Chapter 1474
At this time, Wu Yi still didn't know that "Darknet" had picked up an easter egg for him on the way, and he was thinking about how much he could make up for the loss in the dungeon.

Yue Fei’s second Northern Expedition’s enemies were only the puppet Qi, and there were no Jin people. Compared with the elite Jin people, the puppet Qi army was much weaker. Regardless of the generals, the general thousand-man army can fight at least three times more The Puppet Qi Army, the Tianzun Legion, which is composed entirely of ninth-tier legendary units, is even more exaggerated, giving people the illusion of killing bandits in the early stages of the game.

Of course, this is only a comparison of individual soldier capabilities. When the enemy's force exceeds [-], at least one or two powerful generals will be assigned. If you are unlucky, you may encounter "surprises"!
Wu Yi did not follow Yue Fei's main force to attack Shangzhou first and then transfer to Guozhou. He went directly to Guozhou, looking for a goal that would allow him to win more with less and achieve a brilliant victory.Unfortunately, this time he was not as lucky as last time. The Puppet Qi army wiped out a lot along the way, but he never encountered a team escorting slaves. If the slaves cannot be rescued, naturally there is no way to expand the army. With the support of cannon fodder, Wu Yi dared not provoke those large targets.

However, just because he didn't meet them on the road doesn't mean that the whole Guozhou didn't have them. Wu Yi already had a goal.But before that, we still need to make more noise to attract more puppet Qi troops to come over.Tune the tiger away from the mountain?It doesn't matter what it's called, the important thing is to achieve the purpose.

Wu Yi's goal was a small estuary, which was a slave camp in the puppet Qi, and was responsible for mining gold. Driven by the puppet Qi army, countless slaves continued to pan for gold in the river day and night.Wu Yi secretly conducted two investigations here. The defense of the camp is very simple, but there are more than [-] permanent garrison troops, so it is certain that there is at least one famous general who has reached the first-class level.

If he attacked from the front, Wu Yiji might be overwhelmed by the force of the army, and reducing the opponent's strength became the most important link.

In the next day, Wu Yi led the Tianzun Taoist soldiers to attack around, making most of the people in Guozhou panic. illusion.During this period, Yue Fei had taken back Shangzhou and drove the puppet Qi rebels into Guozhou, which made Wu Yi see a greater opportunity.

"Finally moved?"

Yue Fei brought the main force of the players into Guozhou, which put great pressure on the puppet Qi army and had to mobilize troops from all sides to reinforce the front line.Wu Yi is not the only player who is making trouble behind Guozhou. They have been doing this for more than a day. Now that the puppet Qi is marching, there is no longer a team of two to 3000 people. The Xiaohekou slave camp that Wu Yi has been paying attention to has also been separated. Half of the troops went to the front line.

Right now, there are only about [-] defenders left in the camp. Even if the opponent has a first-rate famous general, he will lose the advantage of being crushed. Moreover, if he raids from the mouth of the river, he can completely ignore the defense of the camp.I can't wait any longer, this is already the last day, if I wait any longer, nothing will happen to him.

The slaves panning for gold in the river were obviously a little numb. The tense atmosphere in the camp failed to stir up waves among the slaves. It was still time to pan for gold, and it was time to rest. These slaves couldn't react immediately.Wu Yi's first target was the defenders on the river bank monitoring the slaves panning for gold. This is not a small number. Although they are scattered, they still look like nearly one thousand and five.

When the sword light came, the alarm bells rang out in the camp, and the remaining defenders in the camp rushed out one after another. The simple arrow towers on the river bank took the lead in counterattacking, and the pioneers of the Tianzun Army also killed hundreds of soldiers in an instant. garrison.At this time, those slaves who were panning for gold finally thought of running for their lives, but immediately caused a bloody suppression by the defenders. A few who were not afraid of death even wanted to swim directly to the other side of the river, but the shackles on their hands and feet restricted their swimming He was exhausted when he couldn't swim to the other side, and went deep into the river.

At this time, Wu Yi didn't care about these slaves, he had let go of his hands and feet, and output with all his strength. If he didn't destroy the defenders first, he would talk about saving the slaves!
The damage of the simple arrow tower is average, and the range is also average. The Tianzun Taoist soldiers are fully capable of confronting it and forcibly killing the archers in the arrow tower.Not surprisingly, the person sitting here is a famous general who stepped on the first-class line. However, after being attacked by Wu Yi and beheaded thousands of troops again, it is a problem for him to use the power of the army now, so he can only forcefully Soldier ability, fight attributes.

But how can they fight like this against a group of drug addicts on the opposite side!Tianzun Taoist soldiers are top-level soldiers, and their abilities are quite versatile. As long as they are not killed instantly, they will be pulled back to safety by medicine pills, life healing techniques and the like, so what if they have three times the strength of soldiers?Whether it is one thousand or three thousand, it is too little for first-class famous generals, and they are completely unable to display their abilities.

Wu Yi's current damage was quite violent. The five Thunder Swords of the Five Thunder God Sword Jue made a circle, and when they fell, there was a corpse in the middle. On this small battlefield, it gave people the illusion that no one could be defeated.It's a pity that there are no first-class generals in this camp, otherwise he would really like to try to fight against first-class generals.

As the number of defenders became smaller and smaller, the battle became easier and easier. After cleaning up the defenders, Wu Yi gave the order to let the Tianzun Taoist soldiers gather the slaves who had escaped in a mess.There were also many slaves who died, and only [-] slaves were brought back in the end. However, the quality of these slaves was really low. Most of them were sixth-level basic soldiers, and even eighth-level soldiers were rare, but they were just cannon fodder anyway. up!

Armed the slaves with the camp's armaments, and cooked all the meat in the camp. After a big meal, Wu Yi left the camp and set off with the army.

Rescuing the slaves is only the first step, not the ultimate goal. Wu Yi's ultimate goal is to capture an important town behind Guozhou at least before the end of the dungeon!
If you want to get a high score, you must have brilliant results. Following Yue Fei is indeed the most stable way, but the results obtained by Yue Fei will also be divided equally. After removing Yue Fei's part, how much is left?Wu Yi has never been a person who likes to eat big pots, or in other words, capable people don't like to eat big pots. During Wu Yi's work in the back of Guozhou, he met other players more than once, and everyone just glanced at them. So he left, even if there is a grudge, this is not the time to be arrogant, it is difficult for allies to join forces, and it is not easy to distinguish priorities.

 Everyone thought that the main character was only Cao Chun, but it wasn't...

(End of this chapter)

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