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Chapter 1301 The Blood Orb Blessed by the Underworld God

Chapter 1301 The Blood Orb Blessed by the Underworld God (Legendary)
With the loss of a legend, the situation was reversed in an instant. Wei Huodang even locked onto Han Weijie who was under heavy protection, and threw the huge ax like a door in his hand directly.


The giant ax drew a bright trajectory and smashed directly into the ground, causing the surrounding area to shake like a mountain shaking.However, blood-sucking is a race that is good at speed. Wei Huo's seemingly incomparably powerful move didn't even touch Han Weijie's clothes except for beheading a group of soldiers.

I don't know if he wanted to mock his opponent, but while dodging the attack, Han Weijie hit a "Blood Shadow Strike" with his backhand.A bloody shadow whose outline was almost the same as Wei Huo appeared behind him very abruptly, and the opponent's waist seemed to be born on Wei Huo's back, holding a cone-shaped weapon also made of blood, Like lightning, it stabbed at the back of Wei Huo's head.

At this critical moment, Wei Huo turned around fiercely, pinched the opponent's attacking right hand with his left hand, and pinched the opponent's neck with his right hand, directly crushing it to explode.However, at the moment of crushing the explosion, the power of the blood exploded violently. Although such power was not enough to threaten a legend, it made Wei Huo extremely embarrassed.

With Wei Huo's restraint, Han Weijie's threat to the sacred place has dropped to the lowest point, but at this time the sacred place can't stop, even with the poor movement speed of the sacred place, it can't directly threaten these high-speed undead, but In addition to defense, you can also use the sacred place to limit the movable positions of these undead, and find the role of dividing the opponent's formation.

With Han Weijie's output restricted, the personnel on Wu Yi's side don't have to be so restrained, and they can be bolder when attacking.

Although Zhu Rong's AOE ability is strong, she is not good at long-distance combat. Almost all of her skills are centered on herself and spread in all directions.

When Han Weijie, who could threaten her life, was contained, she finally erupted, and rode the double-headed devil dog directly into the protection range of the sacred place, and the arrogant flame swept over again.

A real creep killer!
Without enough commander bonuses and the protection of a large army, the mere domain is not enough to protect them. Under Zhu Rong's sweep, they can't exert the effect of "blood-sucking" at all.

No, this is not enough!Obviously Wei Huo has nothing to do with Han Weijie, the opponent is so "meat" that he doesn't look like a vampire at all.We must get rid of the other legend as soon as possible and concentrate on besieging Han Weijie.

As for the holy rank, when Ma Zhong appeared, he had already started killing him.Every arrow seemed to be a life-threatening talisman. Even if they managed to survive, they would suffer great damage. The ubiquitous arrows gave them an illusion of inevitability.

After the situation became clear, it was determined that Wu Yi would no longer be in any danger. Luo Mengxin, who had been protecting him, also took the initiative to attack, and the instant sealing arrays were branded on the battlefield one by one. The effect was somewhat similar to a magic trap, and it was easier to be caught trigger.After that, she also flew out of the sacred place, and found the legendary vampire who beat the emperor's corpse until he was about to run away with his head in his arms.

In the battle between the seal master and the vampire, the abilities of both sides are quite disgusting, and it is difficult to say who will defeat the other.

The style of Wu Yi's team, except for a few, is mainly "counsel" as a whole, but even so, there are still inevitable casualties. Before the bloody light broke into the sacred place, the Angel team was unlucky and was swept away. After buying twenty or thirty, Wu Yi was so distressed that he gasped.In addition, Wei Huo's team has lost several holy ranks. It is almost impossible to continue to remain unscathed in this level of battle.

Looking back to the other side, Wei Huo had recovered his weapon, but his mount had already been sacrificed in the entanglement.Almost all the vampires have been wiped out, and the sacred place has finally completed the division of the battlefield. To be precise, the two legendary battle points are separated on both sides of the sacred place, so that they can take care of each other!
Wu Yi "dragged" the sacred place and continued to approach Han Weijie. Not long after, Luo Mengxin, with the cooperation of the emperor's corpse, finally succeeded in killing their opponent.

The fall of another legend indicates that Wu Yi's side has already won half of this battle, and the key now is not to let Han Weijie escape.

At this time, Han Weijie finally felt that something was wrong and wanted to run away, but it was too late.At this time, Wei Huo burst out with [-] points of potential and began to work hard.

At this time, it is impossible for him not to work hard, victory is in front of him, if he still fails with such a big advantage, Wei Huo probably will not have the confidence to do the trial mission in the future.

What Han Weijie gives people the strongest impression is "meat". "Meat" is actually a very suitable attribute for vampires. As long as he can survive, he has a chance to come back.

But obviously, Han Weijie's "meat" was not enough for him to withstand the siege of a group of people. In a blink of an eye, Han Weijie's body turned into a ball of blood under the dark moon. Countless attacks hit the blood, but it seemed that there was no what effect.

This extremely weird scene scared Wu Yiyi, but fortunately, it didn't last long. Han Weijie returned to his original state in about five seconds, and nothing could change the result of his defeat.

——System: Your team has successfully killed "Blood Prince" Han Weijie, and the mission "Angel Clan General" has been completed.

After Han Weijie's death, the shadow of the dark moon in the sky also slowly disappeared. There were still a large number of undead corpses that had not been purified by the holy light, as well as various items from the place. These were the spoils of this battle. Wu Yi Has a distribution of seven shares.

Among them, the most conspicuous one is beside Han Weijie, a string of nine blood-colored bracelets, so beautiful that Wu Yi couldn't help but bend down to pick it up.

Blood Bead Blessed by Hades (Legendary): Bracelet, Life +50%, Bloodline Skill Level +1, Blood-sucking Effect +25%, with special skills "Blessing of Hades", "Blood Transformation", "Blood Slave Shield" ".

God's Blessing - passive, damage immunity +25%, movement speed +25%, will not be the target of summoned undead creatures.

Blood Transformation—The body instantly turns into a ball of blood, which can be immune to 85% of the enemy, lasts for five seconds, and the skill interval is four hours.

Blood Slave Shield - Passive, blood-sucking effect +25%, if the own life is full, the blood absorbed will form a single-person shield, and the maximum strength of the shield is five times the upper limit of one's own life.

Excellent!No wonder Han Weijie is so resistant to beatings, the original reason is here!
This time, it was simply giving benefits to Concubine Xuerong!They belong to the same family of vampires, and the equipment released by these three legends is very suitable for Concubine Xuerong. In addition to this legendary "Blood Magic Orb Blessed by the Underworld God", there should be two or three pieces of equipment that can be found after cleaning the battlefield.Not to mention other things, this string of bracelets alone is enough to raise Concubine Xuerong's strength by more than one level. If she can be marked with the attribute of divine weapon, when she enters the holy rank, she will definitely be the top figure in the holy rank.

(End of this chapter)

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