The best lord of online games

Chapter 1298 Blood Prince

Chapter 1298 Blood Prince
Long-distance flights without a sense of crisis always make people fall asleep easily, and the moonlight donkey's "Thousands of Miles Together" mark cannot be used in the special space of Doomsday God's Battlefield, which makes Wu Yi feel very helpless.When he rushed back to the twilight barrier, Wei Huo and others were already making final preparations in the barracks. Wei Huo was very pleasantly surprised that he could come back in time, which indicated that they had another trump card.

As for what to prepare?
Naturally, it is up to Xu Negative to calculate the location of the target, and counting the time spent by everyone on the road, the calculation will be carried out several times, and the location of the target will be constantly corrected.

"The target is still within the range of the No. 30 stronghold!" After divination, Xu Negative gave the answer.

Before that, Wei Huo gave Xu negative the map of the northeast area of ​​the Doomsday God's Battlefield, so that she could better control the exact position.With the strength of Xu Negative Saint Rank, even with a large number of attributes that are beneficial to divination, it is very difficult to divination legends.The first replenishment is the most difficult, and we can only target the blood prince Han Weijie, but it will be different after that, the inspector will have a small team, and after obtaining certain information, the next time you can choose a weaker guy as a divination target.

"Since everyone is here, let's go first!"

Wei Huo is in a hurry. This is his second trial mission. You need to pay 200 million merits to start the mission. Take the attack on the undead stronghold as an example. Or, at most, they can get 70 to [-] merits, and it takes almost four such victories to exchange for such a mission opportunity.

Besides, is the undead stronghold so easy to fight?Moreover, as the initiator, you will get more shares when picking the fruit at the end. However, at the beginning of the operation, some necessary preparations need to be paid by the initiator.It can be said that once you lose once, you will definitely lose everything.

If it wasn't for the task's restriction on the upper limit of the strength of the participants, Wei Huo would definitely invite a group of legendary thugs. With his contacts in the Twilight Barrier, as long as he was willing to show his face.Although the target has not left the stronghold, it will take time for them to enter the established area, and the area he chose to attack is an area where the undead team is relatively active. It is hard to say whether there will be any accidents along the way.

Wu Yidao has no opinion on this. What he thinks now is whether he can get another promotion order of the angel family in this mission. It is a difficult task that can only be opened with 200 million merits. The value of this promotion order is absolutely To exceed 200 million, this will be Wu Yi's biggest gain during this trip to the Doomsday God's Battlefield.

Of course, that's still the question. Whether the promotion order can be sold is another matter. It is impossible for Wu Yi to use it by himself.

A group of people left the twilight barrier again, and the angel squad, which had expanded to 110, was extremely eye-catching in flight. Looking at these angels, to be honest, Wu Yi felt a little regretful in his heart.Before exchanging angels, he wanted to go to Griffin Mountain, but after he arrived at Griffin Mountain, he realized how naive his previous thoughts were. Now that the Griffin tribe has been obtained, these angels are completely useless. If they are taken out alone , these angels can't beat a holy rank.

110 angels are equivalent to 11 meritorious deeds!

After this mission, Wu Yi will probably consider exchanging some equipment. Legendary equipment is too expensive, but there are holy equipment!It's a pity, that's still the problem. He doesn't have a strong man of the Holy Light Department under his command. Otherwise, Wu Yi will definitely arm him from head to toe as soon as possible, especially after Wu Yi learned the latest information about the underworld. It's even more urgent.

As an old guy who has been in the Doomsday God Battlefield for 80 years, Wei Huo knows the terrain everywhere, but as long as he is not too close to the God of the Underworld, he has a certain understanding, especially when he is determined in advance. After the task area, with him leading the way, most potential crises can be avoided.

But even so, the team still bumped into three undead squads along the way. Fortunately, these undead squads had no strong people in charge, and they were wiped out almost instantly. They followed the immediate transfer, so it should not have been exposed, but it will definitely be after a long time would be a hidden danger.

"Miss Xu, how is it?" As they went deeper into the Northeast region, everyone was under tremendous pressure, which was equivalent to being carried out behind enemy lines.

"Two hundred miles due east!" With more divination targets, Xu Negative's divination became faster and faster.At this time, the fortune teller is simply a cheat-like existence. Of course, not every fortune teller has this ability.

Two hundred miles, for a team with an all-powerful lineup and all capable of flying, this distance can almost be included in the combat range.

"Everyone, work hard, speed up!"

The Doomsday God battlefield is dominated by plain terrain, and the mission area this time is also the same. Unless there are some large-scale hidden props, it is impossible to carry out an ambush and sneak attack, but it is a pity that the light gods are not good at these. It's the underworld department that is very good at.

Vampires, White Souls, Bone Dragons!The target team finally appeared in everyone's field of vision. The opponent was also a high-speed team, and the number was more than twice that of Wu Yi's party.However, they were also exposed earlier, there is no way, the angel exists like the sun in the perception of the strong undead, it is difficult not to find it.

Therefore, now they don't even have the chance to make a sudden attack, so they can only force it!
Blood Prince!

With such a title, even if this Han Weijie is not a real prince, his status in the vampire clan is extremely noble, and the number of vampires in the team accounts for nearly [-]%.It's not difficult to determine the target, as long as you look for the one with the most flamboyant clothes!

Wei Huo took the lead, whoever would rush forward if he didn't rush forward at this time!

During the dive, Wei Huo took out a golden magic scroll and spread it without any hesitation. Blossoming pure white flames emerged under the sky of death. The temperature was not too high, but it carried a sacred aura. , instantly forming a small-scale sea of ​​flames.

Judgment Holy Flame!

This is the most effective attack method against undead strongmen, but it is triggered by scrolls after all, and it is impossible to burn the legend. Wei Huo just wants to use this method to reduce the opponent's combat power as much as possible, Limit each other.

But at the same time, one field after another suddenly appeared on the side of the undead.

one two three!Three legends?Besides Han Weijie, the other party also had two legendary guards who were also vampires.

It seems that this battle is definitely not as easy as imagined!
(End of this chapter)

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