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Chapter 1288 Holy Light Fountain

Chapter 1288 Holy Light Fountain

Back at the Twilight Barrier, the two teams entered the Hall of Merit together. The previous allocation was just an internal opinion of the team. The Hall of Merit only issued a recycling index of 300 million. Anyone who participated in the stronghold could submit materials and items.

The materials harvested in the stronghold before were not worth 300 million merits at all, but in normal times, who would not have some undead materials stored on them?This is the Doomsday God Battlefield!
After submitting the materials and completing the task, Wu Yi immediately had 60 merit points!This would have been unthinkable when Wu Yi first arrived at the Twilight Barrier. A legendary strong man was only worth 600 meritorious deeds.The material recovery index, fixed rewards for tasks, and a total merit of 1 million. Two teams, with more than 10 direct participants, is equivalent to an average of [-] merits per person, which is not too much. This time, Wu Minxi also got [-]. Many meritorious deeds, in this way, Wu Yi's team has gnawed more than [-]% of this big cake.

60 meritorious service, just thinking about it, Wu Yi feels a little floating!
If it was just to exchange for angels, there would only be six hundred of them. Even if there were ten thousand angels, they would not be able to splash a little bit of water on this battlefield of the doomsday god.But if you want to exchange equipment, 60 meritorious deeds are enough to exchange for a piece of legendary equipment with top attributes, but the embarrassing thing is that the equipment that can be exchanged in the meritorious service hall has the light attribute. Although there is no occupational restriction, it is not holy If it is used by light-type occupations, it will inevitably "waste" some attributes.

Of course, these equipment can also be sent to the forging factory with extra meritorious service to be forged. Regardless of other people’s choices, Wu Yi cannot accept such a plan anyway. The businessmen are all black, and they try to take back the meritorious service they sent out.

What should I change?
It is meaningless to save meritorious deeds on the Doomsday God's Battlefield. With the help of Wei Huo's team, it would be too bad for him to continue to exchange troops.Change drawings?

Because Wu Yi's previous idea was to exchange arms and subdue griffins, there was no extra merit to exchange for other items.But now it is different, the plan has changed, and Wu Yi has a lot of meritorious service to squander. In this way, he can choose something that can help the territory. Strengthening the territory is far more direct than a piece of equipment to strengthen the power much.

Compared with the black-hearted exchange of troops and equipment, the blueprints are simply a special promotion area. There is no way, the nature of the twilight barrier is extremely special, and the "reinforcement" who comes here will rarely have a territory, and some of the formula blueprints of the deputy can be sold. Architectural blueprints are basically unsalable, and the blueprints provided by the Guangming God Department at this time are a bit "cold", and they are seriously out of touch with the human race of this period.

"Holy Light Fountain"

This is the first item in the blueprint catalog. Wu Yi is no stranger to the Holy Light Fountain. The first branch of the Temple of Light in the main world has been built. The Holy Light Fountain can attract non-skilled Holy Light power to produce ordinary Holy water, the limitation of "non-skilled holy light power" is too big, and the cost is much higher than the holy water manufacturing technology mastered by the temple of light. Therefore, the holy light fountain is more often used as an environmental building, unless During wartime, as long as the gate of heaven is opened, the fountain can absorb the holy light pouring down from heaven, which can make up for the consumption very well.

But Wu Yi is different here. The energy overflowed by the Holy Grail devouring the holy light material and transforming the concentrated holy water does not belong to the scope of skills. The holy light fountain can absorb it.Geographically speaking, as long as the East China Sea Kingdom survives, it will inevitably entangle with Calabash City. Therefore, holy water is very important to Calabash City at this stage. This is a way to help Calabash City gain an advantage on the battlefield.


A blueprint for the construction of the Holy Light Fountain is only worth [-] merits, which is nothing more than drizzle to Wu Yi now.

Continue to look down, the more you look, the more speechless Wu Yi feels, the holy light characteristics of these special buildings are too obvious, the holy statues of the four angels, the wall carvings of Genesis... At present, there are no famous generals of the holy light department in Calabash City, no holy light department Arms, even if these special buildings are moved back, they will not play any role at all.Even if there are Griffin Riders in the future, the same is true. Although Griffin Riders are assigned to the Holy Light, their performance in "Holy Light" is not obvious. Griffins have dual attributes of wind and Holy Light, but It is more emphasis on "wind", as far as the whole unit is concerned, it is more emphasis on physical attack. This can be seen from Wu Minxi. The simple addition of the Holy Light is actually not too big for the Griffin Knight. effect.

There are no arms blueprints, and no potion blueprints that can directly strengthen attributes.Uncomfortable, these things look good, but the price/performance ratio is too low for Calabash City.

There are quite a lot of job transfer scrolls. At present, Calabash City does not have a strong supporter of the Holy Light Department. It is hard to say whether to take the route of subjugation. If you use job transfer scrolls, the formation will be faster.But more than half of the transfer scrolls require angels to use. I'm greedy, but he can't afford to change the scrolls of angels.
Holy Angel Music!
In Wu Yi's opinion, this profession is very suitable for Li Shishi, and among the powerhouses in Calabash City, she is the most suitable for a full-time job. It's a pity that there are racial restrictions!

After tangling for a long time, Wu Yi decided to exchange a few job transfer scrolls without racial restrictions, and then he could directly transfer jobs if he subdued a suitable strong man.If it wasn't for the Donghai Kingdom, Wu Yi didn't have to worry about the Holy Light profession. There was no way. Against the undead, the Holy Light department had too much advantage.Although there will be no shortage of holy water in Gourd City in the future, it is extremely uneconomical to directly smash the holy water. If there are strong people of the holy light system, whether it is used for magic circles or large-scale skills, the effect will be more obvious.

After studying the exchange catalog for a while, Wu Yi could only give up temporarily. Anyway, there are still two days left, so there is no rush to wait until the last moment to make a choice.

Wu Minxi's meritorious deeds were still exchanged for materials as before, and Wu Yi would compensate him for this.By the time everyone walked out of the Hall of Merit, it was already night. However, in the special space completely covered by death in the Doomsday God Battlefield, it was impossible to distinguish between day and night.

At this time, Wu Yi does not plan to go out of the city to reap meritorious service anymore. The efficiency is not high and it is dangerous. He will go offline immediately after returning to the barracks. If other people like it, they can walk around in the twilight barrier, as long as it does not affect tomorrow's business That's fine.

(End of this chapter)

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