Chapter 1470
The players outside the battlefield naturally don't have the ability to see through the essence of Xiaoyue City at a glance. They only know that Xiaoyue City transformed this time is different from the last time.

The sky-reaching giant transformed in Xiaoyue City raised his hand, and a golden spear condensed in his hand. The spear struck the sky, as if to tear apart the world ravaged by elements.The first strike of the spear wiped out a large amount of flames, strong winds, frost, and falling rocks in the surrounding space. The sky-reaching giant did not stop, and continued to attack the projection of the elemental world in the sky in one go, swallowing mountains and rivers. The space was opened, and the projection from the sky extended to the real elemental world, as if he could hear the roar of the terrifying creatures on the other end.

The Heaven-reaching Giant was extremely powerful, and the Temple of Elements was powerless to stop it for a while. Facing this big guy, it would be extremely unwise to dispatch a demigod, as he might be killed by the opponent in an instant.The demigod is just the power of one person, but the opponent is the power of a city!

Xiaoyue City transformed into a sky-reaching giant that directly exploded the projection of the elemental world in a short period of time, thereby interrupting the continuation of the "elemental wrath", and the sky suddenly returned to clarity.

However, at the moment before the projection of the elemental world was blown up, the Elemental Temple joined forces and used the sharp attack of Xiaoyue City to tear open a huge passage, and then used the power of several artifacts to forcibly pull a large number of elemental creatures to descend. Among them is an incredible existence.

These elemental creatures that were forcibly indexed into the battlefield by the Temple of Elements are mainly made of elements such as earth and stone. They are all tall and tall, and the most exaggerated one is even more radiant in the sun. The whole body is like diamonds. , the figure is like a hill.

Damn, so bright!

Not to mention anything else, just selling this guy for a pound can make a fortune!

However, the other party is also qualified to be a showbag. Judging from the conventional appearance of the strength of creatures such as earth elements, this diamond man is definitely a semi-god-level existence, and his identity is very likely to be the existence of the great lord of the elemental world!
The stronger the strength of the cross-boundary passage, the more difficult it is to pass. It is not easy for the Elemental Temple to pull this guy out at the last moment, but such an existence cannot be controlled. He does not belong to the Elemental Temple. If you want to count, the diamond lord and these elemental people can probably be regarded as a third-party camp on the battlefield.

It is a pity that the strength of this third-party camp is too weak now, and there is no room for negotiation or choice, and the position of appearance is also surrounded by Taoist sects.Moreover, pure elemental creatures would be accompanied by top-quality materials. Now that a demigod diamond man is placed under his butcher's knife, even Taoists can't resist the temptation.

Nothing to say, just do it!
Without the threat of "Wrath of the Elements", many players who have been shrinking in the square have also entered the battlefield one after another. These elemental people look easy to bully, so let's take them first.

But at this time, Xiaoyue City had already returned to the state of a city, landed on the corner of the battlefield, and a large army of demons poured out from the four gates of the city.The coalition forces on the side of the Temple of Elements are also huge. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to block the surrounding space. If the space cannot be blocked, it is naturally impossible to block the reinforcements from the other side. Such a big battle cannot be ended in a day or two. .

The addition of players did not bring about much change. In this battle involving several top forces, the power of players is still too weak, unless a force like Wu Yi is willing to devote all the power of the territory Come in.This sense of powerlessness mainly comes from high-end combat power, and holy wars between gods are far more revealing of personal strength than wars dominated by commanders.

After being promoted to the holy rank, Wu Yi had an additional hidden influence of "fear of death". Therefore, after entering the battlefield, he was not in a hurry to rush to the most fierce battle zone of the Wu clan to show the world that he was "the first saint". ", but also chose the elemental man who was surrounded by heavy siege.

The number of elementalists who were forcibly introduced into the battlefield was not many, less than [-], but they were all elites, and none of them were lower than the ninth-level heavenly level, and there were even some holy-level and even legendary existences among them.Like the elemental man of the legendary level, and the diamond lord, they were all targeted by the strong Taoist early on, and Wu Yi chose a steel rock giant of the holy level as his target.

The elementals of the earth system are mostly known for their super high basic attributes, such as attack, defense, health, and skill values ​​are quite outstanding, especially defense!But their flexibility and speed are relatively weak.With countless "comrades in arms" watching each other, Wu Yi just kited him to death with a simple divine thunder spell.

No!It can't be said that Wu Yi completed the solo kill alone. During the fierce battle between him and the steel rock giant, the other party suffered countless unknown attacks.

However, with the attempt of this battle, Wu Yi also has a relatively intuitive assessment of his current combat power. Although his "intelligence" attribute has not reached the standard of the holy rank, after a series of bonuses such as equipment and titles , not only will he not be weaker than the regular holy ranks, but he can also win against those holy ranks whose attributes of famous generals are above the line of [-]!
This evaluation result is undoubtedly very morale-boosting for the Wuyi lord who has been soy sauce all his life. Even the attacks in his hands are now a bit more ferocious. These elementals do not explode their equipment, but the materials they drop are all It is the best.

In a good mood, Wu Yi brushed his skills while turning his gaze to the other side, the divided battlefield.The battle between demigods is too destructive to the battlefield. Once it happens, they must either isolate or stay away, otherwise the aftermath of the domain collision alone is enough to make the two armies on the battlefield unbearable.

So strong!

Wu Yi was a little surprised by the performance of this unlucky diamond man. Leaving aside other things for now, in terms of defense alone, the defense of this diamond man is so strong that it is impossible to look directly at it.No matter if it was a spell or a physics attack, it didn't respond much to the diamond man. This is still an attack of a demigod. If it is below a demigod, he probably doesn't open the domain, even if he crawls still, Probably there is nothing to do with him, this is the kind of existence that cannot be surrounded by crowd tactics.

The Taoist Wu Yi who fought against the diamond man has never seen it before, but it should be from the Taoism branch. All kinds of advanced Taoism are easy to see, and people are dazzled, but the visual effect is completely out of proportion to the damage effect. It's embarrassing, if it continues like this, Wu Yi is sure that the diamond man can definitely drag the opponent to death by virtue of his super recovery ability, and let's be more arrogant, dragging two such Taoist priests to death will be no problem!
(End of this chapter)

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