Chapter 1297

It took seven hours, and Wen Yueqing finally completed this huge project, which is a simple "Holy Light" magic circle, without any special effects, but it can make the professionals of the Holy Light Department have a certain degree of skill when they are in it. Strengthening, reducing the consumption of certain skills, can only weaken the undead who enter it, and will not have the exaggerated ability of "purification".

However, it is possible to "neutralize" the cloud of death!Of course, all the consumption of the magic circle needs to be paid by Wu Yi.A faint holy light in the darkness constantly "neutralizes" the surrounding clouds of death, almost no effect can be seen.

The magic circle is in place, and the rest depends on Wu Yi's side. Whether this mission can be successful or not, he is the key here!

[-] bottles of concentrated holy water are definitely a small mountain bag when piled up. However, if you use it yourself and consume a lot, there is no need to use standard bottles. Wu Yi uses large crystal bottles, and one bottle is equivalent to standard bottles. of a hundred bottles.

Fifty thousand parts of concentrated holy water burned in an instant, turning into endless holy light and soaring into the sky. At this moment, it seemed as if a round of dazzling sun appeared in the darkness, and the pure white holy light continuously condensed and shaped above, a huge The tall and magnificent city slowly revealed its outline, with a strong coercion, and this effect was a bit similar to the "deterrence" of a general's skill.

The moment the "Holy City of Glory" appeared, the Griffin Emperor on the top of the mountain also opened his eyes, with a deep look of shock. As a creature with the same attribute of holy light, it feels more intuitive.

The scope of the "Glorious Holy City" in the air has almost reached the level of a quarter of the Twilight Barrier, but before Wu Yi can carefully observe the buildings in the city, almost in the next instant, this amazing giant city followed Disappeared.

So fast?What a moment!
"Glorious Holy City" lasted even shorter than Wu Yizhong's, three seconds, or five seconds?This is very difficult to use in actual combat!However, at this very moment, a big hole was directly "pull out" in the death screen around Griffin Mountain, and after that, the surrounding death smoke continued to spread from all around, constantly filling the hole, but at this moment, Wen The holy light magic array arranged by Yueqing on the Griffin Mountain finally worked. The faint holy light and the smoke of death continued to melt, and they seemed to form an extremely delicate balance between each other, so that the hole was maintained like this. .

It should be successful!

Wu Yi observed carefully for a while, and found that the cloud of death smoke spreading around did not "overwhelm" the Holy Light. This hole just happened to protect the entire Griffin Mountain from the influence of the death sky.However, Wu Yi is still not sure whether it can last for a month.

"Was that the legendary 'Holy City of Glory' just now? I didn't expect that you still have this strength, and indeed have the ability to make my griffins attach."

The location where Wu Yi moved was not too far from the habitat of the Griffin King, so the voice of the Griffon King was heard very clearly in Wu Yi's ears.As a demigod, he still has this vision!

"So, we have passed His Majesty's test?" Wu Yi was surprised, and at the same time, he flew to the Griffon Emperor with some anticipation and asked.

"Passed. According to the current situation, it won't be a problem to maintain it for more than half a year." As he spoke, the Griffin King raised his right wing slightly, and then pushed out two football-sized giant eggs intersecting blue and white.

"As long as you hatch these two little griffins in your territory, my family of griffins will continue to multiply in your territory in the future. If you are willing to invest in magic crystals of wind and holy light, It can speed up their reproduction and growth.”

The attributes of the two eggs are similar to those of the original five-color peacock. Even if he is the leader of this ethnic group, he cannot mobilize it, and at the same time, he cannot see the exact attributes. They will only change when the ethnic group is attacked. Will actively join the battle.However, according to Wu Yi's guess, for the existence of this type, the strength either increases by itself over time, or changes with the size of the ethnic group. The larger the ethnic group, the stronger the strength.

Of course, if you want to prove this point, unless there are enemies who can break into the Gourd City, break into the range of the tree demon or the five-color peacock.

The Griffin Emperor didn't talk to them too much. Perhaps in its heart, the formula of the secret feed was the key. The latter was just a temporary idea. How can you care about those few months?

"Thank you, Miss Wen. How do you think meritorious deeds need to be traded?" You must know that meritorious deeds cannot be traded directly like currency. Most of the time, meritorious deeds are exchanged for items that the other party wants.

"Exchange some magic scrolls for me. I'm already looking forward to it, and it's exactly [-] merits." In the Doomsday God Battlefield, magic scrolls are definitely the most expensive type of item. Almost everyone will have some prepared on them, and they can save their lives in critical times.If there is no big action, [-] meritorious deeds are not too small for a legend.

"Then I'll have to work harder, Sister Lao Wen, and I went back to the Twilight Barrier overnight, and you know, Big Brother Wei is still waiting there." Going back now, it's almost time to start in time for Wei Huo's mission.

"No problem!"

"What about you? Do you want to stay away from here, or go back with me?" Wu Yi turned his head and looked at Wu Minxi who was on the side. He didn't hand over the two griffin eggs to Wu Minxi. He would bring them back to Gourd City himself. Set aside a piece of land for the griffins to reproduce. During this period, Wu Minxi is just a breeder.With the dual effects of breeders and supplies, the development speed of the Griffin will definitely not be slower than that of the Dryad group with the World Tree totem bonus.

"I'd better stay here. Anyway, I can't help you with the next tasks. It's better to stay here and abduct a few more griffins."


In the battle of the strong, the current Wu Minxi is really useless. In fact, if it weren't for the existence of the Glorious Holy Grail, Wu Yi would not be very useful. Once the eagle riders can't get on, they can only watch the show, they have no auxiliary ability.

The holy water exchanged for 20 meritorious deeds has been completely exhausted, but the materials previously exchanged for Wu Minxi’s meritorious deeds have not been touched. If only the "sacred place" is used, these materials are enough for the next task, so there is no need to spend any more meritorious deeds. Redeem for more.With the griffin group in hand, Wu Yi is no longer afraid of "death" at this time.

 Recently, I have been typing on my mobile phone. Dad has not been diagnosed yet. I may have to transfer to another hospital in the next two days. Try to update as much as possible. If it doesn’t work, please bear with me.

(End of this chapter)

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