The best lord of online games

Chapter 1475: My Wife I Raise

Chapter 1475: My Wife I Raise
——System: The second copy of "Wu Mu Inheritance" is over, and the scoring is being settled...

——System: Congratulations on scoring 922 in the copy of "Wu Mu Legacy", reward "Wu Mu Suicide Notes" (Volume [-]) (manuscript), reward specialty "Strengthen Attack", and reward specialty "Logistics" to be promoted to "Double Attack" way forward".

It's a pity that Wu Yi failed to capture his target town in the end. The defense of the town was far from that of those simple camps. Only five or six thousand defenders and a first-class general were enough to make him feel desperate.But this time's gain is still good, which can be seen from the score, which is much higher than the first time, and the reward is indeed much higher.

"Enhanced Attack" can be regarded as a low-level version of "Invincible". Although the attribute gap between the two is a bit large, "Enhanced Attack" still has the hope of being promoted. Wu Yi's score has obviously not reached the level of directly rewarding "Invincible".

Double the road - marching speed +20%, soldier consumption -20%, marching at night will not be affected.

Very practical ability. With this specialty alone, Wu Yi has no problem being a logistics officer in the army.However, although there are a lot of rewards this time, the growth of "leadership" is far worse than last time, only increased by three points, but the higher the attribute of the famous general, the harder and slower the growth, this is the law.By the way, there is also the second volume of "Wu Mu's Suicide Notes". The properties of the second volume are exactly the same as those of the first volume, but when combined, the properties will change.

"Wu Mu's Suicide Notes" (Volumes 5 and 10) (manuscript): special, command attribute bonus effect +[-]%, army morale +[-]%.

The speed of a single volume is "command attribute bonus effect +5%", and if there are two volumes, it is 10%. 5% command bonus enhancement is definitely much stronger than morale +10%. Looking at it this way, Two-in-one seems to be a loss, but in fact, only one piece of this type of equipment can take effect.In general, the full version of "Wu Mu's Suicide Notes" is still worth looking forward to, especially the real version.

Speaking of this, Wu Yi thought of Cao Cao again, no, it should be said that he thought of the book written by Cao Cao, and he didn't know whose hands the real copy of "New Book of Meng De" would end up in. It was a good thing.

However, when he came out of the Qitian Terrace, before he returned to the Marquis, he received the news that Cao Chun, Cao Cao's clan brother, and 38 tiger and leopard knights had been packed and sent to Calabash City, along with a letter from Zhang Jiao.

Zhang Jiao giving him away?

how can that be!

Prior to this, Huo Guang, the city lord, had designated a mansion in Calabash City for Cao Chun, and Wu Yi asked the city guard to lead the way and rushed over.

"Master Wu!" Seeing Wu Yi again, Cao Chun's expression was quite complicated.

"Brother Cao, what's the matter?" Seeing Cao Chun, Wu Yi was taken aback. Cao Chun's body was clean and tidy, but the exhaustion and depression in his spirit could not go away. Being abused is a bit miserable.

According to Cao Chunyi, Wu Yi finally understood the whole story. Although Cao Chun didn’t know how Cao Cao was tricked to death, at least Wu Yi understood that Cao Chun’s ability to go to Calabash City was entirely due to the “dark net” , this is really unexpected.But only one Cao Chun was picked... Forget it, it is better than nothing, although Cao Chun is not outstanding among Cao Cao's relatives and generals, his ability can be imagined.

"My lord, please avenge my brother!" Cao Chun knelt down on the ground, with tears in his eyes, and pleaded earnestly to Wu Yi.

"This..." This puts Wu Yi in a difficult situation. Who will kill Lao Cao?Liu Bang must have one, and the Three Realms and Purgatory must not be able to escape, Liu Bang will not say, that is a big boss, and the Three Realms and Purgatory are the death alliance guilds of Calabash City, so what can he do with it.Let alone Cao Chun, even Cao Ren is not worth the price.

"I don't ask my lord to send troops immediately, but I only ask that if there is a chance in the future, I can lead my troops to destroy the Liu family in Shenyu City!" Cao Chun's tone was quite sad and angry. The enemy is too strong, so strong that he can't see any revenge. The only hope is to bet one last time on Calabash City.

Wu Yi suddenly realized that Cao Chun had completely put his hatred on Liu Bang. This can only mean that Cao Cao's power collapsed too quickly, and the Three Realms and Purgatory could not be hidden for long.However, the death alliance is not permanent. When it comes time to compete for the world, there is no such thing as the word "ally". As long as Cao Chun is not dead, it is enough to hold on to the Three Realms and Purgatory.

"Sooner or later, there will be a winner between me and the Liu family of Shenyu City, and you will have a chance." Wu Yi helped Cao Chun up from the ground as he said.

"Thank you sir!"

——System: Cao Chun joined Calabash City.

At this time, Cao Chun was a little bit broken. It seems that Cao Cao's death in battle was a big blow to him. It is rare for a seven-foot man to cry like this.

"This subordinate has something to ask for!" After calming down the situation, Cao Chun said again.

"What's the matter?"

"Brother felt that the situation in the west was too dangerous before, so he sent his family to Bliss City for temporary resettlement, and Cao Xiu led tigers and leopards to take care of them. But Bliss City is not a good place. If possible, I hope the adults will allow them Move to Calabash City!"

And such a thing?
Lao Cao, you can go at ease, I will take care of your wife!

Cough cough, don't think wrongly, although Cao Xiu is not as good as Cao Chun, but Cao Cao's sons are still quite outstanding, such as Cao Zhi, Cao Zhang, among Cao's relatives, Cao Chun may not be the only one who survived, but others Even if captured, it is impossible to surrender immediately. Taking advantage of this time, Wu Yi has the opportunity to take over a bunch of orphans and orphans from Cao Cao's family. From this point of view, he has taken a big deal. After all, in In this matter, he did nothing and paid nothing.

To be honest, Xiao He is probably the only one under Cao Cao who really makes Wu Yi worry about gains and losses. Like the door gods, after having Li Yuanba and Jia Fu, they are just icing on the cake. In terms of potential, there is still a gap between the door gods and Xiao He. of.

"It's really God's blessing! I never thought that Brother Cao would have any heirs who survived. Speaking of which, Brother Cao and I are inseparable. I have the responsibility to raise his heirs to adults and talents!" Wu Yi sighed with "sorrow" on his face. .

"The eldest brother on behalf of the subordinates thank you for your kindness!"

"It's not too late for this matter, you and I will go now!"

In this matter, Wu Yi didn't want any accidents to happen. The sooner he settled down, the sooner he could feel at ease. Cao Chun also had the same attitude and set off immediately.Wu Yi also took a rough look at Cao Chun's attribute panel, and as he expected, except for the top troop of the tiger and leopard cavalry, there were no bright spots, and the command value was only 82.

By the way, there is also a specialty of "Enhancement of Tiger and Leopard Cavalry", which is similar to Wu Yi's "Enhancement of Taoist Soldiers". It is the specialty of strengthening designated arms, and it can be regarded as enhancing his combat ability in commanding Tiger and Leopard Cavalry. It is good to be a lieutenant general However, it is far from enough to lead an army alone.

(End of this chapter)

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