The best lord of online games

Chapter 1473 The Victory of the Intelligence Network

Chapter 1473 The Victory of the Intelligence Network
——System: Xie Yingdeng shot and killed Cao Cao, Cao Cao died in battle, and completely withdrew from the stage of history.

The next day, Wu Yi, who was sorting out the harvest in a temporary camp, was confused by the sudden system information.

Cao Cao is dead?

How can it be!

This is Wu Yi's first reaction, I don't believe it!When he went to discuss with Zhang Jiao not long ago, he only paid attention to the situation there. Cao Cao really looked like he was dying, but after joining forces with Wang Mang, no matter how bad it was, it would be no problem to delay it for more than a month. .Why did he just enter the dungeon with his front foot, and Cao Cao had already received a box lunch with his back foot.

Xie Yingdeng!
The name "Xie Yingdeng" appeared in the system information, that is to say, the Three Realms Guild has intervened in this matter. Since there are Three Realms, then Purgatory probably won't be able to escape. Thinking about what these allies have done, Wu Yi is secretly annoyed .

Fuck!This group of people really know how to pick the time to do it. They actually chose it during the opening of the "Wu Mu Inheritance" dungeon. You must know that Wu Yi has more or less invested in those celebrities under Cao Cao's command. , as long as he is given a chance, he hopes to take over most of Cao Cao's team without bloodshed.

You know, it has been more than half a year since he arranged this line, and now someone has picked the peaches!

In fact, it is understandable for Purgatory and the Three Realms to hide Wu Yi from this matter. With Wu Yi's plan, it is impossible for him to take the initiative to start a war against Cao Cao. If Calabash City does not participate in the war, it must be taking over. Chengxia, with a little bit of ability, must have entered Calabash City, so there is nothing wrong with them.

However, I have to say that they did a good job of keeping the secrets secret. With so many players dispatched ahead of time, they were able to keep the plan under wraps until the end. This is extremely rare in the actions of the Grand Guild.

Wu Yi was confused, should he go back now?Hurrying back now, maybe he can still have a sip of soup, but this is tantamount to giving up the excellent growth opportunity for him right now. After coming down in the middle of the night yesterday, he has gained a lot.Another point is that Cao Cao, as the lord of the power and the key core of the power, his death in battle has undoubtedly heralded the end of the war. It should be too late for him to rush back now.

such a pity!In "The Prosperous Age", Lao Cao carried Liu Paopao's fate on his back, and he also lost the good luck of always turning dangers into safety on the battlefield, so he died in such unlucky manner.

With Cao Cao's death, Wang Mang will undoubtedly become the next target of the competition. The West is about to enter the stage of clearing the field!
In the end, Wu Yi reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​going back home immediately. Although it was a pity, but as the saying goes, it is up to man to make things happen, and it is up to God to make things happen. It is hard to say that everything goes well.What's more, among the celebrities under Cao Cao's command, how many will die in battle, how many will be captured, and who can be lucky enough to capture a few more capable people. If so, the result is hard to tell.

Speaking of taking over, Wu Yi actually has another place where he can take over, and that is Zhenhai City!
From the map, Zhenhai City has been completely "surrounded" by Calabash City. As more and more famous generals of Calabash City have stepped into the top ranks, Calabash City has gradually surpassed Zhenhai City.The reason why he doesn't do it now is because the time is not yet ripe, and he still needs the banner of the Hongyu Empire, but Zhenhai City will be his sooner or later, there is no doubt about it!
But what Wu Yi didn't know was that Calabash City was not completely powerless in this battle to destroy Cao. To be precise, it was not to participate, but to inquire about intelligence!

Calabash City's intelligence network is divided into two parts, one is the obvious one, the intelligence collection system based on Tianyan Studio, mainly players, the network has spread to all towns and cities in the world, including areas of neutral forces.The other part is in the dark. The intelligence network established by Shi A at the beginning, Wu Yi called it the "dark network", all of which were established by the aborigines, and the identities of the intelligence officers included everything from eating, drinking and having fun. nobles, down to beggars begging in the streets.

Shi A's intelligence network is digging deeper, such as the background of some ancient forces, the secrets of some specific people, the development of some special events, or some important information that can influence the general trend of the world.

Although the power of the "dark net" in the west is far inferior to that in the south as its old nest, there are not a few intelligence personnel who are also deployed. "Darknet" has always had people focusing on several important battlefields, collecting relevant information such as the abilities of famous generals of all parties.But this time the collapse of Cao's family came too suddenly and too quickly. From the time when Wan'an City in the rear was destroyed and Cao Cao received the battle report, even if Cao Cao succeeded in comprehending "breaking the boat" at the desperate moment, he still failed to reverse the situation. Relying on Tian Dan's desperate "Fire Bull Formation" three times, he opened a way to evacuate.

Because of the joining of the three major God's Chosen forces, the pursuit appeared to be very chaotic. In the process, there was a small-scale scuffle between Purgatory and Supreme in order to compete for Qin Qiong's "ownership".At the end of the fight, the troops of all parties were in chaos, and the defeated army was killed and scattered. Tian Dan's army was fine, at least they had a clear evacuation target, but Cao Cao didn't. Wan'an City was gone. Tian Dan arrived It was on behalf of Wang Mang that Cao Cao had been invited to Mingfeng City to take refuge temporarily, but in Cao Cao's eyes, Mingfeng City was also hard to protect itself.

It wasn't until the end that Xie Yingdeng, who was dressed as a Taoist priest, shot and killed Cao Cao, and Xu Da trapped Yu Chigong with his army, and the defeated army completely lost its vitality.

Xiahou Dun was killed in battle, Xiahou Yuan was captured by the Three Realms, and Cao Ren led the remnant army to be surrounded to death by the purgatory.

Under the cover of the night, the defeated army could no longer care about the direction, and only wanted to go to a position where there were no enemies. Cao Chun, who led the remnants of the Tiger and Leopard Battalion, was the first to be killed. He was beaten off his horse in the chaotic battle. , the lucky one was not trampled to death, and now following him, there are less than [-] tiger and leopard riders under his command. He didn't know where Cao Cao was, but he was lucky enough to bump into a team of "dark net" intelligence personnel.

It is very dangerous to collect intelligence on the battlefield. Therefore, this type of people are mainly killers, with strong concealment ability and high mobility. Shi Aben was born as a killer. Human beings are not too weak.

After seeing Cao Chun, the three assassins immediately revealed their identities. After all, Calabash City secretly supported Cao Cao, partly through the hands of the "dark net".Cao Chun is not sure about the identities of the three, but right now he has no choice. For him, he is now surrounded by enemies, no matter where he flees, he has no way out!
It is also impossible for the three assassins to take Cao Chun all the way back to Calabash City, but they can take Cao Chun to find a safe place to wait for support.

Where is the safest place right now?Of course it is Zhang Jiao's Shu capital city!
As long as you show your identity, Zhang Jiao can only pinch his nose to recognize the person in front of him. As long as he enters Zhang Jiao's territory, it means safety. If the pursuers cross the boundary, it means another battle. war.

(End of this chapter)

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