The best lord of online games

Chapter 1421 The last battle

Chapter 1421 The Last Battle

15 million!
After destroying the main force of the Wolf League led by Temujin, Yue Fei was left with only 15 remnants of the army, including the troops of the Temple of Light, and nearly a quarter of them were almost too tired to stand up. Commander-in-Chief The bonus does not turn soldiers into tireless iron men.As for the strong, there is only one seriously injured demigod and three legends left, and they are not superior in number, so it is lucky to be able to leave these. During this period, Yue Fei also played a big role. Because he has always had the advantage, he was able to provide certain "protection" for these strong men at critical moments.

"Military Master, you should go first. If you go from the west, you should still have a chance." Yue Fei said to Zhang Liang in an extremely flat tone as the army rested on the spot.The remaining demigod came from the Temple of Light. It is impossible for him to stay and die with the army when his strength is seriously damaged. Yue Fei only hopes that he can take Zhang Liang away together. He has worked with Zhang Liang for so long He knew Zhang Liang's ability very well. It would be considered a disgrace for a commander or general to flee before the battle, but a military adviser would not.

I don't know what's going on with the battle in the west. There has been no battle report, but even if they are defeated, the foreign race can't stay intact. Going west, there is a chance.

"No need, life and death are a matter of fate! From my point of view, the marshal should let the little general go first... hey!" At the end, Zhang Liang sighed. In his opinion, this time Yue Fei was destined to die. Originally, he thought Persuading Yue Fei to send Yue Yun away, in his opinion, this little guy's future is limitless, but thinking about Yue Fei's character, he finally just let out a long sigh.

It is impossible for Yue Fei to arrange for his son to leave first at this time. In that case, how would he manage the army?What's more, who was not born by parents!

Yao Guangxiao was not in the army. He had gone to Ran Min's side before, but now he thought it was unnecessary. A short rest would not allow the soldiers to fully recover their fighting strength. In order to pursue Temujin, Yue Fei also left behind his logistics. Fortunately, the military rations provided by the imperial army are all top-quality goods.

"Marshal, we should evacuate westward slowly, and only in this way can those people be forced to take risks!" Zhang Liang suggested to Yue Fei in a low voice.

Yue Fei has long been on the must-kill list of the Wolf Alliance and the rebels, and now is undoubtedly the best time to kill Yue Fei, the more Yue Fei makes a gesture of retreating, the more anxious the enemy will be!
The first enemy army to kill was Jebe's remnant army, with less than [-] troops, and he was the only one who would be nervous about Temujin, while Han Xin and Bai Qi were too ruthless to die early. Unfortunately, it was too late for him to hurry step.Seeing Yue Fei's army resting, Zhebie only dared to harass him from the sidelines, waiting for Han Xin and Bai Qi, and did not dare to step forward to avenge Temujin, after all, the name of a man is the shadow of a tree!

According to Zhang Liang's suggestion, Yue Fei led his army westward while dealing with Zhebei's harassment.The peripheral soldiers fought, while the rest of the soldiers marched slowly with the masses and rotated in batches, which also allowed the soldiers to further rest and recover their combat effectiveness.

During the fierce battle, Huang Zhong and Zhebie also confronted each other with bows and arrows several times. Both of them are famous in history for their bows and arrows, but right now, it is obvious that Zhebie's archery skills are better, and Huang Zhong is extremely embarrassed to deal with it. .However, winning or losing for a while does not mean forever. Who will be stronger in the future depends on who can survive this battle!
Venus had appeared in the eastern sky, and Han Xin's army finally came slowly. He wanted the Wolf Allied Army and the Imperial Army to fight to the death, but he didn't want Yue Fei to live.Marching fast all the way, discarding logistics and supplies all the way, at this time Han Xin only hated Temujin for being useless, how could he be defeated so quickly, if Temujin could last a little longer, They can also end Yue Fei with less cost.

But now, in order to prevent Yue Fei from escaping completely, he had to march desperately!This time, the Imperial Army did suffer heavy losses, but the Wolf League seems to be even worse. After that, the Temple of the Underworld will focus on the affairs of the underworld, and it will be difficult to support Xuerong City more. Therefore, taking this opportunity, Yue Fei must be killed, otherwise the meaning of this battle Not as big as imagined.

