The best lord of online games

Chapter 1471 Liezi Yufeng, Speed ​​1 Strike

Chapter 1471 Liezi Yufeng, a quick blow

The blood full of pure faith dyed the clouds in the sky red, and the roar of grief and indignation, like ancient battle songs, appeared constantly in every corner of the battlefield.The elemental people who were forcibly trapped by the Temple of Elements before have all been wiped out, except for the diamond lord who is getting more and more energetic!

The damage of Daomen and Taoism is not low among many professions, but it still pales in front of this diamond man.However, no one really thinks that the diamond man can win. After all, no matter how strong he is, he is fighting alone. When necessary, a group of big bosses will naturally jump out to surround and beat him to death. It's just that, it's just a matter of face. It's more or less difficult to get through.

With the passage of time step by step, more and more players have accepted the jihad order and joined the fierce battle between the two sides.At this time, choosing a camp does not need to see which side is stronger, which side is more likely to win the final victory, the choice only needs to be based on one's own situation, and which camp can exchange items is more useful to you, so you don't need to think too much.

And at this moment, Wu Yi only felt a blurred light passing by from a distance. If it was normal, he would never care about it, but the scene in front of him made him have to repeat the previous one. Qing is an illusion or the light of reality is connected.

I saw the diamond lord, who was still extremely arrogant at first, with a sharp sword light protruding from the middle of his chest. Behind him was a Taoist priest with a fluttering skirt, holding the magic sword upside down in his right hand, and the sword extended from the magic sword The sword glow is exactly the sword glow that runs through the diamond man.The key point of elemental creatures is never the head, and most of them don't have a heart, but they have an energy core. Obviously, this sudden sword pierced through the diamond man's energy core, causing a fatal blow.

Simple and handsome!
Wu Yi is no stranger to the visitor, he is Lie Zi Lie Yu Kou who had met once on Ghost Crab Island!It's just that he never expected that the opponent would be so terrifyingly strong, especially the speed. Although he had vaguely caught Liezi's flight before, by the time he realized it, the battle was over.

So strong! ! !

This amazing sword suffocated countless people, and even made the backs of all the demigods in the Temple of Elements shiver. The fatal blow at the extreme speed, at the extreme speed, the attack will naturally be infinitely increased.

Is this the so-called Liezi Yufeng?
Zixu is also a demigod now, but compared with Liezi, he is not at the same level at all!Thinking about it now, the background of Taoism is really terrifying. Leaving aside the combination of Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng, now there is another Liezi who is infinitely deified.

Of course, Liezi was able to instantly kill the diamond man, and attribute restraint also accounted for a large part of the reason. When the short board of speed hits the extreme speed, it is really hopeless!
After all the vitality of the diamond lord was wiped out, his huge body also shattered into pieces of flawless diamonds the size of a fist. These are the top rare resources that countless people endured. I can't help being jealous, but I can only be jealous.

With the appearance of Liezi, the morale of the Daomen Expeditionary Army instantly rose, but the resistance of the Elemental Temple was very tenacious, and they refused to give an inch to the line of defense. For this reason, the three temples of the Earth, the Gale, and the Flame also invested more power.Blood flowed into streams, corpses piled up into mountains, and the entire battlefield exuded a ferocious aura. Jihad was afraid of being serious, and once it was serious, it meant that there was no way out.

It is true that both sides still have countless backhands, but these backhands are not ready to be used casually, some need timing, and some are prepared to counter some of the opponent's arrangements.Right now, the two sides have entered a stage of confrontation, and need to find a decisive fighter in this stage.

Wu Yi didn't stay in the Tianshui City battlefield for too long, and returned to Calabash City before the "Wu Mu Inheritance" dungeon was opened.Compared with Wu Yi, the copy space of "Wu Mu Inheritance" is more suitable for his current growth, and this will be a platform for him to leap forward.

——System: Sun Simiao successfully extracted the "hydra's deadly poison", gained a deeper understanding of the poison, and obtained information about some great alchemists.

The long-lost Lord Yao Wang finally appeared again with a wave of presence. The road to the great master was more difficult than Wu Yi expected. The reason why Song Yingxing was able to reach the sky in one step was entirely due to "Heavenly Creation". Light.

After "Tiangong Kaiwu" was "offered" into the library, all his territories have undergone earth-shaking changes, and it is precisely because of the existence of "Tiangong Kaiwu" that Wu Yi has some troubles capital.The appearance of the profession of a scientist is a bit "empty", and his best place is to serve as a link between Baigong and lead Baigong to make deeper inventions.

This is what Song Yingxing is doing now, he is a great master after all, it would be too bad to be a mascot.When Wu Yi returned to Calabash City, Song Yingxing also successfully united with some of Calabash City's top talents such as shipbuilders, mechanics, blacksmiths, etc., to come up with a seemingly promising project.

"Underwater warship?" Looking at the project analysis submitted by Song Yingxing, Wu Yi scratched his head. Isn't an underwater warship a submarine?
However, in this world where sea monsters and sea monsters are rampant, can submarines still be useful?

"Yes, on the sea, compared with the human race, the ocean race has a huge advantage, and it lags behind in intelligence. If we can research this kind of underwater warship, regardless of its combat power, at least intelligence collection , can improve a lot on the existing basis. Afterwards, through continuous improvement, it is not impossible to cast a movable underwater fortress."

For this point, Wu Yi still agrees very much. In fact, a warship can also be regarded as a large-scale war machine. This so-called underwater warship will incorporate more mechanical technology. If it is well developed, it can be regarded as a whole. It is not wrong to be a large demon that can fight independently.

Regardless of whether this "underwater warship" project will succeed in the end, Wu Yi will fully support it as a technical reserve.In the future, there will definitely be more and more joint products produced by Hulucheng Baigong. These cannot be achieved at one touch, but are accumulated from repeated failures.

For this, Huang Yueying is the best embodiment!From the very beginning, Wu Yi did not limit her performance, and gave all the materials she could, allowing her to experiment with the ideas in her heart step by step, and then improve step by step.Before Huang Yueying decides on the standard version, there will be dozens or even hundreds of different experimental versions. It can be said that Huang Yueying in the early stage was created entirely with gold coins. The reason why Huang Yueying can grow so fast is due to Wu Yi's full support. Inseparable.

Of course, now Wu Yi has also received a return far exceeding the investment, and mechanical technology has become a business card of Hulu City.

With anticipation in his heart, Wu Yi swiped his hand and approved. Gold coins, resources, and personnel were all in place within the shortest possible time.

(End of this chapter)

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