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Chapter 1300 The Rising Ma Zhong

Chapter 1300 The Rising Ma Zhong

As the sacred place continued to advance, and as the area where the sacred place intersected with the bone barrier became larger, the southern bone wall that first touched it had disappeared, leaving only a layer of gray-white bone meal on the ground.Wu Yi stepped on the bone meal, and the sacred place officially enveloped the entire bone barrier in it.

At this time, Han Weijie's inspection team had no choice but to leave the barrier, wrapped in holy light, as long as it was undead, they couldn't stand it!In this way, Wei Huo finally found a chance to make a move. However, Han Weijie didn't seem to have any intention of retreating. At this time, if Han Weijie wants to leave, and if there is another strong man, he can easily get away. The foundation of vampires The speed is already fast.

However, Brother Wang doesn't seem to have that intention, probably in his eyes, these people are equivalent to meritorious service!The meritorious service delivered to his door is very rare for a "noble" existence like him who hardly ever goes to the battlefield.

Finally, the Bone Wall was completely purified by the Holy Light into bone powder, and the surrounding cursed land was completely broken, but at this time, the Bone Wall was no longer important.Wei Huo was intercepted by a legendary guard of Han Weijie, but he gained the upper hand, and the emperor's corpse also came from behind. At this time, he had to restrain part of the opponent's power. Luo Mengxin was also strengthening his own attack. In this way, the top combat effectiveness of both sides can be balanced.

However, Han Weijie's attack was surprisingly strong, which directly suppressed a lot of Wu Yi's forces, and the support directly increased the combat power of the undead side by a large amount.In this situation, with the pitiful maximum movement speed of the sacred place, it can't be used for offense at all, it can only be used for defense.

In this way, at first glance, it seems that Wu Yi's side has become the defensive side anyway.

There are more than a thousand patrol teams, including a thousand-strong vampire legion. Although they are at the same level as angels, they are also the top soldiers of the ninth-level legendary level. With the uniform standard suit, they look very gorgeous, but in this Time is really useless, the meaning of their existence is more to promote the pomp of the Blood Prince!
In addition to the thousand-man army and the three legends, there are only about [-] holy ranks left. Therefore, the key to this battle lies in Han Weijie.As long as he can be defeated, the rest will no longer be a problem, but obviously, it is very difficult to do this. As long as the two legendary guards are still there, almost no one on Wu Yi's side can touch the blood prince. Moreover, at this time, the racial ability "blood-sucking" of the vampire family is very disgusting.

Moreover, unlike other vampires, since Han Weijie started attacking, he has always had a seemingly constant blood shield that has not been broken.

The battle was very difficult, and the situation seemed to be at a stalemate. Except for Wei Huo, the other positions had no advantage. Similarly, under the protection of the sacred place, it was difficult for the undead side to do anything to them for a while. After fighting for so long, except for the death of some vampires who put on a show, not one important person was killed.But there is always a time when the materials on the body are exhausted, and the sacred place always disappears.

Wu Yi was secretly anxious, if he couldn't open the situation, the battle would basically come to an end!

Moreover, Huang Shi, this guy is definitely the first link to collapse on Wu Yi's side. Right now, he can't deal with a legend by himself, even if he has some restraint on vampires in terms of attributes, so that the "blood-sucking" characteristics of vampires can't be used. But still can't change the essence.

It's not just Wu Yi who is anxious, Wei Huo is even more anxious than him!
The angel team can't assist the emperor's corpse, but they can assist him. Even if he is not within the scope of the sacred place, there is no danger in a short period of time. He is desperately suppressing his opponent, but every critical moment, Han Weijie All the support can resolve the opponent's crisis in a timely manner. It seems that killing him has become an unrealistic luxury. All he can do is suppress the opponent's blood line?
Does it make sense?Vampires are known as the strongest race in protracted warfare. As long as they can stay alive, they can kill all existence, even if the enemy is stronger than them. As long as the enemy is still a living body, they can continue to "suck blood" That's fine.

But the current situation is slightly different. In fact, what Wei Huo did was not in vain!
At this moment, Ma Zhong, who had been in a state of "virtualization" all along, and who was hiding in the sacred place, suddenly appeared. The long bow in his hand was fully drawn, and a long arrow with orange light rested on the bowstring , the arrow pointing at the target suppressed by Wei Huo, ready to go.

An arrow at the setting sun!
It's a big move as soon as it comes up!
Then, the orange-red arrow flashed past, directly sinking into the back of the vampire.

——System: Ma Zhong triggered the talent "Killing God", successfully shot and killed the legendary vampire "Meng Yunqing", and was rewarded with +1 strength and [-] reputation.

——System: Your team successfully killed a legendary strongman of the opposing faction, and rewarded [-] meritorious deeds of the Twilight Barrier.

God will kill Ma Zhong!
After entering the holy rank, Ma Zhong's attack has undergone a qualitative change. Coupled with the unexpected blow in the virtual state, his ability has been maximized.Now, holy rank is no longer Ma Zhong's pursuit, his goal is legend!However, if you want to kill the legend, you must have enough strong people to cooperate with him, which is not as easy as the yin saint rank.

As long as there is a strong man who can help Ma Zhong suppress the legendary blood line, then his deterrent power will far exceed that of a legend. The various titles, talents, and special abilities will increase the probability of one-hit kill to the highest, just like Now, realms don't block everything.

Looking at it now, Ma Zhong has simply risen!There is Ma Zhong, who is a real killer when fighting with player forces, as long as he does not have enough army power to protect him, as long as he does not have strength and does not step into the holy rank, he is almost a dead end.However, Ma Zhong is not without weaknesses. He is extremely weak in the frontal ability. Again, he is only suitable for looking for opportunities to make cold shots.

All this happened so easily, from Ma Zhong's appearance to the loss of a legend, the process took less than ten seconds.But Ma Zhong's arrow instantly reversed the situation, the opponent was shot, and Wei Huo was immediately released, giving him the opportunity to attack Han Weijie freely.

As long as Ma Zhong's force value has not exceeded 95, every time he shoots a legendary strongman, the "God Killing" talent can bring him a force value reward. Right now, Ma Zhong's force value has reached 93 like a rocket , equal to Zhu Rong.

(End of this chapter)

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