The best lord of online games

Chapter 1467 Death Punishment for Metamorphosis and Upgrade

Chapter 1467 Death Punishment for Metamorphosis and Upgrade
Promote the beam of light!

At this moment, Wu Yi's whole body was under the light beam of promotion, and his temperament changed drastically.At the same time, the "Tiangang Leifa Sword" behind him also shimmered.

——System: Since your level has reached the holy level, the Tiangang Leifa Sword has unlocked part of the seal on its own.

The equipment requirements for Tiangang Leifa Sword are extremely strict. In order to allow Wu Yi to hold it, he sealed it at the cost of sacrificing some attributes. As his level continued to increase, the seal was lifted step by step.But even at the holy level, he still couldn't break all the seals on the Tiangang Thunder Sword.

There is no qualitative change in the unsealing of Tiangang Thunder Sword this time. The main reason is that the bonus values ​​have been increased on the original basis, and a large number of reputation points have directly promoted the level of the Heavenly Gang Thunder Sword. At the seventh level, the powerful attribute bonus made Wu Yi's output ability even more superior to the same level.

To strengthen combat power, equipment is a part, and the title is also an indispensable part.

The first saint - +10% resistance to domains, +10% resistance to "power" series of skill effects, +10% bonus effect to "Intelligence" attributes, and a certain degree of resistance to enemies of the holy rank suppression effect.

Water Saint belongs to Water Saint, but the title of this reward is really sharp, and it is not in vain for him to work so hard for so many days!
Stepping into the holy rank, all the basic attributes have made a leap, and the leap in the skill value also allows him to finally display those advanced skills to his heart's content, and officially get rid of the sad name of "five-second real man".

Virtue and Prestige - Ability related to "Reputation", the bonus effect is +25%, and it is easier to be respected by the world.

Wu Yi's talent "Benevolence" is related to prestige. Although this title does not directly enhance combat power, it is equivalent to strengthening reputation. This is equally important in troubled times, and sometimes fame can solve problems better than force.

Wu Yi has seen too many attribute panels of holy rank characters, and his own water holy panel is really nothing new, the only bright spot is probably the number of titles!All kinds of inexplicable titles are added together, exactly ten, not to mention the crown of the world, but there are definitely not many who can surpass him.Right now, Wu Yi's famous general Siwei has become 70 in command, 2 in force, 77 in intelligence, and 61 in politics. Unfortunately, it is too difficult to acquire "force" as a monk, otherwise he would have the opportunity to get a "third-rate all-rounder" "The title hangs.

"Intelligence" reached 77, Wu Yi didn't hesitate, and used the pills and potions that had been prepared to directly increase "Intelligence" to [-], and the title of spellcaster was raised to second-rate. As for the title of second-rate counselor, he had to wait again later Complete the challenges of the Path of the Conspirator.

——System: Your level has reached the holy rank, and the death penalty has changed. Please inquire for details.

Just as Wu Yi was busy using various resources to continue strengthening his attributes, another system message appeared.Since it is a virtual online game, death is inevitable, and the way of death is even more strange. The previous death penalty is that as long as you die, your level will be immediately lowered by one level, and the equipment on your body will drop randomly. Super negative state.

But what about after reaching the holy rank?

Wu Yi carefully inquired about the relevant standards, and soon fully understood, because after the player's level reaches the holy rank, the death penalty is exactly the same as that of a famous general. It will no longer directly lower the level, but will only be sealed. The famous general Siwei Reduced by 10%, the level seal needs to be lifted through the task.

This is really bad news!

Players who do not have the "potential" setting will lose 10% of the four-dimensional star, and it will be very difficult to make up for it. In this way, the player who was originally the least afraid of death will appear timid in many things.However, there are only a small number of players who can take this step, and most of them will stop at the threshold of the ninth and tenth ranks. As the saying goes, there are gains and losses. There is no problem.

Fortunately, death in most dungeons will not be punished, otherwise many dungeons would not dare to enter.

After entering the holy rank, players no longer have the concept of "experience value", and the road ahead is exactly the same as that of the aborigines. Brush to a certain standard, there are not many shortcuts to take.Therefore, at present, Wu Yi has no way to quickly improve his personal combat effectiveness.

Next, Wu Yi plans to strengthen the ability of the formation mage and refine a higher level formation map than the Nine Obsidian Star Map. However, if the level of the formation mage wants to reach the level of the master, it will not be achieved overnight.

After finishing everything, Wu Yi stepped out of the Penglai world. Because he was promoted to the holy rank before, the system notified the whole server, and immediately he received countless congratulatory messages. Of course, more people cared about his "first saint" Attributes of the title!After leaving the Penglai world, there was no one he knew well on the holy mountain, so Wu Yi didn't stay long, and then turned to the imperial capital.

Speaking of which, since he bought a mansion in the imperial capital, he rarely came here. As the prestige of Calabash City in the troubled times became higher and higher, more and more nobles in the empire wanted to make friends with it. At any time, there is a scene of cars and horses filling the door, which makes countless people admire it.

What's more, right now a "military test" is being held in the imperial capital, and the emperor, who is a little bit unable to withstand the pressure from the front line, issued a "Hero Order" to the world, only taking ability, regardless of birth!Anyone who has the ability to command troops, or who is brave enough, can go to the imperial capital Longtai to participate in the test. As long as they pass the test, they will be promoted exceptionally. If they can beat the crowd, they will be directly awarded a high title.

As an extremely ancient empire, some concepts cannot be changed overnight. Even if the empire is looming to fall, the signboard of the Hongyu Empire is still quite useful.Therefore, under the emperor's "Hero Order", countless hermits gathered in the imperial capital one after another with the ambition of serving the country, and there were indeed a few of them who were so strong that they were abnormal.

And this military test was personally presided over by Sun Wu, the No. 1 honorary dean of the Imperial Army Seminary and known as the "sage of military strategists" in history!

However, the "military test" is not open to players. This is not discrimination. The main players cannot really eat and live with the soldiers. If they are really selected, they are not sure whether they can find someone at a critical moment.But being unable to participate does not affect the enthusiasm of the players, because the people gathered here are more or less capable. It would be the best if they could pick up some missing points. If it is not good, if they can get three or five aborigines with perfect attribute templates , Self-cultivation is also a big profit.

 I will post a property map of the main character soon, you can take a look if you are interested.

  I feel that Sun Wu has no achievements except for one "Sun Tzu's Art of War", so I might as well put it in the Military Seminary.

(End of this chapter)

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