At this time, Han Xin and Yue Fei were one level behind. In the past, he was not qualified to face Yue Fei, and only at this time would he have the opportunity. Another reason why he wanted to kill Yue Fei was to use Yue Fei's life to step into "" Bing Sheng" realm!

Yue Fei has only less than 15 exhausted troops left, and he is no longer able to summon the God of War. The same is true for Han Xin who is marching all the way. This is also Han Xin's favorite way of fighting. What's more, Yue Fei's "command" is one level higher than him. Therefore, his "Soldier Stand" cannot imprison Yue Fei's military strength, and it is in his best interest to simply compete in the military formation like this.

In the first battle of Han Xin's army, the Jebe army's morale was immediately boosted, but I don't know whether it was intentional or not. It became Jebe playing forward and Han Xin behind him.Although Zhebie was angry in his heart, he knew that this was not the time to turn his face, so he could only let the army go around to the west as much as possible, bypassing the main battlefield, and immediately blocked Yue Fei's retreat.

Not long after, Bai Qi's army came from the north and circled to the northwest of Yue Fei. The army could stop Yue Fei's westward retreat at any time.Bai Qi, who arrived at last, immediately sent a side army to "drive" the Jebe army who had circled to the west to Yue Fei again, just like Han Xin did before.

"Hongyu Empire, damn Hongyu Empire!" Zhebie was extremely unwilling, obviously he was forcibly made cannon fodder by Han Xin and Bai Qi. In his opinion, both Yue Fei and the rebels in Xuerong City belonged to the The Hongyu Empire, at least it used to be like this, only hates him for being too careless.

Compared to the rebels in Xuerong City, Yue Fei's hatred for the alien race was obviously deeper, they were all enemies anyway, as long as they "send" them to their door, no matter who they were, Yue Fei would beat him to death.Therefore, with the "tacit understanding" of the three parties, in the end Jebe was extremely aggrieved and beaten to death by a group of generals.

Fighting in a tired state, Yue Fei still showed a very impressive fighting power, beheading enemies several times his own, but after all, he couldn't change the absolute disadvantage in terms of strength. Some of the generals are around him.

"Let's break through the encirclement, each will live and die!" Yue Fei said with a sigh, his goal has basically been achieved, this battle with the Wolf League can be said to be a lose-lose situation for both sides, Xuerong City also lost countless soldiers in the battle, but in the end, He is no longer able to drag down even a commander of the opponent, and the soldiers under his command have almost exhausted their combat effectiveness.

"The final general is willing to protect the commander-in-chief to break out of the siege. As long as the commander-in-chief can survive, we will win!" Huang Zhong's face was covered with blood, and the armor on his body was already incomplete. There was also a broken arrow stuck in it, which was left by Jebe before.

"This is a military order! Huang Zhong protects the military division!" Yue Fei said sharply. At this time, a legendary general is far more important than a commander.


"Needless to say, every one more person who survives now is a good thing for the empire."

There is no waiting for reinforcements. At this time, we can only reserve some available talents for the empire as much as possible. But at this time, it is hard to say how many people can successfully break through. The enemy's layer-by-layer arrangement is perfect.

Yue Yun stood beside his father silently, with a resolute expression on his face. He couldn't see the slightest fear of death, but his breathing was extremely heavy. He was too tired. He fought continuously for more than a day and a night. I can't bear it either.


At this last moment, Yue Fei did not continue to stay in the center of the army, but took his son and took the lead to fight towards the east. Yue Fei's force is not low, and he also has the strength of the holy rank, but this strength alone However, he still can't show his personal bravery on the battlefield like Xiang Yu.More than [-]% of the soldiers followed Yue Fei to launch the final attack, and the rest of the generals broke out in different directions with grief, but the success rate was not high.

The scorching sun in the sky shone on this extremely tragic battlefield. With Yue Fei's death in battle, the situation in the northern border and even the whole world would change drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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