't give it to him, the Griffin is not worth the price, and the Holy Grail of Glory is his trump card against Donghai Kingdom.

"I don't want your meritorious deeds either. You can help me again after things are done. It's an exchange."

"I can stay in the Doomsday God's Battlefield for less than three days. Is the time coming too soon?" Wu Yi didn't want to deceive the other party about this. Here, it is better not to lose character.

"Enough is enough, go to Griffin Mountain tomorrow, and settle the matter on my side the day after tomorrow."


(End of this chapter)

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