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Chapter 1476 Cao Zhi, "Born with Literary Talents"

Chapter 1476 Cao Zhi, "Born with Literary Talents"
Bliss City Wu Yi is not the first to come back. As a neutral city, this is one of the few cities that can maintain a prosperous scene in troubled times. But if you want to settle down, this is indeed not a good choice. There are too many forces in the city, and there is no absolute security. , the probability of assassination and assassination is much higher than other cities far away from war.

But Cao Cao's identity and connections left him with no better choice. He could only choose to temporarily resettle his family in this place where money can buy everything.

The courtyard Cao Cao bought was in Dongcheng District, where the public security was much better than other areas. Due to the large number of people, after all, Cao Cao’s family was not the only one who was sent here. His other relatives were also here, so the courtyard he bought was very large. , so big that Cao Cao couldn't afford it at all, so he could only arrange people first by renting.

Listening to Cao Chun's ramblings, Wu Yi was also taken aback. There are quite a lot of people, big and small, more than [-] people. There are old people, and if they have the ability, they can only eat middle-aged and young people who are waiting to die. , there are also many women and children.Although the Cao family is not a big family, they still have clan land. It’s just that when Cao Cao was still in Zhenhai City, he led the rebellion. up.

Bliss City is a neutral city, and if the teleportation formation is connected to Calabash City, and so many people are sent away at once, the top management of Bliss City must nod, otherwise they can only take a detour.This is not a good point for neutral cities, especially after the attack on the helpless city, the monitoring of the teleportation array has been increased again.

It went very well, Bliss City sent experts to sit in the town, and offered a high price, which is considered to have agreed to Wu Yi's request. Anyway, Calabash City can be regarded as their big customer, a group of people lined up, and their expressions were extremely depressed. Groups walked into the teleportation array.After all, Cao Cao is the only person in the two families who can play the leading role. Now that Cao Cao is dead, other people with better abilities are also dead. Those who are arrested are arrested. It will be difficult for Cao to think about it later.

Wu Yi smiled and looked at the two little guys in the crowd. Cao Cao should have five most famous sons, Cao Ang, Cao Pi, Cao Zhang, Cao Zhi, Cao Chong. Cao Ang is well known because he is the eldest son of Cao Cao. There is no record, and he died early, so he didn't appear in "The Prosperous Age". Cao Cao's eldest son was generated by the system. A guy named Cao Huan, whose attributes are completely invisible, should have no potential.

As for Cao Pi, because of his identity, Wei Wenhuang, who had been emperor, was directly beheaded and did not show up.Now Lao Tzu and his son are both emperors, and only Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di are present!

Cao Zhang has outstanding military strength and natural supernatural power. There is nothing to say about it. It just needs time to grow, and it is not enough to see now.Cao Chong also died young in history, and the only impression he gave people was that he was precocious and appreciative, which also did not appear here.Finally, there is Cao Zhi, he is also the most gorgeous attribute panel among the brothers,
Cao Zhi
Race: Terran

Identity: Civilian of Calabash City
Title: Little Prodigy——Learning efficiency +25%, advanced breakthrough rate +10%.

Born with literary talents - the attributes of the articles written are +100%.

Talent: Talent of the Seven Steps—Agile writing, the appeal of the articles written +50%, and the special attributes of the articles written +50%.

Specialty: Brilliant Pens and Blossoms - The attributes of the articles written +25%, there is a certain chance to produce special scenes.

Occupation: Scholar

Occupation: Tier 8

Command: 0
Force: 0
Intelligence: 70
Politics: 10
The young Cao Zhi has already begun to emerge, with two special titles, and both of them are quite awesome. As for the attributes of the bonus, Wu Yi can also understand. After all, these literati have left many famous works that have been passed down through the ages. It will definitely reappear in "The Prosperous Age", and the originals of these things will definitely have special attributes.

Looking at Cao Zhi's attributes, if "Luo Shen Fu" is written, the attributes will definitely surpass a piece of legendary equipment.

It's just that Cao Zhi's "intelligence" has reached seventy, but he doesn't have a corresponding title. He is definitely not a counselor, but he doesn't know if he can develop other professional titles in the future.As far as Wu Yi knew, the title of "Wen Zong" was quite awesome.

Cao Zhang and Cao Zhi are worthy of great investment, especially Cao Zhi, who is a benchmark figure in the literary world. By the way, aren’t Wang Xizhi’s group still fighting Kraken in Ghost Crab City? They might as well send Cao Zhi to worship F4 as their teacher. Maybe Cao Zhi's achievements will surpass history in the future.

The more he thought about it, the brighter Wu Yi's eyes became, but it's not urgent, Lao Cao just died, these little guys still need to be comforted, as for Wang Xizhi's opinion?With such a perfect disciple as Cao Zhi, how could anyone refuse him!By the way, there is also Luoshen. I don’t know where Zhen Mi is yet. However, without the power to stop Cao Zhi still has a great chance of hooking Zhen Mi. Does this make up for "The Fu of Luoshen"? Millennium regret?There might even be special rewards.

On Wu Yi's side, he took pains to accommodate the clansmen of the Cao family and the Xiahou family, while Cao Chun and Cao Xiu were first thrown into the military camp to train troops, and they may be arranged in Mayi City in the future. Anyway, there are not too many cavalry in the north. It just so happens that Hua Mulan has no lieutenant general yet. It's not bad to have Cao Chun serve as Hua Mulan's lieutenant general. With the support of Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, it can also make up for the shortcomings of the Women's Army.

On the other hand, Wu Yi was mobilizing relationships, asking who was responsible for Cao Cao's civil and military affairs, but he was surprised by the final result. There were as many as five forces dividing up Cao Cao's family fortune!
Liu Bang, Wu Yi is not surprised, after all, Xu Da has been attacking Cao Cao during this time.Wu Yi was not surprised by the Three Realms Guild, after all, when the system was broadcasting, it was Xie Yingdeng who shot and killed Cao Cao!As for the Purgatory Guild, the reason was mentioned before, but what Wu Yi never expected was that the Supreme Guild, which had always been the dog's leg of the Seven Sins League, also got involved, and finally there was a big hole to force Zhang Jiao.

In the end, Zhang Jiao took away most of the residents of Wan'an City in the name of saving the believers. As for the talents, it was confirmed that Xu Da captured Xi Zhicai and Yu Chigong, which was considered a big profit.The Three Realms captured Xiahouyuan, Purgatory captured Cao Ren, Supreme captured Cao Hong, Xiahou Dun died in battle, because he was not legendary, he went directly to the Tiantai, and it is not clear which side was resurrected in the end, Xiahoushang also died in battle , if he hadn't been on the Qitiantai, probably not many people paid attention to him.

And Qin Qiong, who is known as the second generation of Guan Erye, does not know which side has fallen into the hands of the power, but in the name of his loyalty, it is not so easy to recruit to surrender.Xiao He also has no rumors. Even if he is recruited in the future, it is still very easy for a civil official to "hide". A celebrity of this level is enough for one party to hide as a trump card. When it is revealed at a critical moment, it is enough to shock the world. .

However, after dividing it up like this, if we really want to say which side has made a lot of money, there is really no one. In addition, I heard that in the end, in order to compete for Xiao He, a big scuffle broke out among the three major guilds. This is also the main reason why Xiao He's whereabouts remain a mystery.In the end, Wang Mang was probably the worst, because once Cao Cao fell, he became a piece of fat exposed to the eyes of the wolves, the fat that was the easiest to eat!And after this incident, everyone in the west has become in danger. Who knows if he will be the next target to be besieged?

"It seems that the west will become more and more chaotic in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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