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Chapter 1468 Big Event——Daomen Witch Clan Xiaoyue City Jihad Alliance

Chapter 1468 Big Event——Daomen Witch Clan Xiaoyue City Jihad Alliance
The military trials on the dragon platform of the imperial capital are in full swing, but most of the people who boarded the dragon platform are aborigines that the players are not familiar with, and there are no historical famous generals who can be named in the wild now. too much.However, the batch of top famous generals who died in the Northland battle have not been released, and many of them have already reached their level.

Zhao Yun returned to Wu Zun's space to attack the legendary level, but there has been no new news, and he still has the military rank of the Hongyu Empire on him, so there is no way to start.But what is certain is that his two cousins ​​Huang Zhong and Chen Qingzhi both died in the final battle, plus a series of characters such as Ban Chao, Pang Tong, Yue Yun, Xiong Kuo Hai, etc., as long as they are released, many The player's strength will inevitably rise to a higher level, until Zhang Liang seems to be forcibly taken away by the demigod of the Temple of Light.

The Wolf League outside the Great Wall also died, who would care what nationality the revived generals belonged to!As long as the ability is enough, everything is not a problem.With so many top players, it is impossible to be arranged by three or five forces. At that time, the key is how to choose. After choosing who is the opponent, it depends on strength and luck.The safest way is for the top [-] or [-] forces to sit in a row, discuss it, divide each family into one, and avoid a head-on collision, but this is obviously unrealistic.

Leaving aside Wu Yi's visits to some top nobles in Kowloon City who had interests in Calabash City, his eyes turned to Tianshui City, an area where holy wars were erupting.

After going through the constant temptations of you coming and going, the Daomen finally stood firm when the second batch of expeditionary troops arrived. All three military teleportation formations were opened, and a steady stream of holy war troops poured out from the teleportation formations .Faced with these, the Temple of Elements is still carrying out various arrangements and countermeasures in a calm manner. In fact, the Temple of Elements is no longer a whole at this time, because the other three want to calm the anger of the Taoist sect by reducing the Temple of Tides. In order to achieve the ending of killing two birds with one stone, the weakened Tides Temple will become their eternal vassal.

Because of this, the other three temples did not have the determination to fight to the death!And the power that the Taoist sect brought out at this time could not shake Tianshui City at all. No matter how weak the background of a temple is, there are ways to overthrow a battlefield.From another point of view, with the current performance of Daomen, it is obvious that they do not have the idea of ​​fighting to the end with them. In this way, hello, me, hello, everyone, after a period of "acting", everyone's face will get better, so they will leave up.

No matter what other people think, anyway, the three temples of Earth, Lie Yan, and Storm are planning this way!

However, when the witch tribe gradually appeared among the group of Taoist priests, the Temple of Elements expressed its uneasiness. What about the tacit agreement?What about the pairing?The witch clan has come, can they still have fun!
The Witches are called "natural warriors". That's definitely not something they were blown out of. On the battlefield, they can rely on their powerful bodies against cavalry. Their superior strength, endurance, and body shape are like killing machines!Thinking back to the age of the gods, the combination of Taoism + Wuzu + Yaozu was one of the strongest forces in that era. In fact, the gods reached this level, and they all passed through a messy alliance.

Now that the Wu Clan appeared on the holy war battlefield between the Daomen and the Temple of Elements, what does this herald?Could it be that the Wu Clan joined hands with the Daomen again?
This is not good news for the forces of the whole world!The Daoist sect is scary enough, and with the addition of a witch clan, no one dares to touch its edge even if it is a crippled witch clan.This made the Sanfang Temple, which had originally planned to "cut the flesh" of the Temple of Tides, unable to sit still. Their purpose was only to weaken the Temple of Tides, not to really finish the Temple of Tides. This would damage the overall strength of their Elemental Temple.

But this is not over yet, here the Witch Clan has just appeared on the stage, and on the other side, Xiaoyue City, which had disappeared for several days, reappeared, and as soon as it appeared, it was at a high altitude not far from the area of ​​Tianshui City. They all slowly floated towards Tianshui City. Although Xiaoyue City was not as big as an ordinary sky island, it possessed unparalleled combat power.

Daomen, Wu Clan, Xiaoyue City!

The three of them all pointed their finger at the Temple of Elements, or Tianshui City as the fuse!Needless to say, the purpose of Xiaoyue City's coming here is clear to everyone. When Xiaoyue City was lost to a foreign land, there were only five strong men who turned into puppet clans left in the whole body. Among them was the Raging Flame Temple. Before, Xiaoyue The city finally came back from a foreign land and landed in the forbidden zone of Shenyun. People from the Lieyan Temple and the Ning clan gathered a group of strong men and attacked Xiaoyue City with artifacts.

This can be described as an endless blood feud!Before Xiaoyue City and Sun Bin allied to resist the Dongping rebels, it was also because of the reason of the Flame Temple. Now that there is such a good opportunity, how could they not come to intervene!
When it was in the Shenyun restricted area, Xiaoyue City "exploited" a lot of resources from the players. After forming an alliance with Sun Bin, it received some as a gift. The city continued to produce demons day and night. Although this short period of time There is no way to restore Xiaoyue City to the peak state, but it is enough to fight.The most important thing is that Xiaoyue City itself is a huge war machine. If Xiaoyue City "transforms" to attack, it is enough to destroy the layout of many elemental temples in Tianshui City.

The addition of the two new forces immediately changed the situation of the originally tepid jihad battlefield, or to put it another way, the situation of the entire world may change drastically.

Big event!This is afraid that the top powers in the world are about to reshuffle their cards!
At this point, it is obvious that this holy place can no longer be improved. Even if the Temple of Elements will not be destroyed directly because of this battle, as long as the "host" Temple of Tides collapses in this battle, the Temple of Elements will be as bony as it is. The Nomi cards are so-so, pouring down one after another.

As the top forces, countless years of open and secret battles have also left countless enemies for them. Coupled with the huge resources in their hands, there are many forces waiting to make trouble!Just like in front of you, before the Chaos Temple and the Mermaid Clan "mutually speculated" on the ownership of the Sea God's body, it has already attracted the attention of the world's forces. Now that the Daomen has joined forces with the Wu Clan and Xiaoyue City to attack Tianshui City, this time is not going to follow the tide. What are you waiting for if you step on the temple!
At this moment, those bigwigs who hold supreme power seem to have seen the scene of many forces dividing up the Temple of Tides in the near future. Those who are capable eat meat, and those who are not able to drink soup. The next step is to see whether the Temple of Elements can stand up Can stand it, how long can it stand it.

(End of this chapter)

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