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Chapter 1466 Penglai Realm, 1st Saint

Chapter 1466 Penglai world, the first saint

Wu Yi, who left Dragon God Island in a hurry, rushed to Ziji Island immediately. After seeing the mythical beast, Wu Yi carefully explained the whole story, and at the same time condemned the greed of the Dragon Clan.

Obviously, the beasts of the dragon race are also very familiar with the urine, and they can't let go of their figure to bargain with the dragon race. Besides, looking at the entire history of the dragon race, there are really not many successful cases of bargaining with them. This is A group of weirdos who want to sell even poop.Therefore, after listening to Wu Yi's narration, the divine beast agreed very simply, but this result somewhat made Wu Yi unacceptable.

What does this mean!This means that Lei Yue's quotation has not touched the bottom line of the beast!Thinking about the fragment that was easily used to hand in the task before, Wu Yi couldn't help feeling a kind of grief and indignation at a loss of one billion.

The process of the transaction went very smoothly, and soon, the second fragment of the family artifact was also successfully in the hands of the beast, and he generously expressed that he would not forget Wu Yi's hard work, but this time the reward will be lower than the previous one, Not enough for her to raise the red lotus suit on Zhu Rong to the legendary level.This made Wu Yi feel even more depressed, and he didn't know when he would have to wait to find the third fragment.

After dealing with all this, Wu Yi didn't have any important things at hand, so he simply went back to Mayi City to deal with other races.As for the matter of Burying the God Sea, the Dragon Clan will negotiate with the Sea Clan in person, so he doesn't need to worry about it. At most, Wang Meng, who is in charge of Ghost Crab City, can make adjustments.

Wu Yi kept his ears to the outside world, and devoted himself to leading the legion to level up in the Northland, but the world became a little crazy because of the sudden entry of the Dragon Clan. Leaving aside the Chosen One, even the aboriginal forces from all sides have also dispatched He went to Dragon God Island and wanted to establish an alliance with the Dragon Clan, including the Hongyu Empire.

The elders of the Dragon Clan are all smarter than foxes, so how could it be possible for the Dragon Clan to serve as cannon fodder for others at this time? The so-called strategic alliances are all rejected, and they only enter the business alliance. The group of unscrupulous elders decisively increased the prices of all the special products of the Dragon Clan.However, in two or three days, the large amount of resources earned through the transaction made the elders of the Dragon Clan smile so that the wrinkles on their faces became more numerous.

Dragon God Island shocked the world at the beginning of its arrival, but as time went by, that was the case. If we really want to talk about changes, probably unknowingly, there are more and more dragon knights as a profession among players.

Ninth and tenth ranks!

On the other hand, Wu Yi finally reached the highest level that can be achieved by spawning monsters two days before the opening of the second round of "Wu Mu Inheritance" dungeon. There was no system broadcast about the player's "full level" before. He also doesn't have it now, so it can be determined that the first player to reach the ninth and tenth level will not have additional rewards. Naturally, it is not certain whether he is the first player to reach the ninth and tenth level.

Wu Yi didn't do anything these days, except eating and sleeping, he was engaged in small-scale battles with foreign troops. During this period, Huo Qubing also led the army and lost his whereabouts again, and the joint battle with Su Dingfang of the Changshan League has also begun. He doesn't know the details of the specific actions, which is the main reason why there are so many alien races near Mayi City for him to level up!However, he believed in Huo Qubing, and it was absolutely impossible for Huo Qubing to completely disregard the safety of Mayicheng because of a possible big victory.

In addition to the level, Wu Yi's "command" attribute has finally reached [-], making the ability to command troops inflow.However, without the support of talents, specialties, and commander-in-chief skills, the improvement of "command" alone has no immediate effect on the command of the troops, and it only adds a third-rate title.The legion level is still squatting at the fifth level without moving. Right now, it is far more difficult to increase the level of the legion than to improve its own level.

For some players, from the ninth level to the tenth level, it may be an insurmountable gap, but for Wu Yi, it is as simple as drinking water.Therefore, after reaching the ninth and tenth ranks, Wu Yi stopped looking for a small group of foreign soldiers, returned to the city immediately, and turned to the holy mountain.

For the manufacture of parallel imported holy ranks, each top power has different methods, the difference lies in the quantity, this kind of manufacturing requires corresponding resources, and the limitation of the divine creation space is also one of them.The Penglai Realm of Daoism is specially prepared for those who have insufficient potential to break through to the holy rank by themselves. It belongs to the space created by God. Wu Yi holds five places in the Penglai Realm, and he has used three intermittently before. Three parallel Taoist priests of the formation system have been released, and there are two left. Now he occupies one for himself, and the remaining one is emergency.

Although players don't have the concept of "potential", in theory, as long as they meet the corresponding conditions, they can break through in battle on their own.However, what is the standard for the holy rank? How long does it take to wait until the player's strength or intelligence reaches 72?Besides, although the holy rank of parallel imports sounds ugly, some improvements are real. Take Wu Yi as an example, his intelligence of [-], if he can reach the holy rank, it is enough for him to easily beat the ninth-rank second-rate with an intelligence of [-] caster.

Moreover, the saint level of parallel imports does not mean that the attributes of famous generals will stop growing, but the order is reversed first. Normally, the attributes of famous generals will reach [-] first, and then enter the holy rank. To ninety, not necessarily.

The Taoist sect is very busy now, they have to disgust the Temple of the Underworld in the underworld, and at the same time they have to fight the holy war with the Temple of the Elements. Right now, only the great elders of the talisman lineage are sitting on the holy mountain. Study "Tui Bei Tu".

As for how to enter the Penglai Realm, Wu Yi has long been on the go, but this is the first time for him to come in. In his eyes, there is nothing special about the Penglai Realm except that the scene is more like a fairyland.The so-called advanced training is even simpler. You only need to sit in the "Xianguang" and accept the baptism. There are no challenges or tasks.

Sitting in "Xianguang", Wu Yi was a little excited, but also a little expectant. If no one used the same method as him, then his title should be stable.As time slowly passed, Wu Yi became a little irritable, more bored, and he didn't know how long he would have to squat here to finish.

——System: Congratulations for passing the baptism of Penglai Shenguang and successfully breaking through the Holy Order.

——System: Congratulations on becoming the first God's Chosen to break through to the Holy Rank. You will be rewarded with intelligence +5, the reward title "No. [-] Saint", and your reputation will be increased by [-].

——System: Congratulations, your reputation has reached "Known in the World" and you have been awarded the title of "High Virtue and Prestige".

(End of this chapter)

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