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Chapter 1422 Wumu Inheritance

Chapter 1422 Wumu Inheritance
"So fast?!"

From the fall of Temujin to Yue Fei, the world-famous famous generals died in battle. This is only announced to the world with system information, and there are many more that have not been mentioned in the system information. These powers far exceed the current player power. Among them, most of them did not appear in the Qitian Terrace, and it is not known whether they will be left for the next Tower of Dominion activity or if there are other arrangements.

When Wu Yi went online again, he only received a bunch of outdated messages.

——Imperial decree: The emperor of the Hongyu Empire proclaimed Yue Fei the "King of Beiyue", posthumously titled "Wu Mu", his second son, Yue Lei, descended to the title of "Duke of Beiyue", and was specially called to study at the Imperial Military Academy**** ****: Canonize Ran Min as General Zhenbei and Uncle Killing Wu.

——System: Kublai Khan succeeded the Mongolian Khan.

——System: The dungeon "Wu Mu's Inheritance" is opened, and the chosen one can get "Wu Mu's Last Letter", the incomplete version of the talent "Serving the country with loyalty", and commander-in-chief specialties and skills in the dungeon.For more details, please visit Prayer Terrace.

Wu Yi was startled by the series of messages, and kept talking to himself, "How could that be!"

Wu Yi never expected that this battle would come to an end so quickly, let alone that it would be so fierce that more than [-] famous historical figures fell, but fortunately Xu Wei It's okay, she was dragged away by Zhao Xueyin in advance after the release of Huiyao Holy City. At that time, Yue Fei was occupying an absolute advantage, and there would be no danger in wanting to leave.However, what made him even more unexpected was that it was Ran Min who took over Yue Fei's position, why should he!Although his power is certainly far inferior to that of Yue Fei before, there are many people with higher qualifications than him in the northern border, such as Liu Bei. Is it because Liu Bei is already a lord?The emperor was afraid that if he was given more power, he would take advantage of the situation to stand on his own?

Ran Min's title is not high, it's just an earl, but his title contains "Wu", as long as it has the word "Wu" or "Wen" in the title of Wu, it is the top. Most Marquises are even taller.

Regarding Yue Fei's death, Wu Yi could only sigh, but in the future, for the task of resurrecting Yue Fei, the fight will inevitably be more intense than Li Yuanba this time. After 99/89 of the famous general attributes, the command rate is only [-], and he can't even keep the first-class. If he wants to return to the previous peak, it may take a month. The chances are slim, but no matter how weakened, some abilities are still not affected by famous generals. Attribute restrictions will not be temporarily sealed, such as talents, specialties, some commander skills, etc.

However, the last system message made Wu Yi a little uncertain. This is a dungeon specially created for Yue Fei. Judging from this posture, are the officials planning to let Yue Fei come back?

It's possible!
Inheritance dungeons, this is equivalent to benefiting more players. Under the premise of having inheritance dungeons, it would be a bit weird to arrange Yue Fei's resurrection. Even if he wants to be resurrected, it probably won't be released in a short time.

Yue Fei's death was not the end of the war in the northern border, but the beginning. This battle caused heavy losses to the Hongyu Empire and the Wolf League outside the Great Wall. Xuerong City was relatively better, and the generals had almost no losses. Under the counterattack, the troops were severely damaged. Even if the super-class commander was unable to use the military power of the God of War, the disadvantage was still very obvious, and among the three parties, Xuerong City was the weakest!
Now is the time to expand the results of the battle. Which side can gain the upper hand in the future depends on who moves faster, and the battle will be more intense than before.And affected by the Northern Territory, the whole world will enter the "Warring States Period"!The defeat in the Northern Territory War will further weaken the Hongyu Empire's national fortune and deepen the impact of natural disasters. The food shortage in the Northern Territory will also intensify accordingly, and the production of grain in the Southern Territory will decrease, which will further increase the price of food.

Wu Yi was thinking about his thoughts while walking towards the Tiantai. He would definitely not miss "Wu Mu's Inheritance". Whether it was "Wu Mu's Suicide Note" or Yue Fei's castrated version of talent, they were all top-notch.

Yue Fei is dead, but there are quite a few people in the Yue family, besides Yue Lei who was the successor, there are also three sons Yue Lin, fourth son Yue Zhen, fifth son Yue Ting, and two daughters. Yue Yun also died.The members of the Yue family had all moved to the imperial capital when Yue Fei was promoted all the way like a rocket. This is the rule.Now that Yue Lei has attacked Jue, he is now the master of the Yue family, the emperor is kind to the Yue family, and Yue Lei was sent to the military academy. At this time, the possibility of poaching the Yue family is zero.

No one knows exactly how many people died in this battle. We will have to wait for the official announcement. It will be spread all over the world by the system. It will only be the highest status of both sides, that is, Yue Fei and Temujin. It is not clear whether Zhong and the others are dead or alive.What made Wu Yi most depressed was that Huo Qubing had "disappeared" again. At first, Wu Yi thought that he would at least have a foothold in several main battlefields, but no, he hasn't shown up until now, and there is only Hua Mulan in Mayi City While training soldiers, we are carefully guarding against enemies that may appear at any time.

In the future, the Eastern Territory may also be unstable. Both the Wolf Allied Forces and the rebels from Xuerong City may take advantage of this gap to go south. Fortunately, with Wu Zhao blocking the position, Penglai City is still relatively safe, but the defense Don't be careless. To be on the safe side, a navy must be stationed in the waters near Penglai City. Once a war starts, the navy can be used as a reinforcement for the defenders, or as a surprise soldier to raid the enemy's rear, occupying the sea route, and is very flexible in advancing and retreating.

"Open once every seven days?" When he arrived at the Qitian Terrace, Wu Yi stopped analyzing the current situation and began to carefully study the dungeon called "Wu Mu Inheritance".

The dungeon takes official history as the background and intercepts Yue Fei’s four Northern Expeditions in history. However, in the dungeon, Yue Fei will no longer be assisted by those famous generals in history. Second-rate!In the last dungeon, players will probably get the only authentic copy of "Wu Mu's Last Letter", and the others are all manuscript copies of "Wu Mu's Last Letter", and the attribute difference is not 01:30 points.Participants are based on the legion. After all, Yue Fei is the commander-in-chief, so his inheritance will naturally be handed over to the commander-in-chief!
The legion is limited to 1000 people, and the legion leader is limited to players. After each battle, rewards will be given according to the performance of each legion, and the reward is not only given to one person.

This is difficult!

There are not many players who build an army, and those who can be called capable are even rarer, and their attributes are not high. More likely it depends on the level of the troops. The troops can be rearranged in a way. Not a problem, the advantages of the big forces are not obvious.

The first dungeon will be opened at [-]:[-] on Friday night four days later. During this period, there will probably be countless players who want to go to the legion trial and have an extra "army soul". The improvement is still very obvious. Wu Yi thought Can you upgrade the army to the sixth level in these few days, and the sixth-level army will have a place for a lieutenant general. The lieutenant general is not included in the dungeon limit. He can definitely bring Zhu Rong in, so his advantage will be much greater Yes, just because the level of the legion does not mean that it can be improved by upgrading.

(End of this chapter)

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